June is the period of intense grass pollen. On the other hand, people who are allergic to pollen from trees can breathe. In May, oak pollination, the last of the most allergenic trees, ended. Currently, pine pollen is circulating in the air, but allergy to it is rare. What else pollutes in June and what symptoms of a pollen allergy may look like?

  1. In June, grass pollen most intensively
  2. It is one of the most common allergens. It is estimated that even a dozen or so percent allergic to grass. Poles. You can get pollen allergies at any age
  3. Currently, there are also pollen of nettle, sorrel, plantain and quinoa in the air, and pine can still be dusty from the trees
  4. In June, the germs of mold fungi from the Cladosporium and Alternaria groups are also dangerous for allergy sufferers.
  5. More current health information can be found on the Onet homepage

The pollen calendar – what is it?

The pollen calendar is a table of trees, flowers, shrubs and grasses that release allergenic pollen and essential oils, broken down by month and by several regions of Poland. The pollen concentration of each plant is color-coded, depending on the intensity (low, medium, high).

It is best to use calendars published by recognized university medical and biological centers, and state institutions dealing with citizen health and meteorology. These are i.a. Polish Society of Allergology, World Allergy Organization or the Center for Research on Environmental Allergens. These institutions publish not only calendars, but also current messages informing about dangerous concentrations of allergens.

Pollen calendar. What dusts in June – trees

Most trees are dusty in spring, that is in March, April and May. Pine is the last to suffer from allergy sufferers. Pine pollen begins to appear in the air in mid-May and circulates until mid-June, sometimes until the end of June. Its concentration can be quite high (yellow sludge can be seen almost everywhere), but pine is one of the less common allergens.

How is an allergy to pine manifested. The most common symptoms are:

  1. runny nose with profuse watery discharge,
  2. cough,
  3. burning and watery eyes.

Pine allergy can sometimes occur together with grass allergy.

Pollen calendar. What dusts in June – plants

The pollen season ends, in June smaller plants such as nettle i sorrel.

nettle is one of the most common weeds in Poland. It grows practically everywhere. In fields, lawns, gardens, along roads and fences (also in the city). It is known for its stinging properties when touched, but it also experiences unpleasant sensations due to pollen circulating in the air. Allergy to them manifests itself, inter alia, in runny nose, paroxysmal cough, headache, weakness, itchy skin and conjunctivitis, you may also develop asthma.

Sorrel it’s not as common as nettle. It can be found mainly in meadows and fields, in urban areas it is less frequent and there, too, the pollen concentration is much lower. Symptoms of allergy to sorrel pollen are mainly:

  1. hay fever,
  2. cough,
  3. allergic conjunctivitis,
  4. Headache,
  5. asthmatic symptoms.

They also dusty in June grandmahowever, its pollen concentration is usually low. Allergy sufferers are also starting to get sick pigweedbut it is also minimally invasive.

Pollen calendar. What dusts in June – grass

The entire month of June is a period of intense dusting grasses. In Poland, we have about 300 species of grass, which dust from May to September, but it is in June that they most affect allergy sufferers.

The symptoms of a grass allergy include:

  1. runny nose
  2. runny nose,
  3. Stuffed nose,
  4. itchy throat
  5. swelling and itching of the eyelids,
  6. redness and watery eyes.

Pollen calendar. What sensitizes in June – mushrooms

Cladosporium is a mold fungus whose spores are carried by the wind. Molds of the genus Cladosporium occur both in the natural environment and at home. In fact, these fungi are present all year round, but the highest concentration of spores of these fungi occurs from May to September.

In June, spores of other mold fungi from the alternaria group are also floating in the air. The period of high concentration will last until the end of September. Alternaria can be found in all conditions, they can be found on many plants, in soil, in warm and humid rooms, as well as on poorly stored food.

Pollen allergy – who is at risk?

Allergy is associated mainly with childhood, but it can develop at any time in life. If in adulthood we did not find allergic symptoms, it does not mean that they cannot appear unexpectedly. It is impossible to predict or prevent it. Moreover, the number of cases of allergy in adulthood is increasing.

There are two risk factors for developing allergies. The first is genetic. It is estimated that for people whose both parents are allergic, the risk of allergy is 60-80%, with one parent-allergic: 40-60%. The second element is environmental factors, primarily air pollution, household chemicals and processed foods containing chemical additives. They have an even greater influence on the risk of allergies than genes. This group also includes unhealthy lifestyle, stress and exercise, smoking, overuse of antibiotics, living in a sterile environment and limited contact with bacteria.

Allergy is currently one of the most common diseases of civilization, an increase in the number of people suffering from allergies has been noted for several decades. It is estimated that up to 40% of people in Poland experience allergy symptoms. people, some of them relate to inhalation allergy.

Pollen allergy – how to deal with it?

How to protect yourself from pollen causing allergies? First of all, it is worth taking care of prophylaxis. Be prepared for the pollen season by visiting your doctor more often. Keep an eye on your pollen calendar to avoid exposure to pollen as much as possible.

At a time when the air is dominated by the most dangerous allergens for us, it is worth planning a vacation or going away for some time to places where the pollen concentration is lower. The pollen calendar shows several regions that differ in this parameter, also at the seaside or in the mountains, allergens are less affected.

During the period of heavy pollen, avoid staying in the open air between 5:00 and 10:00 a.m. – during this time the highest concentration of pollen in the air is observed. On such days, you should also limit physical exertion in the fresh air.

Do you suspect an allergy to yourself or someone close to you? Doubts can be dispelled by a diagnostic blood test package. You will find it in Medonet Market.

Wearing sunglasses will help reduce the effects of pollen on your eyes. After returning home, it is worth taking a shower to cleanse the skin and hair of pollen. You can buy dust filters at home.

Mild to moderate allergies can be treated with medication by mouth or inhalation. More severe cases may require treatment with different drug combinations. In each such case, the doctor decides about the right method of treatment. Desensitization may be an effective form of treatment for allergies. This process takes several years, but it allows you to get rid of pollen allergies for a very long time, maybe even forever.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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