
In order to experience grief and difficulties, to overcome them, to live them, and not chew them — this is how Orthodox culture understands the process of experiencing, as correct living — Orthodoxy gives believers an AKathist to the Most Holy Theotokos BEFORE THE ICON OF HER «ALL Tsaritsa».

This canon encourages a person not to crumble in tears and despair before grief and difficulties, not to allow himself to fall into a state of inconsolable grief, wanting to saturate a stupid heart with suffering, but to gather himself and overcome a difficult period by entering the highest and most energetic state of a person — into state of joy.

Do you have grief, illness, deprivation? Enter into a state of joy, and then you will pass this life threshold, overcome it.

With the help of this prayer, people have been healed of cancer for more than a dozen years: yes, only those who can, at the most difficult moment for themselves, bring themselves into a state of joy and exultation.

Prayer book

Akathist to the Mother of God before Her icon «The Tsaritsa»

Kontakion 1.

To your newly-appeared icon, forthcoming tenderly faithful, we sing to Thee, the All-Tsaritsa, Thy servants; send healing to Thee by Thy servants now flowing, let us all joyfully call Thee: Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Ikos 1.

An angel of intercession descended from heaven, and said to the All-Tsaritsa: Rejoice! And with the voice of God, You are embodied in vain, Lord, cry out to Her like this:

Rejoice, chief of our salvation; Rejoice, Fulfillment of the Builder’s vision.

Rejoice, for through you God has become incarnate; Rejoice, as the Invisible One has been portrayed in You.

Rejoice, having received the Grace of the world inside; Rejoice, thou who didst weave the garment of the flesh to the Word.

Rejoice, mind incomprehensible Heavenly Glory; Rejoice, Heavenly Manno, quickening the hearts.

Rejoice, Star, radiance of grace; Rejoice, Source, outpouring of living water.

Rejoice, Blessed Virgin, Blessed in Women; rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior, the incorruptible Virgin.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 2.

The beginningless Word of the Child was young of Thee, giving healing to Thee, Virgin, who honor and unspeakable His Christmas singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2.

Seek to understand the misunderstood mind, the Virgin, cry out to the servant: Like a pure Maiden, how will I be the Most High Mother — explain; to Neizha Gabriel speech with fear, calling such:

Rejoice, Council of the Most High Chosen One; Rejoice, voices of those praying to the Quick Listener.

Rejoice, Treasure of the world of Christ; Rejoice, Thy people Hope and Strength.

Rejoice, marvelous destroyer of cancerous ulcers; Rejoice, Healer of other diseases.

Rejoice, one intercession for the world; Rejoice, Redemption faithful in sorrows.

Rejoice, ever-quenching weeping and tears; Rejoice, opening up the entrances to all.

Rejoice, Sceptre and the Power of Athos inhabiting; Rejoice, Rod of monks and laity.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 3.

The power of the Most High overshadowing Thee, Otrokovitsa, the flesh is pleasant indescribably, showing Thee the sweet village, who want to reap salvation and sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3.

Glorify your marvelously holy icon, the All-Tsaritsa called, when the image of the Mother of God appears wholesomely; but to those crying out before her with faith, give healing, so that the songs of the Sith will multiply:

Rejoice, Mother of the Unseen Light; rejoice those who have suffered to the end of the Victory.

Rejoice, in illnesses and sorrows of the existing Healing; Rejoice, orphans and widows Unbreakable wall.

Rejoice, opening the doors of paradise; rejoice to those who labor and are burdened, who intercede.

Rejoice, for the salvation of the faithful Intercessor; Rejoice, for the human race Prayer Book.

Rejoice, Heavenly Ladder, raising from earth to heaven; Rejoice, Living Water, washing away mortal sins.

Rejoice, Lamb, guarding the hearts of the mild-tempered; Rejoice, Protector, overshadowing child of the Church.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 4.

Giving life to the world, Lord of the world, dwell in Your womb unskillfully; Having shown thee, Mother of the faithful, in the world of those sing the call: Alleluia.

Ikos 4.

Glorious deeds about You, the City of God, healing from Your holy icon; the wholesome jets of healing acceptingly, gratefully, about the All-Tsaritsa, we cry out:

Rejoice, drug that relieves pain; Rejoice, coolness, cooling the heat of the sick.

Rejoice, cauterizing cancerous ulcers like a flame; Rejoice, raising from the bed of those left by the doctors.

Rejoice, revealing Your Most Pure face to the elect; Rejoice, resolving from sinful bonds.

Rejoice, for you have granted deliverance from death; Rejoice, for through Thee the countless host of the faithful has been justified.

Rejoice, High, unexplored by human thoughts; Rejoice, Depth, known by a single Word.

Rejoice, Prophecy before you of the former patriarchs; Rejoice, Instructor of the praying hierarchs to Thee.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 5.

The Most Pure Temple of the Savior, we know Thee, Otrokovitsa; We fall down to Thee, O Pure One, and make us temples of the Divine, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5.

You see the angels at the hand of Your Creator by the hand of man, and as the Lady, understanding You alone, even if You also called Your Slave, rushing with songs to serve Thee, Blessed, chintz:

Rejoice, set by God above the Heavenly Forces; Rejoice, miraculous healing fulfilling the world.

Rejoice, hearing praise and glory from heaven; Rejoice, receiving thanksgiving from the earth.

Rejoice, for you have consumed the seed of aphids in your hearts, Rejoice, for you have crushed the machinations of the devil’s yokes.

Rejoice, having filled the deplorable vale with joy, rejoice in sorrow changing into heavenly sweetness.

Rejoice, the fragrance is pleasant to God, Rejoice, repentant sinners A fair amount of fun.

Rejoice, Armor of truth from temptations, Rejoice, Shield of protection from enmity and discord.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 6.

The preachers of the divine speech, the Savior’s disciples, who appeared to You, Virgin, miraculously, you ascended from earth to heaven, and with one heart and mouth sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6.

Ascension wondrous grace from Thy icon, O Tsaritsa, when a young man, darkened by satanic teachings, fell before her and was motionless; more than aspirations, freed from gloomy bonds, with fear and joy crying out to Tisitsa:

Rejoice, Correction of the ungodly life; Rejoice, Consolation of the afflicted.

Rejoice, demonic hordes from the Church Drive away; Rejoice, haze of sinful Scattering.

Rejoice, intrigues of invisible Abolition, rejoice, all-powerful Defeat of demonic spells.

Rejoice, Lighter, instruct the deceived; Rejoice, Cloud, cover the innocent from evil.

Rejoice, Holme, nourishing with heavenly manna; Rejoice, Dolino, satiating with the humility of Christ.

Rejoice, Stone of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, Mirror of the eternal Light.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 7.

I want to give myself food to the faithful, deigned to be incarnated from the Virgin, but accepting Your Most Pure Body and Blood, they will know You, the perfect God; the same marveling at this inexpressible wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

Ikos 7.

A new show of the sacrament was the Builder, with the disciples celebrating His Secret Supper; but we, praying to the All-Tsaritsa, to honor us with the Divine Shrine, let us write down to Her the Sitting:

Rejoice, Giver of Heavenly Bread; Rejoice, Mother of the Eternal Life.

Rejoice, Chalice, communion to Christ; Rejoice, combining soul and body with God.

Rejoice, golden liar, full of Divine Mysteries; Rejoice, dear Kivote, the receptacle of the great Shrine.

Rejoice, Finger, point to the holy Eucharist; Rejoice, Trapezo, offering us the Holy Food.

Rejoice, delivering worthy communicants at the right hand; Rejoice, delivering the zealots of the Divine Liturgy from hell.

Rejoice, bringing mortals to the Source of immortality; Rejoice, guarding Your children with peace and strength.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 8.

Having seen a strange Christmas, every worldly care is postponed, we have hearts of grief; for this, the Most High appears in a hedgehog, attract to Tom crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 8.

Relentlessly dwelling in the bowels of the Fathers, the Word, indescribable on earth, was flesh; Great God, create greatness for the Virgin and look at the humility of His Servant, hearing the sitz:

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the incomprehensible God; Rejoice, having revealed the transcendent Creator to the world.

Rejoice, as if the power is broken by death; Rejoice, for the wound of Adam has been healed.

Rejoice, Plaster, heal the scabs of the soul; Rejoice, Oily, anointing bodily ulcers.

Rejoice, Satisfying the diseases of those who give birth; Rejoice, Relief of the torments of the dying.

Rejoice, defeater of hell; Rejoice, blunting the sting of death.

Rejoice, Expectation of the General Resurrection, Rejoice, undoubted salvation of the Orthodox.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 9.

Every angelic and human nature marveled at the greatness of Your incomprehensible incarnation, the Word; perplexed about this great mystery of piety, with fear and trembling we gratefully call Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 9.

With many different ailments of possession, O All-Tsaritsa, from Thy holy icon, more than the aspirations of healing, they receive, but having received grace by faith, they loudly cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, everlasting Preservation of healthy children; Rejoice, those who are sick to health Proposition.

Rejoice, sick children Healing; Rejoice, young sufferers Mati.

Rejoice, Uprising, on the sickbed of the fallen; Rejoice, Joy to those possessed by the fear of death.

Rejoice, as you listen to people’s sobs; Rejoice, cherishing our groans.

Rejoice, pain of the earth with heavenly joy Dissolution; Rejoice, fiercely overwhelmed, unnatural Patience.

Rejoice, as you prepare joy for the weeping; Rejoice, for you supply the meek wings of prayer.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 10.

Although the Creator save human nature that has decayed with sin, descend on Thee, like rain on the fleece, and having made Thee burning bush, God was a man, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10.

Thou art a wall to the virgins, the Otrokovitsa is pure, and to all those who rejoice in purity: God has settled in Thee, purifying His intelligent creatures, but we offer Tisitsaeva to overcome all filth:

Rejoice, silence of those who seek the Interlocutor; Rejoice, Crown of virgins.

Rejoice, Beginning and End of spiritual accomplishment; Rejoice, Repository of Divine Revelation.

Rejoice, Trinity Council of the Mystery; Rejoice, culprit of the salvation of men.

Rejoice, Vershino, impregnable to proud minds; Rejoice, Refuge accessible to humble hearts.

Rejoice, pure one, the purest of heaven; Rejoice, most honest Cherubim and Seraphim.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, for thou hast received joy from the Archangel; Rejoice, Comforted One, as Thy hands touch the risen Christ.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 11.

Effortlessly bring reasonable singing to the Savior, always unkeyable, Mistress, we remain Thy servants; who can worthily praise God, His name is like a world poured out; For this reason we cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11.

Having shone a great light in the darkness sitting, visit us, O Virgin, the East from above, Your Son and God; Having made you a candle on a candlestick, Tisitskaya orders to bring the luminous child of the church:

Rejoice, Dawn of the Smart Sun; Rejoice, Receptacle of the Divine Fire.

Rejoice, Light, for thou hast weaved the robe of the saints; Rejoice, Sveshe, as if you drove away the demonic darkness.

Rejoice, Enlightenment of inert minds; Rejoice, Illumination of sinful hearts.

Rejoice, Right Hand, leading out of the sea of ​​vanity; Rejoice, Beam, guiding those who are saved to the Kingdom.

Rejoice, Lightning, striking the unrepentant; Rejoice, Thunder, frightening destroyers.

Rejoice, cunning conscience Enlightenment; Rejoice, propitiation of God’s Judgment.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 12.

Having desired to give grace, the New Testament Giver of the Old Testament is a gift to us; but we, having received grace, are not the deeds of the law, but having improved salvation by faith alone, let us write down all: Alleluia.

Ikos 12.

Singing Thy Nativity, like Israel of old in cymbals singing the hay tabernacle, so we now glorify Thee, the true Tabernacle, with virtues, but hear from all the sits:

Rejoice, Song, sung grief; Rejoice, Psalm, heard below.

Rejoice, thou who didst worthily serve the One God; Rejoice, thou who pleased the Divine Trinity with humility.

Rejoice, you who carried the eyelids of the Bearer in Yourself; Rejoice, Throne of the One Who holds the Universe in His hand.

Rejoice, secretly ineffable of ages and times; Rejoice, firm hope of peoples and tribes.

Rejoice, heartfelt joy of the reverent priests; Rejoice, quick Hearing of church and private prayers.

Rejoice, God-created House of Wisdom; Rejoice, Mercy Vessel, chosen by God.

Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 13.

O All-Queen Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word, having received our current chant, heal us from every mortal disease and deliver the future condemnation of those who cry: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is spoken three times. And according to this, Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read).

Prayers to the Icon of the Mother of God «Pantanassa» («All-Tsaritsa»)

Prayer 1.

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, from the lot of Athos to Russia transferred, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of the afflicted, falling to Thy holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows overcome, Patience and Weakness appear. There, even where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Cowardly comfort, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O all-merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us; let them serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if you live with us, we pray before your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, and having received miraculous help soon, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2.

O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! Be worthy and enter under my roof! But like a merciful God, the merciful Mother of the word, may my soul be healed and my feeble body be strengthened. Imashi for an invincible power, and every word will not fail you, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me, you ask for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Troparion. voice 4.

In the joyful image of the honest All-Tsaritsa, Save the warm desire of those who seek Your grace, Mistress; save those who resort to you from circumstances; protect your flock from every misfortune, crying out to your intercession forever.

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