Mine Reed: biography, creativity, interesting facts

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! The article “Mine Reed: biography, creativity, interesting facts” information for admirers of the writer’s talent, for schoolchildren and students studying the writer’s work.

Thomas Mine Reid is a Scottish writer. Publicist, author of adventure novels about the Wild West, children’s stories and entertaining zoology.

Thomas Mine Reed

The future writer was born in 1818 in a small village in the family of a Scotsman T. M. Reed Sr. in County Down in the Kingdom of Ireland. The income from his father’s pastoral service was barely enough to pay for food. Nevertheless, the boy managed to get a good education at a college in Belfast.

The trip to America in 1840 was dictated solely by the curiosity of the young writer. Although he studied perfectly well and loved linguistics, sports subjects, rhetoric, but his irrepressible imagination called him to search for new knowledge and discoveries.

Two years later, the impressions of his stay abroad are reflected in his first fiction poems, which he published in the Pittsburgh Chronicle. The play “Martyr of Love” is also the creation of his pen, which is staged at the local theater.

In 1843, Reid was introduced to Poe. In 1846 he was a war correspondent for the Spirit of the Times. There was a war with Mexico for two years. Upon its completion, Mine Reed becomes a volunteer for the Bavarian Revolution. But he did not realize his plan. His path now lay in the North of Ireland.

By his conviction, Mine Reid believed that the representatives of the white race were more worthy and respected people than others. In addition to his father, the grooming of the family, Hugh Malloy, who was also obliged to look after the restless teenager, also influenced the formation of personality and the choice of priorities.

The beginning of the creative path

On a sailing ship, where he moonlighted as a traveling salesman, the writer arrives in New Orleans. There he observes the treatment of Creoles and praises their qualities in his literary works.

He sympathized with blacks, reds and yellows. He considered them naive and kind children of nature itself, who did not know how to defend themselves. He respected his fellow tribesmen, but he was never a zealous racist.

Having recovered from his injury in the vicinity of Chapultepec, the writer in 1851 publishes “Free Shooters” about the events of the military conflict with Mexico. He was friends with the publisher of his novels, Hyde. A few years after the book was published, Reed married his daughter Elizabeth.

The couple went on their honeymoon to travel. His wife at that time was a minor, and Mine Reed was already 33 years old.

For a ten-year period of work on literary works, M. Reed has published in England and the United States more than twenty youthful novels and about thirty for adult readers. However, he soon went bankrupt and became insolvent, thanks to an overly extravagant lifestyle and lack of a sense of proportion in spending.

The most famous work “The Headless Horseman” brings him well-deserved fame in 1865. Two years later, after returning to the United States, he begins to publish his magazine. However, the new works did not enjoy the same success with the American public, and he returned to London.

Books by Maine Reed

By 1870, Reed’s health deteriorated sharply. This is another reason the family leaves New York.

Mine Reed: biography, creativity, interesting facts

Caricature of Mine Reed. 1873 year. Signed: Vanity Fair. People of the day

The last few years of his life, Reed devoted to books for young people. After the writer left this world, his works were regularly translated into several languages ​​of the world. His work has had a noticeable influence on Jack London, Henry Haggard and other famous literary figures.

Before his death, Reed walked on crutches. He died of nervous and physical exhaustion in London in the fall of 1883. He was only sixty-five years old.

While the writer’s work in Great Britain and the United States no longer had the huge success it had at the beginning of his career, interest in adventure novels in the USSR grew at an incredible speed.

The books were read literally to the holes:

  • “Headless horseman”;
  • “White Leader”;
  • “Free shooters”;
  • “The Brave Huntress”.

Boys and girls passed the works of M. Reed to each other: “The White Leader”, “The Sea Wolf” for several days.

In the libraries, queues lined up behind them. A. Averchenko writes about him in the collection of stories about evil spirits. Nowadays, the former glory of the author of adventure novels has not faded. His publications are being reprinted, previously unpublished works are being translated: “The Girl-Wife”, “The Novel of the Wye River Valley”.

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