“Miners are the most hated profession in the country lately”. There are attacks on them and their families
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– Employers ask the women to bring a certificate from the mine that will confirm that their husband is healthy. Our wives feel bad about it. This should not be the case, says Rafał Jedwabny, chairman of the WZZ “Sierpień 80” at the “Murcki-Staszic” mine, in an interview with Medexpress.

  1. The miners face hate, they are attacked, as are their families. “We reject those who are affected by the disease … We point our finger at them”, comments Rafał Jedwabny in an interview for Medexpress
  2. The chairman of the WZZ “Sierpień 80” at the “Murcki-Staszic” mine fears that on June 10 miners will not receive wages, because the mine has basically been out of operation for 3 weeks
  3. Medexpress’s interlocutor predicts that the situation related to the coronavirus epidemic may be used as an excuse to close part of the mine

Martyna Chmielewska, Medexpress: Miners who have been cured of the coronavirus will donate plasma and thus save infected people who are less tolerant of the disease, are hospitalized and under respirators …

Rafał Jedwabny: Dr. Zbigniew Król from the Central Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw contacted us. He said that we can donate plasma and thus save infected people who are less tolerant of the disease, are hospitalized and under ventilators. The miners agreed. We already have a few convalescents. We are waiting for the other colleagues to recover. Then we will start working “at full speed”. We are in contact with the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration.

  1. Read also: Prof. Tomasiewicz on plasma therapy for convalescents: “Never will a blood product be a commonly used medicine”

What hate do miners face?

Miners have recently become the most hated profession in the country. The incidence curve in mining is very high, but this is due to the specifications of the work. Miners work in groups of 3, 4 and 5. They are not able to keep an appropriate distance between themselves. The miners and their families are under attack. Employers will ask the women to bring a certificate from the mine that will confirm that their husband is healthy. Our wives feel bad about it. It should not be like this.

How do you react to such situations?

It is a very sad and unpleasant situation. In these difficult times, we should stick together, fight the coronavirus epidemic together. Meanwhile, we reject those who are affected by the disease … We point a finger at them. This situation has been going on for a long time in our country, during the epidemic it only got worse. In fact, today people who hate us may need our help tomorrow. They may need miner’s plasma. Nobody in this country can feel completely safe. We should unite in this difficult moment. Many European countries have been able to do this. Unfortunately, there are units in Poland that can destroy other people. It is possible that such people have achieved nothing in their lives, have no ideas for anything, so they take advantage of themselves, “pour out their venom” on others.

Let’s go back to the infected miners. Did they have symptoms typical of the coronavirus?

Most of the miners had no symptoms. It was only after the tests were done that they found out about the disease.

Were the miners surprised by the test results?

They were surprised by the test result. They accepted him calmly. They were worried about their families. As I mentioned, the miners were mildly contaminated. Some people had a temperature of 3 days and that was it. Miners are quite calm in such situations. In our profession, such character traits as prudence and self-control are needed.

What is the health of the miners?

Miners get infected with the coronavirus in a gentle way. Only a few people feel worse.

Do miners have good access to coronavirus tests?

The biggest problem is waiting for the test result. At the beginning, the miners waited 4–7 days for the result. Mine was delivered after 7 days. The miners, not knowing the test results, were unable to work. We were appalled by this. After our intervention, we started getting results faster.

Miners are the only professional group that has to make up for their days off in exchange for voluntary blood donation before retirement. The August 80 Union sent a letter to the government to cancel their (and everyone else’s) obligation to do their day off devoted to voluntary blood donation. Have you already received an answer?

Unfortunately, we haven’t received an answer yet. I hope it will be this week. People give a part of themselves to save another life, and instead of rewarding them for it, they are made to work longer. It should not be like this.

What are the biggest problems miners face during the coronavirus epidemic?

The “Murcki-Staszic” Coal Mine has been practically idle for 3 weeks. On Monday, we started to return to normal work. I hope we can start mining coal in a week or two. We are concerned that on June 10 we simply will not be paid. People who were on the so-called parking, should receive 60 percent. personal grade training in mining. I will explain that in mining, the length of service in personal grade does not indicate the amount of remuneration at all, only the rate that is made from the position. For example, if I have 23 years of experience, my rate is about PLN 80 gross, so in the current situation I should get 60%. salary.

How are miners coping in these difficult times?

We support each other. On June 10, everything will turn out. I hope we get the money we are owed. We applied for the launch of a social fund. At present, miners could use an additional payment to the amount of, for example, PLN 200-300.

Are the miners well looked after? Can they count on the support of a psychologist?

I have not heard of miners needing the help of a psychologist. The miners can count on the support of our union.

What are your greatest hopes and fears regarding the coronavirus epidemic?

I hope the epidemic will end as soon as possible. I wish we could go back to normal life. I am afraid that the situation related to the coronavirus epidemic will be used to close some of the mines. During the epidemic, the mines did not extract and sell coal. After a month or two we will be in a difficult situation. Currently, the demand for energy has fallen, so we also have a problem with selling the coal we have. We are counting on the intervention of the state. We would like the government to stop importing coal from abroad and start buying Polish coal. We have the highest watt in the world. Thirty-odd taxes are levied per ton of coal. The average price per ton of coal is PLN 280-300, including PLN 100 for tax. We’re trying to fight it. We keep many jobs. With the “death of the mine, an entire district dies”. I would not like the mine to be closed.

Which country is coal most often imported from?

Unfortunately from Our Country. Putin agreed that the coal would be transported for free. It is difficult to compete with Our Country, since – as I mentioned – over XNUMX taxes are levied on coal in our country.

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