Milky blue, in Latin Lactarius indigo, a species of edible mushrooms belonging to the genus Milky, from the Russula family. It is unique in its coloration. Indigo color is not often found in representatives of the taxon, and such a rich color for edible mushrooms is a rarity. The species is not found on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

Despite its exotic appearance, the mushroom is edible

Description of the blue milky

The mushroom got its name due to the color of the fruiting body, bright, juicy, only changing shade with age and fading a little. For s who are not too experienced in mycology, the photos of the blue milky may seem retouched. But there is no need to do this – the legs, hats and milky juice really have the color of a classic jeans.

Cap Description

The hat is round, lamellar, characteristic of the shape of mushrooms. It has a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, clear concentric circles of a saturated and blurry blue color are clearly visible on the surface. Along the edge are spots of the same color.

The young hat is sticky and convex, with the edges turned down, indigo color. With age, it becomes dry, funnel-shaped, less often – flat with a recess and a slightly lowered outer part. The color acquires a silver tint, before rotting it turns gray.

The plates are located close to each other. The method of attachment of the hymenophore to the stem is classified as descending or descending. In young mushrooms, the plates are blue, then brighten. Their color is always more saturated and darker than that of other parts of the fruiting body.

The pulp and caustic milky juice are blue. When damaged, the fruiting body of the fungus gradually oxidizes and turns green. Aroma is neutral. Spores are yellow.

Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

The edges of the hats are bent down, and the plates are of a particularly rich indigo color.

Description of the leg

The thick cylindrical leg reaches a maximum height of 6 cm with a diameter of 1 to 2,5 cm. At a young age it is sticky, then it becomes dry. The color of the stem is the same as that of the cap, but it is covered not with concentric circles, but with specks.

Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

Concentric circles are clearly visible on the hat, and dots on the leg

Types of blue milkers

The blue milky is a species; it cannot include taxa of its rank. But it has a variety of Lactarius indigo var. Diminutivus. It differs from the original form in a smaller size.

Hat var. Diminutivus reaches 3-7 cm in diameter, stalk 3-10 mm. The rest of the mushroom is no different from the original.

Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

The variety differs from the original species only in size.

Where and how do Blue milkers grow

In Our Country, the mushroom does not grow. Its range extends to the Central, southern and eastern parts of North America, China, India. In Europe, the species can only be found in the south of France.

The blue milky grows singly or in groups, forms mycorrhiza in coniferous and deciduous forests. Prefers edges and damp, but not excessively, places. The life of the fungus is 10-15 days. After that, it begins to rot and becomes unsuitable for collection.

Comment! Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic combination of fungal mycelium and roots of higher plants.

The species grows in Virginia (USA).

Are blue milkers edible or not?

Photos of the Mlechnik blue mushroom make many lovers of quiet hunting think that it is poisonous. It is their hats that are usually painted in such bright colors. Meanwhile, the mushroom is edible, even without the prefix “conditionally”.

Cooking usually (but not necessarily) involves pre-soaking the fruiting body to remove the milky juice and accompanying bitterness. Mushrooms are placed in salted water for several days, the liquid is often changed.

Before cooking or salting, it is recommended to boil them for 15 minutes. If the mushroom is not used in preparations, with insufficient heat treatment, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders in people who are not used to such dishes.

Twins and their differences

It is unlikely that many s will ever have to collect Blue Mlechniki, but it will be useful to know the differences between this mushroom and similar ones. Although only Lactarius indigo has a truly blue color among the representatives of the genus, so it is difficult to confuse it with other species. Similar ones include:

  1. Lactarius chelidonium – edible species, usually grows under coniferous trees. The bluish hat has a gray or yellow tint, more pronounced along the edge and on the stem. Milky juice from yellow to brown.
    Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

    Turns green with age

  2. The milkman’s paradox grows in the east of North America in coniferous and deciduous forests.
    Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

    The milky juice is blue, the plates are brown with a purple or red tint

  3. Lactarius quieticolor, or Ginger is dim, edible, grows in the coniferous forests of Europe.
    Milky blue mushroom: photo and description

    On the fault, the hat is blue, its surface is orange with a hint of indigo.

Comment! All types of milkers are edible completely or conditionally. Those that are called poisonous in some countries are eaten in others.


The blue milky is an edible mushroom with an exotic appearance. It is difficult to confuse it with others, it is really painted indigo. Unfortunately, lovers of quiet hunting can get to know him better only abroad.

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