Miller beer: history, types and interesting facts

The world famous alcohol brand “Miller” is one of the oldest beer brands in the United States. The main feature of the popular product is extra-lightness and super-transparency, which are achieved by repeated cleaning using cold filtration technology.

For the absence of characteristic hoppy bitterness, lovers of classic beer disparagingly call lager a “beer drink”, but many Miller fans appreciate it precisely for its soft, unobtrusive character.

The History of Miller Beer

The founder of the legendary American brand was a native of Germany, Frederick Miller, who emigrated to the United States in the middle of the XNUMXth century in search of happiness and a decent income.

In 1854, the hard-working German bought the small Plank-Road Brewery in Wisconsin and founded Miller Brewing (the company is still headquartered in the historic building in the Milwaukee suburbs that started it all).

In the autumn of the same year, the first kegs of light foam were produced at the plant. The composition of the drink included a special kind of yeast, brought by the owner from Germany.

In 1883, the company got its own bottling line and special vehicles for transporting the drink around the city (“bottle beer wagon”). Prior to this, Miller beer had been bottled by an outside Milwaukee entrepreneur. In subsequent years, production was constantly expanded and modernized.

In particular, the newly invented pasteurization technology (which was later abandoned) and the retail trade system were mastered (before that, the drink was sold exclusively at the brewery).

In 1885, the growing production was complemented by an original storage system. For these purposes, a brick building of 3 floors was built: on the first – there was beer, on the second – ice, on the last – sawdust, which did not allow the ice to melt. The result of hard work was the award received by Miller’s golden pilsner at the national brewing competition in Chicago in 1893.

The family business managed to survive the period of Prohibition and the Second World War thanks to a reasonable monetary policy, a competent allocation of resources and a reorientation of production.

In the 20s, the company mastered the production of soft drinks and syrups, which helped to stay afloat, while many factories had to close.

At the end of the XNUMXth century, the company incorporated Milwaukee’s A. Gettelman Brewing Co and The Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company.

In 2002, the SABMiller Corporation was created through the merger of Miller Brewing Company and South African Breweries, which was subsequently absorbed by Anheuser-Busch InBev.

The Miller brands were bought out by Molson Coors. Today, the famous American lager is produced in many regions of the world, including Russia (since 2000), and sold in more than 60 countries.

Types of beer Miller

  1. Miller Genuine Draft

    A popular product, first released in 1986 as a draft beer.

    Today it is sold in bottles.

    In addition to traditional beer ingredients (barley malt, yeast, water and hops), it includes corn syrup (maltose). Fortress: 4,6%.

  2. Miller High Life

    An example of a classic American beer style, the golden pilsner was created in 1903 by Frederick Miller himself and received the title of “Champagne of Beers”.

    Winner of numerous awards at specialized festivals.

    The drink is made using light varieties of hops from the Pacific Northwest and an original mix of selected malted barley. Fortress: 4,6%.

  3. Miller High Life Light

    Low calorie version of “Miller High Life”, created in 1994. Contains dextrose instead of maltose. In one bottle – 107 kcal. Fortress: 4,1%.

  4. Miller Lite

    Another light version of the lager, the first national low-calorie beer, containing only 96 kcal. Produced according to the 1975 recipe.

    The composition includes Pacific and Zatec hop varieties, caramel malt, water, dextrose and a special yeast strain imported by the founder of the company from Germany in the 50s of the XIX century. Fortress: 4,2%.

Interesting Facts

  1. Champagne style bottles

    First released in 1903, the Miller High Life bottling used “champagne-style” conical clear bottles.

    With the help of the original vessel, the creator wanted to bring ordinary people closer to secular life.

  2. 4 stage cold filtration system

    For maximum product purification, Miller factories use a 4-stage cold filtration system.

    The beginning of modern technology was laid at the end of the XNUMXth century, when drinks were placed in limestone caves with ice blocks to cool.

  3. The Founder’s Hard Journey

    The life path of Frederick Miller was littered not only with achievements, but also with numerous tragedies. The founder of the company had to bury his first wife and 7 children.

    After his death, the second wife and surviving sons took over the family business and charitable activities.

    It is noteworthy that all the descendants of the great brewer, managing the enterprise, bore his name (Frederick Miller).

  4. Girls on the moon

    Iconic for the American marketing industry, the “Girl in the Moon” image was first used on decorative plates in 1907.

    According to legend, Miller’s publicity manager had a vision of her when he got lost while hunting in the woods of Northern Wisconsin.

    No less successful for the promotion were the advertising slogans “Brewed With Pure Rocky Mountain Water”, “America’s Fine Light Beer”, “Welcome to Miller Time”.

  5. The product appeared on the domestic market in the mid-90s and was positioned as a club lager.

  6. In 2003, “Miller”, produced by the Kaluga Brewing Company, was recognized as the best beer brewed outside the United States and received the honorary Frederick Miller Award.

Relevance: 25.06.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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