Mindfulness Training: Stop, Moment

For meditation, it is not at all necessary to go to a yoga room or go to nature. You can do this at any time, because meditation is not only the lotus position and even breathing. The first is mindfulness training. How to learn it in everyday life and why is it needed?

Most of the time, we live on autopilot, moving in the fog of daily routines and worries. The disunity of consciousness by cells destroys the nervous system, lowers concentration, slows down the reaction and moves away from the main thing – to be happy here and now. In theory, everything seems simple, but in practice, we are faced with the fact that emotions do not allow us to relax.

You can do your daily activities and train your mind at the same time. This little game will help you feel better and make life brighter. Watch your walk, talk, mannerisms, and reactions. Pay attention to the sensations while preparing dinner, talking, exercising, walking with children, taking a shower. Discover new emotions. Don’t try to suppress them.

Anger, irritation, excitement are natural components of your “I”. Observation of the process, sensations, emotions, feelings is meditation. Spend a few minutes a day mindfully doing things, and you will be surprised how focused and attentive your mind will become. Some tips for developing mindfulness.

Don’t wake up too fast

How do we wake up? On weekdays, most often we get up on an alarm clock. We quickly jump up and mindlessly perform the learned actions: exercise, shower, breakfast, transport … A stream of thoughts rushes with us. We don’t try to stop it or direct it, we just scroll quickly like a social media feed. Instead of enjoying awakening, we block our consciousness in the past (thinking about yesterday’s unresolved problems) or mentally project into the future (make plans for the day).

How to wake up consciously? Open your eyes and before jumping out of bed, pay attention to your breath. Feel the slow flow of heat that flows from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. He carefully wraps every part of your body and says good morning to you. Scan your body again and again. If you feel discomfort somewhere, take a couple of seconds to this area. Try not to judge. Allow thoughts to be, but not to consume you. Wish yourself a good day. Open your eyes.

Feel the taste of food

How do we eat? A quick breakfast with mental planning for the day ahead. Or coffee on the go. Business lunch discussing a new project. Swallowing dinner with heated discussions of past events. We are distracted from the main thing – eating. We are what we eat. And how we eat. Follow not only the choice of food, but also the process.

How to eat mindfully? You have prepared breakfast. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or toasted toast. Breathe them in. Ask the body: how much food does it need? Do not hurry. Just try. Pay attention to the shape, temperature, texture, sweetness of food. Perhaps for the first time you realize that the dish is too sweet or salty for you. When we eat consciously, we feel the measure of saturation and the real needs of the body.

Concentrate on walking while walking

How do we walk? We’re in a hurry in the morning. We think about our future. In the evening, we also hurry, thinking about someone else’s, about what was said. In the phone, thoughts, internal dialogue. On autopilot, sometimes turning on at traffic lights and when changing direction.

How to walk mindfully? Mentally break the process of walking into four stages: foot in the air, heel touching the ground, maximum contact area, lift off the surface. Try doing this exercise slowly. Feel the heaviness of your leg, the plasticity of the foot and feel the physical force of friction, heaviness and gravity. When contact is made, quicken your pace, remembering to breathe freely, keep your back straight and look forward. This is easier done than described. A few minutes of concentration while walking will clear your mind of debris.

Reconnect with nature

How do we rest? A long-awaited vacation by the sea or in nature. Stereotypical thinking suggests a standard course of action: try exotic food, mix different cocktails, take an active swim, lie down in a sun lounger, take a photo for Instagram. We use nature only as decorations. We can admire her, but we do not know the language of communication. After such a “rest”, a feeling of fatigue piles up and one more vacation is needed to restore strength.

How to get in touch with nature? Camping is a great time for cosmetic repairs in the head and replenishment of energy. No need to run anywhere, worry, seem, think. It’s time to hit the stop button and take a look around. Walk, watch, feel. Try to dissolve among the living. Watch the activity of ants, a frog basking on a stone, a butterfly sitting on a flower. Be ghostly present.

Allow the vessel within you to release and fill it with new quality energy.

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