Mini stroke – what is it, how to recognize it, symptoms of a mini stroke

Journalist Beata Tadla admitted that 13 years ago she had a mini-stroke. Thanks to the fact that her relatives recognized the symptoms, she was immediately taken to the hospital and nothing serious happened. The mini-impact cannot be underestimated. An ischemic stroke may soon follow.

  1. Beata Tadla underwent a mini-stroke several years ago and was hospitalized afterwards. Today he takes part in the social campaign «Stop Strokes. Don’t wait at home »
  2. Time plays a key role in the event of a stroke. The sooner the patient is admitted to the hospital, the greater the chances that permanent changes will not occur
  3. A mini-stroke is actually a transient ischemic attack. Within 48 hours of its onset, the risk of a true stroke increases
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Mini-impact – what is it? How is it different from a normal stroke?

A mini-stroke is technically known as a transient ischemic attack. It occurs when the blood flow to the brain, spinal cord or eye retina is temporarily disturbed.

The symptoms of a mini-stroke should resolve spontaneously within 24 hours. During this time, there is no permanent damage to the cells, which means that the patient is not at risk of permanent paralysis or disability. However, if the ischemic symptoms persist or do not completely disappear, it is a stroke.

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In the event of an ischemic stroke, the patient experiences a permanent loss of brain cells. As a result, the patient may develop various types of disorders, including paresis of one side of the body, aphasia or memory problems. Stroke can also be fatal.

Symptoms of a mini stroke. How to recognize it?

A mini-stroke has symptoms similar to those of a classic stroke. Therefore, it is especially important to contact a specialist immediately.

The most characteristic symptoms of a mini stroke are:

  1. Muscle weakness or numbness – especially when it only affects one side of the body
  2. Difficulty speaking and understanding words spoken by other people
  3. Dizziness or disturbed balance
  4. Double vision or visual disturbances (a person with a stroke may not be able to see in one or both eyes)
  5. Swoon
  6. Severe headache
  7. Changes in the sense of smell or taste

It is assumed that the symptoms of a mini stroke usually last only a few minutes, but can also last up to 24 hours.

Why is it necessary to contact a doctor with the mini-strike?

The mini-stroke itself does not pose a direct threat to the health and life of the patient, because its symptoms disappear on their own. There are also no permanent changes in the brain. However, a patient experiencing a transient ischemic attack should definitely consult a doctor, because a mini-stroke significantly increases the risk of a true stroke. It is estimated that the risk is significantly increased within 48 hours of transient ischemia.

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Moreover, people who have experienced a mini-stroke have an increased risk of having a stroke in the future. This applies to as many as 1 in 3 people.

The causes of the mini-stroke

A mini-stroke can also occur in young people. Its main causes are hypertension, atherosclerosis, narrowing of the carotid arteries, diabetes and high cholesterol. The risk of a mini-stroke is higher in people who smoke, are obese, or have atrial fibrillation.

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A 2014 study cited by indicates that men are more likely to suffer from mini-strokes than women. They are more common in older people than younger people. Interestingly, statistics show that mini-strokes are more common on Mondays than on other days of the week.

How can you avoid a mini-impact?

There are several ways to prevent a mini-stroke from occurring. They are mainly associated with changing lifestyle and introducing healthier habits. The risk is reduced in people who neither smoke nor are passive smokers. In addition, it is also important to limit alcohol consumption as well as maintain a healthy body weight.

Among other activities, it is also recommended to eat a healthier diet that consists primarily of vegetables and fruits, and to avoid unhealthy fats. In addition, you should also focus on reducing the level of stress, regular physical activity, as well as controlling cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

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