Millions of sick people need support. Polish aid reaches Ukrainian hospitals

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine continues. The humanitarian crisis caused by it is deepening. Ukrainian hospitals, which have lost access to the necessary medical equipment and resources to provide medical assistance to injured soldiers and civilians, as well as all patients in need, are in a disastrous situation. Help goes, among others from Poland, and the Polish Medical Mission is involved in it.

  1. The Polish Medical Mission joined in helping Ukraine by providing the necessary medical resources for local hospitals
  2. So far, several transports have been organized, incl. with medical equipment, drugs and dressings
  3. There are plans to open a field hospital on the territory of Ukraine, intended for those who have decided to stay in the country
  4. Below, we provide information on the support that we can provide to Ukraine through the Polish Medical Mission
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage
  6. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live

Millions of sick people in Ukraine need help

Up to 2 million people with rare diseases remained in Ukraine. There is a lack of basic medications and medical products, which in the case of some diseases is associated with a direct threat to life. The supplies bought three weeks ago may not be enough for long, and the pharmacy warehouses are empty. Help for those in need is provided by the Polish Medical Mission, which, together with its partners, has already prepared several transports to Ukrainian hospitals.

Currently, about two million people with rare diseases live in Ukraine. Another several million people suffer from other diseases that require constant access to health care, such as diabetes or cancer. Insulin and antiepileptic drugs are urgently needed, hospitals have run out of oxygen almost from the first day of the war, and cancer patients cannot continue treatment due to drug transport restrictions. Although the lists of needs that the Polish Medical Mission receives from Ukrainian hospitals on a daily basis include primarily painkillers, antibiotics and dressings, they also include specialist medications for patients who are unable to leave the country. In the maze of numbers and items, one slogan is repeated from time to time – “send as much as you can”.

– The involvement of our organization in helping hospitals is a necessity. We must not forget that most of the Ukrainian population remained in the country. This is over 40 million people who need functioning medical facilities. And yet the number of hospitalized increases by the victims of attacks, in which the hospitals themselves also suffer – says Ewa Piekarska-Dymus from the Polish Medical Mission.

Shortages of drugs and medical products are a problem across the country. The health of sick people is additionally worsened by staying in overcrowded shelters, when around night temperatures drop below zero. There are places where access to water or basic food products is difficult.

The lack of medical supplies and the possible collapse of the health service could result in more casualties than the military actions alone. The most vulnerable are those who find it hardest to escape the nightmare of war: the sick, the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women and newborns. That is why on-site assistance is so badly needed – emphasizes Ewa Piekarska-Dymus.

Together with partners, the Polish Medical Mission has already delivered over a dozen transports to hospitals in Kiev, Lutsk, Vinnitsa, Odessa and other cities. The next ones will leave Poland and the organization’s warehouse in Lviv in the following days. The organization constantly raises funds to help as many people in need as possible.

The Polish Medical Mission is expanding its assistance activities in Ukraine

Over the last 10 days, the Polish Medical Mission has created a team and developed a system for providing assistance to Ukrainian hospitals. The next stage is to organize medical assistance in the form of a field hospital. Soon it will be available to residents of Ukraine who have decided to stay in the country.

The Polish Medical Mission is preparing to expand aid activities in Ukraine. In the last ten days, it has been involved in organizing transports with the most necessary medical equipment, this week the cars sent to the East will also carry medicines needed to save lives.

  1. The Polish Medical Mission helps hospitals in Ukraine. “The most urgent dressings, splints, stretchers”

This is a response to shortages in Ukrainian warehouses and the difficulties faced by hospitals in continuing to operate without the provision of an adequate amount of medical supplies. These activities will continue for as long as there is an opportunity to reach hospitals in need. However, from the very beginning, the organization knew that it would be necessary to engage in medical assistance in various fields – especially since the Polish Medical Mission belongs to a very small group of associations specialized in this field in this part of Europe.

Further part below the video.

A field hospital will be sent to Ukraine

Together with the Ziko for Health Foundation, the Krakow association announced the purchase of a field hospital. It will include tents and field furniture, as well as basic equipment, medicines and medical devices. The hospital will be funded by donations from the Ziko Foundation for Health and the Association of Entrepreneurs of the City of Kraków Biznes Klub, as well as from individual donors.

– By collecting information from dozens of Ukrainian hospitals with which we are in contact, we can see how great are the needs related to the treatment of wounds suffered by the inhabitants of the country, who are exposed to attacks every day. The field hospital will provide additional space for patients necessary in the event of an armed conflict and increased need for medical assistance. It is a very important tool and an immediate response to the situation of our neighbors, which will really help save lives – says Małgorzata Olasińska-Chart from the Polish Medical Mission.

The hospital will be operated on the territory of Ukraine. Details related to the specific place and the commencement of the activity will be communicated in subsequent communications from the organization.

You can also support the help of the Polish Medical Mission for Ukraine:

• make a donation through the website:

• make a donation on the official FB fundraiser for Ukraine

  1. Together we can do more! Every zloty matters. Support the fundraiser.

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