Ming Mu Di Huang Wan

Ming Mu Di Huang Wan

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: chronic eye disorders, conjunctivitis, cataracts, photophobia.

In Chinese energy, this preparation is used to improve eyesight by nourishing the Yin and Blood of the Liver and Kidneys.

Associated symptoms : reduced visual acuity especially at night, dry and sore eyes, tearing caused by wind or drafts, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, red tongue, thin pulse.


As this formula comes in different forms and concentrations, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. It can be used long term. It is traditionally recommended to refrain from eating turnip during the treatment.


With aging, the weakening of the Yin of the Liver and the Kidneys is associated with a deficiency of the Blood. This causes malnutrition of the eyes: dry and sore eyes, reduced night vision, tearing and the appearance of cataracts. This preparation can regress cataracts if taken in the early stages of the disease.


This preparation is cited in the volume Shen Shi Yao Han “Analysis of the case of the Princess of Jade”, written by Fu Ren-Yu in 1644.


  • In case of Emptiness of the Spleen and Stomach: loss of appetite, loose stools, bloating, thick coating on the tongue.


  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Shu Di Huang

Rehmanniae root preparations (prepared rehmannia root)1

Tones the Blood and nourishes the Yin.

Shan Yao

The root of the opposite dioscoreae (yam root)

Tones the Spleen and Stomach.

Mu Dan Pi

Moutan cortex of the root (tree peony root bark)

Drive out the Heat of the Blood, extinguish the Fire of the Liver.

Fu Shen

Poria Cocos, with Pini, Radice (filamentous fungus and pine roots in symbiosis)

Eliminates Moisture, Calms the Heart, Soothes the Spirit.

Shan Zhu Yu

Fruit of Cornus officinalis (dogwood fruit)

Tones the Yin of the Liver and Kidneys, stops sweating.

Ze Xie

Rhizoma alismatis plantago-aquaticae (rhizome of water plantain)

Diuretic, evacuates heat.

Sheng Di Huang

Fresh root rehmanniae (digitalis root)

Refreshes the Blood, nourishes the Yin and the Blood.

Chai Hu

Radix bupleuri (buplévre root)

Harmonizes, releases and disperses Heat, unties Liver Energy, raises Yang Energy.

Dang Gui

Radix Angelica sinensis (Chinese angelica root)

Tones and circulates the Blood.

Wu Wei Zi

Schizandra chinensis fruit (fruit of schisandra)

Tones the Kidneys and retains the Essence, decreases sweating and stops diarrhea, calms the Heart and soothes the Spirit.

On the shelves

The products of the following companies meet the Good Manufacturing Practices of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of products of the Chinese pharmacopoeia.


  • Ming Mu Di Huang Wan. Mark : Minshan, made by Lanzhou Foci Herb Factory, Lanzhou, China.


  • Ming Mu Di Huang Wan. Mark : Tanglong, manufactured by Gansu Medicines & Health Products Import and Export Corporation, Lanzhou, China.

Although it does not meet Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration manufacturing standards, the following product has been tested to show that it does not contain pesticides, contaminants, or designer drugs.


  • Rehmania Tea. Manufactured by Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Lanzhou, China.

Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine distributors.

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