Millet porridge with milk. Video recipe
Millet porridge, which is distinguished by its bright yellow color, is not as popular today as, for example, buckwheat. But it contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the body. And also such porridge is an excellent product for weight loss, as it promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat and removes toxins.
Millet porridge with milk: how to cook?
Secrets of making delicious millet porridge
When choosing millet groats for porridge, give preference to one that will have a deep yellow color, polished or crushed appearance. It is from such millet that a crumbly and very tasty porridge is obtained. But millet-shingle is not worth buying, as it tastes somewhat bitter.
Before cooking millet should be washed at least 5-6 times until the water is clear. First, this cereal is usually very dirty. Secondly, then the porridge will turn out to be more crumbly.
Cook porridge in a saucepan with a thick bottom – in such a dish the porridge will not burn and will cook evenly. True, even in such a pan, the porridge should be stirred periodically.
To make millet porridge cook faster, soak the cereal for a couple of hours before cooking, and if there is no time for soaking, just pour it over with boiling water
Observe the correct proportions of cereal and water. For crumbly porridge, it should be 1: 1,5, for viscous – 1: 2, for liquid – 1: 3,5 cups.
Be sure to put butter in the cooked porridge. Do not be afraid to overdo it, as the saying “You cannot spoil porridge with butter” was not invented in vain.
Recipe for simple millet porridge with milk
To prepare this dish you will need:
- millet groats – 1 glass
- Butter – 60 g
- milk – 2 glasses
- salt – to taste
Rinse the millet groats with cold water until the water becomes clear. Cover it with room temperature milk and place the saucepan over medium heat. Stir the cereals periodically.
When the milk boils, salt the porridge to taste, stir. Then reduce heat and cover the pot with a lid. Cook until the cereal is soft and the milk porridge has the required consistency.
If the milk has already boiled away and the porridge is not ready yet, you can add more milk. But before that, it should be warmed up.
Add butter to the finished porridge. As soon as it melts, stir the porridge and serve. According to this recipe, millet porridge is perfect both as an independent dish and as a side dish for stew.
Pumpkin millet with milk in a pot
- millet groats – 1 glass
- pumpkin – 500 g
- milk – 3,5 glasses
- Butter – 50 g
- salt, sugar – to taste
Heat the milk in a saucepan with thick sides and bottom. Peel the pumpkin, grate and add to boiling milk. Season with salt, stir and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Add millet groats to the milk and cook under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Then transfer the porridge to clay pots, add sugar, butter and place in the oven with a lid on the pots. Bake at 150 ° C for about 20-30 minutes. Stir the prepared porridge and serve.