Minister of Health on the National Transplant Program

According to the assumptions of the Ministry of Health, the National Transplant Program would allow five times more tests to be carried out on potential bone marrow donors than before, said Minister of Health Ewa Kopacz in an interview with PAP.

The head of the health ministry told PAP in Olsztyn on Thursday that this program is scheduled for 2011-2020.

According to this program, we will be able to perform in our already improved laboratories, not like 6 thousand. studies of potential bone marrow donors, but nearly 30, i.e. 5 times more – she noted.

Kopacz added that the Ministry of Health also wants to spend 5 times more money on this research.

We want to break the losing streak that took place in 2007 – announced the Minister of Health.

In March, the minister had already announced that a national transplant program would soon be announced.

The minister said then that the ministry wanted to finance all transplants in Poland without limits. (…) We also want to make transplantation our national program today – said Kopacz.

Kidneys and liver fragments, and regenerating cells and bone marrow can be collected from living donors. The percentage of donations from living donors in Poland is only 2 percent. – world statistics are at the level of 45 percent.

The organs obtained for transplantation from the living are the optimal solution. Polish legislation allows organ transplantation from relatives or emotionally related persons (partner, spouse). It is also possible to transplant for another person if it is justified by special personal reasons.

In 2005, 1281 kidney and liver transplants were performed in Poland. In 2009-1021, in the case of 45 transplants, organs were obtained from living donors, which constitutes 3,4%.

Recently, there has been a lot of attention in the media about the search for a bone marrow donor for Adam Darski Nergal. Several thousand people registered on the website of the bone marrow donor foundation in response to the appeal of his life partner Dorota Rabczewska Doda. (PAP)

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