Mint flavored watermelon liqueur

Due to the high “wateriness” of the pulp, making homemade watermelon liqueur using the traditional method – maceration (infusion) of the berry part on strong alcohol will not work, the taste will be too blurry. One additional technological method is needed – evaporation of the liquid. To enhance the aroma, add mint to the composition.

Requires ripe, red flesh (preferably core) with no white parts. The alcoholic base can be store-bought vodka, diluted to 40-45% ethyl alcohol or well-purified moonshine, the best option is any fruit distillate.


  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • watermelon pulp – 500 grams;
  • sugar – 100-150 grams;
  • mint – 15 grams fresh or 5 grams dried;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 grams (optional).

watermelon liqueur recipe

1. Peel the pulp of the watermelon, put it in a saucepan, crush it with a potato masher or in any other way. Add sugar (regular). Mix.

Attention! Even one accidentally left bone can spoil the taste of the drink – bitterness will appear.

2. Heat the pulp with sugar to 50-70°C (do not bring to a boil), boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. About a third of the mixture of the initial volume should remain in the pan.

Thanks to boiling, part of the water will evaporate and the concentration of solids will increase, thanks to which the taste of watermelon liqueur will become richer.

3. Cool the resulting syrup to room temperature, then pour into a container for infusion. Add vanilla sugar, mint and an alcohol base – vodka, alcohol or moonshine. Mix.

4. Close the container tightly, leave for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake once in knocks. After 4-5 days, taste it, if the mint stands out too much, remove the leaves.

5. Filter the finished watermelon liqueur through gauze and cotton wool to remove turbidity. Taste, sweeten with sugar if desired, pour into bottles for storage, seal tightly.

6. Before use, leave for 3-4 days in the refrigerator or cellar to stabilize the taste. Serve well chilled.

Shelf life away from direct sunlight – up to 3 years. Fortress – 15-20%.

Mint flavored watermelon liqueur

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