Minister of Health on monkey pox, “pregnancy registry” and ways to deal with health debt [INTERVIEW]

– Each person, even if only suspected of being infected, is isolated, an epidemic interview is carried out, each contact person is under the supervision of the sanitary inspection – says Dr. Adam Niedzielski about monkey pox in Poland. In the second part of the interview with the editor-in-chief of MedTvoiLokony, Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając, the minister of health also discloses a plan for reducing the health debt and explains who will have access to data from the Medical Information System.

  1. The possibility of getting infected with monkey pox is much smaller, quite intensive contact with an infected person is required here – emphasizes the Minister of Health
  2. Adam Niedzielski points out that in Poland there are tests to detect the monkey pox virus. “As part of EU purchases, we are buying a vaccine, but I would like to point out that only for medics,” he told Medonet
  3. On the changes to the Patient Card, Minister Niedzielski said: the current scope of data is supplemented by those required soon by the European Commission, including data on pregnancy
  4. Remember that the owner of this data is the patient and it is he or she who decides who has access to them, except for the attending physician – emphasized the minister
  5. In an interview with Medonet, Adam Niedzielski also told how he cares about health
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając, editor-in-chief of Medonet: The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for almost two and a half years, but recently a new threat has appeared on the horizon – monkey pox. Admittedly, so far many experts are rather reassuring, but the WHO has announced that the disease could be a “real threat” to public health. Does Poland have a plan for monkey pox? Especially that on June 10, the first case of this tropical disease in Poland was confirmed.

Dr. Adam Niedzielski, Minister of Health: Monkey pox and its virus are not at the same level of risk as COVID-19 and the coronavirus. No analogies can be made here. It’s also hard to compare. The possibility of getting infected with monkey pox is much smaller, quite intensive contact with an infected person is required here.

So I would also ask you – the media – for a great responsibility in creating a narrative on this topic. Scaring anyone and arousing negative emotions is not advisable.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

We have procedures to deal with. Every person, even if suspected of being infected, is isolated, an epidemic interview is carried out, and every contact person is under the supervision of the sanitary inspection. We have monkey pox virus detection tests in Poland. We buy a vaccine as part of EU purchases, but I would like to point out that only for medics.

Most of our society has immunity after the smallpox vaccinations that ended in the late 70s. We also buy drugs to support treatment. However, this is a prevention, not a serious risk assessment, because there is no such risk.

The health debt in Poland after the pandemic is huge. At the same time, according to the data of the Polish National Health Test 2022, we still do not feel the need to perform preventive examinations, take care of a healthy diet and an appropriate dose of exercise. Is the “Healthy Life” program, which was launched at the beginning of June, among others on the initiative of the Ministry of Health, is there a chance to change it?

Every action that will encourage at least one person to take care of their own health is worth implementing. Many state institutions have united in action under the banner of “Healthy Life”. Thanks to the presidential couple, we gain wider publicity and greater authorization of actions.

We, as the Ministry of Health, will definitely develop Prophylaxis 40 Plus, which I have already mentioned. We are also introducing a GPC reform, which is to give bonuses to doctors for expanding diagnostics and preventive measures. We are starting the Prescription for Health program, where we will promote physical activity. There will be plenty of these activities. I count on your support.

That sounds promising. However, my attention was drawn to the fact that the Health Zones under the “Healthy Life” project will appear only in central and eastern Poland – I am speaking on the basis of the map on the program website. In some provinces, even in two different locations. Have patients from other parts of the country been forgotten?

We do not forget. We aim, of course, where we see that health awareness is worse, but we want to go everywhere. There will be new locations. The program doesn’t end this year.

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A subject that is currently of great concern, especially from the perspective of women, is the regulation on extending the scope of information entered into the Medical Information System. These include information about allergies, blood group, pregnancy and implanted medical devices, i.e. intrauterine devices. The Ministry of Health says that out of concern for patients, there are many fears of women, especially at a time when abortion has been almost completely banned in Poland.

You are one of the few journalists who is strictly substantive on this topic and you do not ask me about the pregnancy register imagined by some politicians, because there is no such record and there will not be one.

Here, we implement the recommendations of the European Commission, which from next year will become obligatory for the entire European Union. All of Europe is implementing something called the Patient Summary. And it’s an electronic card. Its aim is to provide Community citizens with the comfort of health protection when moving within the EU. So that wherever we go, it is possible to implement treatment based on correct and reliable information.

We have been implementing the Patient Card in Poland for more than the first year. Now the recommended data, and from next year required by the European Commission, including pregnancy data, are added to the entire range of data to date.

The committee, and previously a special working group, considered that the new data we are discussing: allergies, blood type, pregnancy, and implanted medical devices, are necessary for the proper treatment of the patient. And right, because they are necessary so that, due to the lack of this information, you do not implement, for example, therapies that will worsen the condition of a given person.

How will this data be protected and who and when will have access to it?

Remember that the owner of this data is the patient and it is he or she who decides who has access to them, except for the attending physician. Without the patient’s consent, no one has the right to see them, except in a life-saving situation.

After electronization, data is safer than in paper. How can you be sure that no unauthorized person will see your paper patient card? In the case of electronic data, each entry is logged in the system and the reason for access is described. It is not possible to simply check information about a patient without his consent and reason. To sum up: we increase the safety of the patient and his health data.

This regulation only extends the information that is transmitted to the system. What information has been and will continue to be provided so far?

The information sent to the system is identical to that in the paper Patient Card: medical history, chronic diseases, hospitalization, prescribed medications, referrals, laboratory test results, etc.

Finally, traditionally, I have to ask how the Minister of Health takes care of his health. After all, there is nothing better than a personal example, as the campaigns to urge vaccination have also shown.

I resumed running. Unfortunately, not marathons, as has happened to me in the past, but I still try to run these 5 to 10 km twice a week. And the bike on the weekend. I recommend to everyone. It is worth being active. It is worth starting with a walk twice a week.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects: body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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