The difference between mint and lemon balm is not always known to gardeners, which is why many people confuse these aromatic herbs. Some people don’t even know how to tell them apart. But, despite the similarity in some parameters, it is worth noting that in most of the characteristics they have a difference. To properly use these crops, it is worth studying the description and photo of mint and lemon balm.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
Lemon balm and transverse mint are useful plants that people have been using since ancient times.
Is it the same or not
Despite the fact that lemon balm (melissa) or lemon mint and peppermint (mentha piperita) are representatives of the same Lamiaceae family, there is a significant difference between cultures, and it is wrong to assume that this is the same thing. They are confused for the reason that they have an external resemblance, grow in a bush with wide green leaves, are considered medicinal, emit a pungent odor and are used to make aromatic tea. Often, these two crops are allocated one bed on the site and grown using identical technology, which is also considered wrong. It is undesirable to place them in the neighborhood, because of the likelihood of pollination and weakening of properties.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
For people involved in the preparation of herbs, the difference between mint and lemon balm is obvious
What is the difference between mint and lemon balm
The difference between peppermint and lemon balm lies in a number of characteristics. The most significant is, perhaps, the smell – the first culture smells very sharp, and the second is much milder and less aggressive. If you look closely at the bushes, you can see that the difference is also present in their appearance. And when it becomes possible to compare drinks made from the leaves of crops, the difference will be recognized in taste.
If we compare lemon balm with catnip, it does not differ so much from it. They have a similar lemon aroma, the same height of shoots, a simultaneous flowering period. Visually, the difference between them is determined by the leaf plates, which are green in lemon balm, and grayish with pubescence in catnip (catnip). The scope of herbs is also largely similar. These are medicinal plants used mainly in folk medicine.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
The difference between catnip is that it makes the heart beat faster.
In appearance
With a careful study of the appearance of herbs, any person will see that the difference in them is observed in many respects.
Peppermint is not a particularly tall plant, the length of which usually reaches 50 cm and very rarely can be extended up to 80 cm. Its stem is erect, covered with dark leaves with a smooth surface and a sharp end. In turn, the melissa bush, like the catnip, is tall and can stretch up to one and a half meters in length. Its stems are branched, have a large number of shoots. The difference in sheet plates is also clearly visible. In lemon balm, they have a more saturated color, have a rounded shape, and are velvety to the touch.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
The stems and leaves of lemon balm are covered with fine hairs.
During the flowering of crops, the difference is also visible in the buds, although visually they are similar. The differences lie in the fact that in mint grass they are collected in ears and colored purple, and in lemon grass they form rings in an amount of 12 pieces of blue or white color. It should be noted that after flowering in their place, fruits with oblong-shaped seeds are formed annually.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
Mint bears fruit not so abundantly and quite rarely
Composition and nutritional value
In the presence of useful properties, the differences between mint and lemon balm are also proven. The difference lies in their composition and nutritional value. Mint includes:
- vitamins A, C, B;
- minerals – calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc.
Melissa contains:
- vitamins A, B, C, PP and D;
- acids (rosmarinic, mineral, coffee);
- minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, nickel).
Mint has a calorie content of 44 kcal per 100 g of product and contains 8,4 g of carbohydrates, 3,3 g of protein, 0,7 g of fat. The nutritional value of lemon balm is as follows: carbohydrates, proteins, fats – 8; 3,7; 0,4 g respectively. Its calorie content is 49 kcal.
By smell
The difference in the aroma of herbs is that peppermint smells more strongly, and the smell of her menthol and quite strong. Melissa has more lemon notes, it does not contain menthol at all and belongs to essential oil crops.
The taste of lemon balm and mint has differences similar to the smell. The first is sweetish, tea with it is more like lemon. The taste of the second is more pronounced, drinks prepared on its basis have a mint (menthol) flavor.
By application
The scope, as well as the effect of mint and lemon balm, as well as their appearance, are also different. Both herbs are often used in cooking, but if mint is usually found in confectionery, all kinds of sweets and desserts, syrups are prepared from it, lemon balm is added only to marinades for meat, fish or vegetables.
In addition to cooking, herbs are used in cosmetology. Decoctions, masks, creams are prepared from them. But melissa is more versatile in this matter. Its difference with mint is that it is suitable for any type of skin.
A strong difference between herbs can also be seen in their use in traditional medicine, they have completely different effects on the body.
Mint is used to get rid of such problems:
- fatigue;
- apathy;
- inflammatory processes;
- infection;
- swelling;
- heartburn;
- cardiovascular diseases.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
Mint helps to bring the body into an active and working state.
Melissa has the ability to fight the following ailments:
- depression;
- insomnia;
- stress and nervous disorders;
- skin diseases;
- nausea;
- flatulence and diarrhea.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
Melissa promotes relaxation and has a calming effect on the body
Which is better for sleep: mint or lemon balm
If we talk about getting rid of insomnia, then here the difference between the herbs is not very noticeable. Both of these plants have sedative properties and help normalize sleep, although, according to experts, lemon balm copes with this better and faster.
To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink a cup of tea every evening, in which 2-3 sprigs of the plant are brewed or take a bath with the addition of herbal decoction prepared on its basis.
What is the difference between mint and lemon balm in properties
In terms of properties, peppermint mainly differs from lemon balm in that it is more suitable for restoring energy and toning, and its “girlfriend”, on the contrary, has a calming effect.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
Mint, according to doctors, is more useful due to the extensive positive effect on the body.
The difference between herbs with menthol flavor is that it relieves inflammation, eliminates spasms and swelling, and has a diuretic effect. Mint favorably affects the work of the heart, normalizes metabolic processes, improves mental activity.
Melissa is more suitable for the treatment of insomnia, nervous disorders, inflammation of the female reproductive system. It helps fight migraines and frequent headaches. Decoctions based on it are used for hemorrhoids, for the treatment of bedsores, for neuralgia, rheumatism and bruises.
![Mint and lemon balm: differences, photos of plants, how they look](
In lemon balm, only the upper shoots and leaves can be used as raw materials.
Both herbs are most often used to make a delicious and fragrant tea, but it is not recommended to drink it too often. Plants can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, redness on the skin and severe itching, as well as a number of other problems. Therefore, before therapy with lemon balm or mint, it is advisable to study their contraindications, and even better, consult a doctor.
Since the differences between mint and lemon balm both in the presence of medicinal qualities and in the field of application are quite significant, in most cases they cannot replace each other. The only exception is the brewing of aromatic tea. Also, mint can be replaced with lemon balm when used for cosmetic purposes, for example, to prepare an infusion from it for lotions from edema, acne, or dry skin.
Although these herbs are not interchangeable, in some cases they can be combined with each other. If mint and lemon balm are included in the herbal collection, it will become more useful, because each plant will add its beneficial properties to it.
The difference between mint and lemon balm, despite the similarities that are striking, is obvious at first glance. Before you start growing these herbs and use them for medicinal purposes, you need to study in detail their differences, properties and contraindications. You can grow plants yourself. They are unpretentious, feel great in the open field, and mint grows well in pots or other containers on the balcony and even on the windowsill. Just before planting them, you need to study the agricultural technology of each crop, since there is also a difference in the rules for growing them.