During the mushroom picking season, many people think about how to save them for the winter. Therefore, every mushroom picker should know how to cook milk mushrooms under oppression in a cold way with spices, onions or garlic. This method will help preserve the beneficial and gustatory properties of mushrooms. In addition, they turn out delicious and crispy.

Features of salting milk mushrooms under oppression

Milk mushrooms are considered a conditionally edible product, but the traditions of their salting are rooted in centuries of history. The fleshy pulp, rich aroma and pleasant taste make them a real delicacy for the festive table. Milk mushrooms are easy to harvest – they grow in large clusters, all types of this variety are used in cooking. Without processing, they secrete bitter milky juice, it is from it that you need to get rid of during the salting process.

Pre-cleaned and washed mushrooms are put in a container, pressing down on top with a saucer with a jar of jam or a stone – oppression. Under long pressure, milk mushrooms will give juice and settle – if the container is large, new mushrooms can be placed on top. Thanks to this technology, mushrooms give off all the bitterness, only juicy dense pulp and aroma remain. The weight of the oppression depends on the size of the container and the density of the mushrooms.

How to salt milk mushrooms under oppression

Salting mushrooms under pressure is painstaking work, for the first time the process may seem too complicated. There are hot and cold salting methods, the first is faster, the second is tastier. The preparation of mushrooms in both cases is the same, this stage must be taken especially responsibly, otherwise the blanks will deteriorate.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

Before the mushrooms are ready for salting, they need a thorough cleaning. Earth, grass and needles easily stick to their hats, so they need to be cleaned well. The film is removed from black mushrooms – they still need to be washed beforehand. Especially a lot of dirt is hidden under the hat, it can be removed with a small brush or a metal sponge.

Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Milk mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt with a small brush or a metal sponge.

Advice! Using running water for rinsing is not the best option. It is recommended to purchase purified water and wash the mushrooms in it. The villages use spring water.

The legs are not used in salting, they need to be cut off, leaving 1-2 cm at the very hat. After the mushrooms are thoroughly washed from plant debris, cut large specimens in half, small ones – leave untouched. Damaged and very old milk mushrooms should not be used.

The next stage is soaking, the mushrooms are cleansed of toxins and bitter juice. Put raw materials in a large container, pour water so that it covers the top layer. Then place oppression on top. Mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 days, the water must be changed regularly:

  • the first 12 hours – every 2 hours;
  • 12-24 hours – every 5 hours;
  • further – as the water becomes cloudy.

After the water stops bittering, rinse the mushrooms, and you can pickle the milk mushrooms under pressure in a convenient way.

How to salt milk mushrooms under oppression in a cold way

This method has several variations – with spices, onions. It is not very spicy, but flavorful.

For preparation it will be required:

  • soaked milk mushrooms – 1 bucket;
  • salt – 2 faceted glasses;
  • black peppercorns – 1 pack;
  • currant leaves – 20 pieces;
  • dill umbrellas – 10 pieces;
  • garlic cloves – 10 pieces;
  • bay leaf – packaging.
Important! Do not use iodized salt, only table salt.
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Cold-salted mushrooms are not very spicy and fragrant

The procedure for salting milk mushrooms in a raw way under oppression:

  1. In an enameled pan or bucket, place the mushrooms with their hats down.
  2. For each layer, distribute 2-3 tbsp. l. salt – depends on the size of the dishes.
  3. Put bay, currant leaves, peppercorns and chopped garlic on a layer of raw materials.
  4. Distribute all mushrooms in layers.
  5. Put dill umbrellas on the top layer, cover the pan with a lid (it should lie directly on the mushrooms) and press down with oppression. Put in a cool dark place for 4-6 days.
  6. Milk mushrooms form a juice that completely covers their mass. If this does not happen, you need to find a bigger press.
  7. After the expiration date, decompose the raw materials into sterilized jars, stack tightly.
  8. Pour the brine, put an umbrella of dill. Squeeze out all air bubbles from the jar and close with a sterile plastic lid.

Remove mushrooms in a cool place for 30-40 days, but some prefer to eat mushrooms a little earlier than this period. However, fruiting bodies may not be ready yet, especially if salting is carried out for the first time.

How to pickle milk mushrooms under oppression in a hot way

With the help of hot brine, you can get the finished product faster, due to heat treatment.


  • cargo – 3 kg;
  • bay leaf – 3 pieces;
  • cloves – 3 pieces;
  • onions – 3 onions;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pieces;
  • dill umbrellas – 3 pieces;
  • mustard seeds – 0,5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • oak and cherry leaves – 5 pieces each;
  • a piece of horseradish root;
  • salt – 180 of
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Milk mushrooms give juice – they need to be placed in jars, leaving space up to the lid

It takes 24 hours to soak milk mushrooms for the hot method. The further procedure looks like this:

  1. Wash the soaked mushrooms and boil 3 times for 10 minutes, each time in new water.
  2. Wash the boiled milk mushrooms and spread out to dry.
  3. Line the bottom of sterilized jars with oak and cherry leaves.
  4. Sprinkle with a thin layer of salt and spread the mushrooms.
  5. Lay the mushrooms in layers, between them: salt, onion half rings, mustard, bay leaf and dill.
  6. Seal the mushrooms to let the air out.
  7. Pour into jars 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  8. Close the necks with permanent paper and take out to the cold.

After a week, you need to check – if the mushrooms are not completely covered with brine, add boiled water.

Important! Mushrooms need to be placed in jars, leaving a small space so that there is room for the brine to stand out.

How much to salt milk mushrooms under oppression

The salting time for hot and cold methods is different. This is due to the fact that the raw method does not provide for any marinade, except for the mushrooms’ own juices. Pre-boiled milk mushrooms release it faster – vegetable oil speeds up the process. Salting time in a cold way under oppression – 30-45 days, hot – 15 days.

Recipes for mushrooms under oppression

Recipes for salting mushrooms under oppression step by step and with a photo will help you choose the right option. It is important to consider that seasonings greatly affect the taste of mushrooms (the fleshy structure absorbs the brine), so you need to focus on your own preferences.

How to pickle milk mushrooms under pressure without spices

For those who prefer classic dishes, this recipe is suitable. It does not need anything but salt (300 g) and mushrooms (5 kg).

Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Salted milk mushrooms can be tasted after 1 month

Stages of preparation:

  1. Salt the soaked mushrooms and place in an enamel bowl, caps down.
  2. Put a plate or lid on top of the mushrooms and press down with oppression.
  3. The holding time is 3 days, the raw material must be stirred once a day.
  4. After this time, the mushrooms will secrete juice, they can be decomposed into sterilized jars. Roll up with metal or plastic lids.

The pickling period is at least 30 days, after which the mushrooms can be tasted.

How to make mushrooms under oppression with a bow

Salted milk mushrooms under oppression with onions for the winter will be a great snack on the festive table. It doesn’t take any complicated steps to prepare them.

The list of ingredients includes:

  • soaked milk mushrooms – 1 bucket;
  • onions – 5 onions;
  • table salt – 1,5 cups.

The amount of onion can vary – for this recipe it needs to be cut into half rings, so it’s best to have fresh onions on hand.

Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

The weight of the press must correspond to the number of mushrooms and the size of the container

Stages of preparation:

  1. Put the soaked mushrooms in a container with caps down.
  2. Sprinkle the layers with salt and onion half rings.
  3. Put oppression on the top layer.
  4. After 2 days, transfer the raw materials to jars and roll up.

Such a recipe will turn out to be quite bitter because of the onion, so the mushrooms must be properly soaked from bitterness before pickling.

How to salt milk mushrooms under pressure in Altai

The dish prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty due to the use of the ancient secret of salting – it happens in an oak barrel. Of course, it is not easy to implement such an option in an apartment, but in a country house or in a village it is quite feasible.

For cooking you will need:

  • soaked milk mushrooms – 10 kg;
  • table salt – 400g;
  • sprig of dill – 35 g;
  • garlic, cut into plates – 40g;
  • horseradish root, grated – 20 g;
  • bay leaf – 10 pieces;
  • allspice peas – 40 g.
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Milk mushrooms can be salted in oak barrels without fear of souring mushrooms

Use already prepared raw materials as follows:

  1. Wash the barrel, pour over boiling water and dry.
  2. Spread raw materials in layers, sprinkle between them with garlic, salt, horseradish root, dill, pepper and bay leaf.
  3. Cover the top layer with a clean cloth, put the inflated circle and the load. If the mushrooms do not secrete juice, strengthen the press.
  4. Gradually, you can add new instances.
  5. After 25-30 days the dish will be ready.

This method made it possible earlier in the villages to store large portions of mushrooms in the cellars, without fear of their acidification.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a saucepan under oppression

Mushrooms secrete juice, which can react with the material of the container. Do not use aluminum, clay and galvanized dishes, as well as plastic. Suitable enamel or glass containers.


  • soaked milk mushrooms – 5 kg;
  • table salt – 250 g;
  • garlic – 5 denticles;
  • allspice and black peppercorns – 15 pieces each;
  • bay leaves – 10 pieces;
  • leaves of horseradish, oak, currant and cherry – 5-10 pieces each.
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Mushrooms should be salted in a saucepan for no more than 35 days

Method of preparation:

  1. Put all the leaves except bay leaves on the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle with a thin layer of salt.
  2. Mushrooms lay out the hats down, sprinkle the layers with salt, garlic and pepper, shift the leaves.
  3. Put a plate on the top layer and heavy oppression on top.
  4. Cover with gauze from insects and small debris.

Stand for 30-35 days, then season with onions and butter.

How to salt mushrooms under the press with horseradish

This spicy recipe is suitable for lovers of pickles, they will appreciate the taste of the marinade.


  • soaked milk mushrooms – 5 kg;
  • horseradish (root) – 1 piece;
  • table salt – 1 cup;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • currant leaves, cherries – 10 pieces each;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • cabbage leaves – 7 pieces.
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

When you add horseradish, you get a very tasty marinade.

Cooking takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut the horseradish root into slices, garlic into slices. Cabbage leaves cut into large pieces.
  2. Put cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the container, sprinkle with salt.
  3. Put the first layer of mushrooms, then spices, currant leaves and salt.
  4. Put oppression on the top layer, hold at room temperature for 1,5 days.
  5. Transfer raw materials to jars, cover with plastic lids.

Salting time – 45 days, after which the mushrooms can be washed and served.

Recipe for mushrooms under the press with garlic

You can try such salting not earlier than 1 month.


  • soaked milk mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • dill umbrellas with stems – 5 pieces;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • table salt – 2,5 tbsp. l.
Milk mushrooms under pressure: step by step cooking recipes with photos

Salted milk mushrooms can be used as an independent dish or served with various salads.

This hot salting method is as follows:

  1. Boil water, add some oil.
  2. Boil the mushrooms for 8 minutes, then put them in a colander, let the water drain.
  3. Add salt, garlic and dill umbels – cut the stems into 5 cm pieces and set aside.
  4. Put the mushrooms in a container, press down with oppression.
  5. After 12 hours, remove the press, stir the raw materials and leave for another 12 hours.
  6. Remove mushrooms in jars, tamp with dill stalks.

Close the jars with plastic lids and refrigerate for 30 days until fully cooked.

Terms and conditions of storage

You can store mushrooms all winter, nothing will happen to them in a few months. You need to keep them in a cool place – a cellar or a refrigerator. It is important that there is no mold and moisture nearby, especially during a long period of salting in a cold way. It is recommended to carefully sterilize jars and lids – mushrooms will not tolerate careless handling.


Milk mushrooms under oppression in a cold way are a great opportunity to make winter preparations more diverse. Numerous recipes allow you to choose the option to your liking. For a good result, it is important to follow all the rules, carelessness at any stage can lead to acidification of mushrooms.

Cold-salted mushrooms

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