Milk mushrooms: how to salt? Video

Milk mushrooms: how to salt? Video

Due to the high taste and wide possibilities for preparing various dishes, mushrooms have firmly entered the life of a person. The human body assimilates almost half of the proteins contained in this product. Fresh mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time, but there are various ways to prepare them for future use. Mushrooms can be frozen, dried, pickled and salted. There is, for example, a great way to pickle milk mushrooms.

Milk mushrooms: salting mushrooms

Preparing mushrooms for salting

Salting mushrooms is the easiest way to store mushrooms for future use. Milk mushrooms preserved in a strong brine of table salt are then used to make soups, pie fillings, stews, side dishes and snacks.

Mushrooms for harvesting must be collected in the early morning, until they are warmed up by the sun’s rays. In this case, the mushrooms can be stored for a longer time. Warmed up by the sun, they deteriorate faster, becoming covered with mucus.

After cutting the mushroom, you need to remove the leaves, soil, straw and other debris adhering to it. Then the milk mushrooms are sorted by size. Strong, fresh, not wormy or overripe mushrooms are suitable for salting.

If you cannot process the mushrooms on the day of collection, you need to clean them of leaves and dirt, but not wash them. It is good to keep mushrooms in the refrigerator or other cool dark place before canning

It is necessary to process milk mushrooms on the day of collection. This is a prerequisite for the preservation of all nutrients in mushrooms.

Before canning, the mushrooms must be washed very thoroughly. To do this, they are placed in a colander and repeatedly lowered into a bucket of cold water, allowing it to drain.

Salting is a very common way of preserving mushrooms for future use. Milk mushrooms are usually subjected to this type of processing, which, due to their specific taste and the content of milk bitter juice, are not recommended to be preserved in another way.

There are 2 ways to salt mushrooms: cold and hot.

Before salting, be sure to clean and thoroughly rinse the milk mushrooms, at the same time removing wormy and damaged mushrooms.

For the cold salting method you will need:

– 10 kilograms of mushrooms; – 400-500 grams of coarsely ground table salt; – garlic; – Dill; – cherry and currant leaves; – cumin.

When pickling mushrooms, the amount of table salt is 4–5% of the weight of mushrooms prepared for processing

Pour the prepared washed peeled mushrooms with cold water and soak for 2-3 days, remembering to change the water 2 times a day. Lay the soaked milk mushrooms in layers in jars or barrels with the caps down. Sprinkle each layer with salt, chopped cloves of garlic, chopped dill, cherry and currant leaves, caraway seeds. Having laid all the mushrooms in this way, place a circle on top, and light oppression on it.

After a few days, when the mushrooms release their juice and settle, add more fresh mushrooms to the dishes. Sprinkle them with salt, spices and put the oppression again. After 30–40 days from the beginning of pickling, the milk mushrooms will be ready for consumption.

To pickle milk mushrooms in a hot way, you need to take:

– 10 kilograms of mushrooms; – 400-500 grams of coarsely ground table salt; – 1-1,2 liters of water.

Peel the milk mushrooms and rinse with plenty of cold water. Then fill the mushrooms with clean water, add the required amount of salt and cook over medium heat. Add 3 grams of citric acid to whiten mushrooms, if desired.

Catch the boiled mushrooms from the broth with a slotted spoon and cool. Discard in a colander. When excess water drains, place the milk mushrooms in glass jars or barrels. Place light oppression on top.

You can also pickle milk mushrooms according to the Bulgarian cuisine recipe. There this dish is called turshiya, which means “pickle”. As a result of such salting, a very tasty dish is obtained that increases the appetite. When processing mushrooms in the form of turshia, no special devices are required.

When pickling mushrooms, lactic acid is a preservative. It is formed as a result of the fermentation of the sugars contained in the mushrooms under the influence of various lactic bacteria.

In order for lactic acid fermentation to take place correctly, proportions must be observed. You should take 2,5-5% of the salt by weight of the processed mushrooms. If you take more salt, it will have a bad effect on the fermentation process. For example, at 10% concentration the fermentation process slows down, and at 20% it stops.

To prepare the turshii from the mushrooms, you will need the following ingredients: – 10 kilograms of mushrooms; – 150 grams of granulated sugar; – 150 grams of table salt.

Peel the milk mushrooms, rinse and sort. Then blanch the mushrooms. To do this, scald them with boiling water or immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes. The amount of water should be 4 times the volume of the mushrooms. Place small and chopped milk mushrooms in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, large ones – for 4-5. Then transfer the mushrooms to cold water for 5-10 minutes or hold them under running water. Then place the milk mushrooms in a suitable dish. Sprinkle each row with a mixture of salt and sugar. When all the mushrooms are laid, fill them with cold water and leave for lactic acid fermentation. It lasts 14-15 days and takes place at a temperature of 15-18 ° C. During all this time, make sure that the dishes with the mushrooms are filled to the top. At the end of the fermentation process, place the mushrooms in a cool place.

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