Contents found out what new women who are expecting a baby can afford in our time.
Over the past 20 years, with the advent of a new – digital – century, life has changed significantly, and in all areas. Middle-aged people, due to their age, can assess the scale of changes – they remember well how it was before, but a whole generation of millennials has already grown up, which can no longer imagine their life without the Internet and various gadgets: the Internet has always been in their lives. But we want to talk not only about the convenience of gadgets, the Internet and applications for a mobile phone. Over the past couple of decades, many new holidays have appeared (they mainly come to us from the West and are slowly becoming popular in Russia) and devices that make the life of pregnant women and young mothers more interesting, varied and easier.
You could call it maternity leave, but this translation of the phrase baby moon will not be entirely accurate. This is a vacation (usually a trip to exotic countries) that a young couple takes when they find out that they will have a child – in fact, the last opportunity to relax together before young parents step into a new life, with its diapers, diapers and chronic lack of sleep. Children’s honeymoon has become popular with future parents in Western countries literally in the last few years, now this fashion is gradually reaching our country.
Party with the announcement of the gender of the future baby
“Boy or Girl?” – one of the most frequent questions that the expectant mother hears. Why not answer everyone at once by throwing a party on this occasion? Moreover, you can easily answer by going through an ultrasound scan. Cakes, pastries, balls of blue (if a boy) or pink (if a girl) color and more guests – usually on such holidays, it is customary for future parents to give gifts for the baby, which are unlikely to be superfluous.
By the way, but the parents of our parents did not have the opportunity to throw such a party, since they found out the gender of the baby only during childbirth – devices for ultrasound studies began to appear in hospitals only from the late 60s.
Technology has developed so much recently that with the help of 3D ultrasound, you can get a volumetric and very realistic picture of your unborn baby. Ultrasound in 4D means that time is added to the spatial characteristics – this is a study of the movement of the fetus in real time, with which you can see not only the smallest details, but also the facial expressions of the baby – how he smiles, wiggles his fingers or waves a pen. This image can make the emotional bond between mom and baby-to-be even stronger.
Party on the occasion of the announcement of the name of the future baby
For someone, giving a name to your child will not be a problem, but for someone it is not an easy task – the matter may not do without long and heated disputes. But if a compromise is nevertheless found, then you can breathe a sigh of relief and throw another party, announcing to the assembled guests (who, again, will not appear without gifts) exactly how the new man will be called. In general, there would be a desire, but you can always find a reason for a party. The main thing is not to overdo it with such parties, after all, the budget for gifts from your friends and relatives is not rubber.
Applications for pregnant women
In the XNUMXst century, there is nowhere without a smartphone, there are a great many applications for them and for all occasions, including those that useful for pregnant women… With their help, you can track literally everything – weight gain, water intake, diet, physical activity. There is, for example, the application “Pregnancy +”, which will calculate your estimated due date and will inform you on a weekly basis how your future baby is developing at each stage – there is even a baby’s push counter. And with the Baby Beat app, you can listen to your baby’s heart beating.
However, if you start tracking every sneeze during pregnancy, you can end up losing your calm and getting prenatal stress – all is well in moderation.
A fairly new invention is gradually taking root in our country. The point is to determine in advance the key points associated with childbirth so that you do not make important decisions later in a stressful situation. Natural childbirth or with anesthesia, in what position to give birth, consent or disagreement with hygiene procedures in the hospital, whether the husband and other relatives will be present, whether it makes sense to take a player with pleasant music and scented candles with you – you can imagine how you see the ideal the childbirth process, and the doctor will help make dreams come true. In addition, for some girls, the very existence of an action plan can have a calming effect, even if in the end everything does not go XNUMX% as intended.
Of course, the Internet is incredibly convenient, no one argues. But everything has a downside. An expectant mother, especially when carrying a baby for the first time, may begin to worry about her health – and this is normal. But if you start googling all your symptoms and read scary stories, then it won’t take long and slip into the abyss of fear and paranoia. I remember that the suspicious hero of the book Three Men in a Boat, Excluding a Dog, while reading a medical reference book, found symptoms of all diseases, with the exception of childbirth fever, but a future mother in a state of anxiety will find signs of such an ailment. So instead of googling every change in how you feel, it’s much more beneficial if you are actually concerned about it, talking to your doctor.
With the development of social networks, it has become easier to tell the whole world that you are expecting a baby. And then inform this very light how the business is progressing. True, and here it is worth knowing when to stop – some future mothers share with friends and subscribers pictures of their growing tummy literally on a weekly basis, which, of course, is too much – it is much better to do a photo collage from all stages at the end of pregnancy. It is clear that the joy can be so great that there is no strength to resist, but I imagine my grandmother, pregnant with my mother, who runs out into the yard every week, sticks out her belly and shouts: “Look, she’s still grown!” A bit weird. So a large number of pictures of a growing belly on Instagram sometimes look ridiculous.
Real-time streams from childbirth are, of course, not yet a general fashion, this happens infrequently, but it is definitely something that was not there a few years ago. What can I say, thirty years ago, it was also impossible to simply make a video recording of the birth, simply due to the lack of video cameras. Now there are cameras in every smartphone, however, not every mom wants to share such an intimate moment with everyone. But those who are about to give birth are interested in such broadcasts – I wonder what happens there in the delivery room, what they have to go through. True, it is worth remembering that, looking at other people’s births, maybe it will be better to prepare for their own, but it is not a fact that they will pass in the same way: this is still an individual matter.
Of course, the need to eat balanced pregnant women has been reported before, but dietetics as a field of knowledge has developed significantly in the last 20 years. There are many diets for pregnant women, however, it’s not just the choice of foods based on their nutritional value. In recent years, one has to take into account what is popularly called “continuous chemistry” – agricultural producers are using more and more pesticides when growing vegetables and fruits, and pregnant women should also not forget about this. You can, if funds allow, choose supermarkets with organic products or regularly visit your grandmother and her garden, or you can even purchase an express tester to determine pesticides in fruits and vegetables and get out to the market fully armed.
It is good for our mothers to prepare them for childbirth if they were taught to breathe correctly: then there was no yoga for pregnant women, no meditation, no special Pilates, no special groups for preparation. And now there is, and there are a lot of them. And there is also a huge number of books in which the authors talk about how to properly prepare for childbirth. Of course, this is not bad, but here you should choose wisely and not grab onto everything, focusing primarily on what you personally like.