Millet groats old novelty – User question / dietician reply – Articles |

What is it where it comes from

Millet is made from a plant called please. It is its dehusked grain and one of the oldest grain plants. In Poland, millet is grown mainly in the following provinces: Świętokrzyskie and Lubuskie. The purchase price of millet is relatively low, hence perhaps its low production in our country. In the world, millet production tycoon is Indie, followed by some parts of Africa.

In the past, this porridge was eaten every day instead of potatoes or barley. Currently, few people know what it is. It is used perhaps more often as a base for food for parrots and canaries than in human nutrition. In your diet, we actually offered millet. We want to go back a bit to the roots of the kitchen from many years ago and show that there are other products that are worth knowing or trying.

Millet and barley and brown rice

In terms of other groats, millet provides practically the same energy, but significantly more vegetable protein than barley or rice. As a result, it also has slightly less carbohydrates in its composition. It is also a source of fiber, but comparing it with brown rice or barley, it contains half as much as they do.

However, it has 3 times more iron, 2 times more magnesium, 4 times more B vitamins compared with barley groats. A distinctive feature of millet is the fact that it has an effectalkaline-forming, and not like most acid-forming groats. This is a positive development. The Polish diet tends to acidify the body, hence the consumption of this type of plant may be beneficial for humans in achieving acid-base balance.

Another plus of this porridge is that it does not contain gluten. It can be recommended with peace of conscience to children and people with gluten intolerance. Millet is easy to digest. It is recommended for children, the elderly and convalescents. Due to the content of silica, it helps to improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails, and also has a beneficial effect on the joints.

Where to buy

Groats can be purchased at health food stores. Its cost per 1 kg ranges from PLN 8-20.

How to cook

Before cooking, millet should be rinsed and then dried in a pan so that the grain does not darken. Then add to boiling water and cook. The cooking time for such porridge is about 20 minutes. If the groats are not roasted beforehand, the time is extended to about 40-45 minutes. The groats are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3 (groats: water).

What to eat with

The menu includes a proposal to serve groats. However, for people who want to try this product, they can prepare it sweet or salty. The porridge is eaten both in the form of a dessert, e.g. with fruit, and a main course, e.g. with vegetables or meat. Millet groats can also be used to make meatballs, pies, casseroles. There is a lot to show off. I encourage you to try the groats and enjoy its taste.

Millet breakfast

½ cup of millet

3 tablespoons oat flakes

1 tablespoon of wheat bran

1 tablespoon of dried fruit

1 teaspoon of honey

1 serving: 420 kcal

A method of preparing:

  1. Pour the milk over the groats, cereals and bran and cook.
  2. Add sliced ​​dried fruit if they are in large pieces.
  3. Cook until it thickens.
  4. After cooling, mix with honey.

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