Miniimplants – characteristics, description of the procedure and prices

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According to dentists and their patients, mini-implants are a great alternative to ordinary implants. They are especially recommended for those who, for many different reasons, including health reasons, cannot benefit from traditional dental treatment. What are mini-implants and how is their insertion done? What are the advantages and disadvantages of mini-implants. How much should you pay for mini-implants?

What are mini-implants? Brief characteristics

Dental mini-implants are thin screw implants made of titanium or titanium alloys. In appearance, mini-implants are very similar to ordinary implants, but they are distinguished by a much smaller size. The size of mini-implants, as a rule, does not exceed a diameter of up to 3 millimeters. Due to the fact that mini-implants are made of titanium, they are biocompatible, which means that they are indifferent to the human body. Thanks to this, our body does not treat mini-implants as foreign bodies. At the very beginning, mini-implants were used in dentistry as supports for permanent bridges, thus replacing missing teeth in the maxilla and mandible. In the following years, mini-implants were used to stabilize dentures, especially for lower teeth. Currently, however, mini-implants fulfill the task of the tooth root and are used when the implantation of traditional implants is impossible for, for example, health reasons. First of all, mini-implants for patients are more cost-effective, comfortable and practically painless during the procedure. The implantation of a mini-implant is a largely non-invasive procedure. The incision made to fix the mini-implant is small, and in some cases it may be unnecessary. Moreover, the procedure of fixing mini-implants does not require suturing, and the implants are usually loaded immediately after the procedure is completed.

More information about dental implants can be found here: Dental implants – types, prices, opinions

Who are mini-implants intended for?

In principle, mini-implants are intended for all willing patients, but there are indications that specifically target this type of fixation. This is because mini-implants are intended for people who cannot use the traditional method of implantation. This applies, for example, to the elderly or those who are struggling with diseases in which there is bone loss. It is worth noting that bone loss makes it impossible to fix ordinary implants in the patient’s jaw. Therefore, in this case, mini-implants are the only option for patients. In addition, mini-implants are used to stabilize dentures that are already used by the patient, especially in the case of dentures placed in the mandible. For example, among patients who opted for removable dentures during dental treatment, there is often a fear of falling out, detaching or breaking of the dentures. One of the possibilities of stabilizing such a removable prosthesis are mini-implants.

Do you want to know more about frame dentures? Read: Frame dentures

Inserting mini-implants – the course of the procedure

The procedure of inserting mini-implants usually takes place during one visit to the dentist’s office. Typically, such a procedure takes up to about one hour. Of course, the procedure should be preceded by a consultation visit and a CT scan. Fitting mini-implants can be divided into 4 stages, which are as follows:

  1. stage I: after reviewing the results of the computed tomography examination, the dentist determines the optimal location of the mini-implants. When making this decision, he takes into account the location of the bones and their position in relation to the future prosthesis;
  2. stage II: the dentist applies local anesthesia to the patient. Then he introduces one-piece mini-implants. If the bone conditions allow it, the dentist does not have to incision the gums and then sew them together, thanks to which the entire procedure is minimally invasive;
  3. stage III: after the implantation of mini-implants, the dentist sticks the ball latches inside the patient’s existing prosthesis. If the patient has not had a denture so far, the dentist makes a new denture and then it is fixed on the implants. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can function normally – eat, drink, smile or talk.
  4. stage IV: approximately 7 days after the procedure, a follow-up visit at the dentist’s is recommended. The dentist will then evaluate the healing process of the tissues around the tissues and check the fit and stabilization of the prosthesis.

Learn more about gum health. Read: How many percent. Poles have healthy gums? These statistics are terrifying

Oral hygiene after inserting mini-implants

Oral hygiene is extremely important, also in the case of implanted mini-implants. The denture should be thoroughly cleaned 2 or 3 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. First, rinse any loose food residues from the denture, and then use a nylon brush and denture paste to clean the remaining surfaces. To prevent bacteria from accumulating on the denture, it should be immersed in a special liquid every day for 30 minutes, and then thoroughly rinsed in water. This method also helps to get rid of bad breath. The prosthesis must not be put in hot water, and even less boiled, as this may lead to permanent damage and deformation of the prosthesis. When removing the prosthesis from the mouth, the gums should be gently massaged with your fingers or a brush, as this increases their blood supply. During oral hygiene, you shouldn’t forget to clean your tongue. Every time you clean your dentures, remember to use a soft brush to clean your tongue as it is one of the main habitats of microbes in the mouth. It is also worth mentioning that in the case of traditional dentures, they have to be removed at night. On the other hand, dentures based on mini-implants have a positive effect on the gums, so there is no need to take them out during sleep.

Check how to effectively clean your teeth! Read: Oral Hygiene

Mini-implants – durability of the prosthesis

If the prosthesis has been made well, professionally and in compliance with all standards, it should serve the patient for years. Its durability is also dependent on proper oral hygiene and the care of the user. As a rule, the prosthesis should be replaced every 3 to 5 years. Nevertheless, the patient should visit the dentist for a check-up at least once a year, so that the dentist can assess the current condition of the prosthesis. In addition, due to the naturally occurring condition of bone and gum decay, the dentist has to reline the denture so that there are no gaps between it and the gums. Follow-up visits will also allow the dentist to check whether there are abrasions, irritations or pressure ulcers on the gums.

What should you know about dentures? Read: Dentures – types and characteristics

Mini-implants – advantages

Mini-implants are appreciated by dentists and their patients, who mention the numerous advantages of these prostheses. One of the main advantages of mini-implants is the low invasiveness of the procedure of fixing them. This means that the procedure does not involve any damage to soft tissues or bones. Other advantages include the stability of the prosthesis and the patient’s great comfort when wearing it. Another important benefit of mini-implants is that they stop bone and gum loss. Patients also appreciate the fact that they can return to normal functioning immediately after the procedure.

Mini-implants – disadvantages

Despite the numerous advantages of mini-implants, the disadvantages of this solution cannot be forgotten. Firstly, the mini-implants are attached directly to the prosthesis, so the time for bone healing and fusion with the mini-implants cannot be clearly estimated. This may require more frequent replacement of mini-implants, which in turn will increase the cost of treatment. Moreover, it should be remembered that the quality of the titanium used in mini-implants is different and the durability of the prosthesis depends to a large extent on this quality. It is not uncommon for dental offices to use the lowest quality alloy, so it is worth taking the time to find a truly professional dental office.

How much do mini-implants cost?

The prices of mini-implants vary depending on the dentist’s office chosen by the patient. It should be remembered that the price of installing mini-implants also includes the cost of the procedure, anesthesia and hospitalization. The price may vary depending on the list of services included in the implementation of the miniimplant attachment. The prices of mini-implants start from PLN 1000 to PLN 1500 and reach up to PLN 2000-3000.

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