Milk mushroom: useful properties and contraindications. Video
The history of the milk mushroom goes back many centuries. It is believed to have been discovered by Tibetan monks. Drinks made from milk mushroom taste good and have healing properties. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk mushroom kefir is called the elixir of youth, it stops the aging of body cells. People who systematically take it are in excellent physical shape.
Useful properties of milk mushroom
Kefir mushroom is a complex symbiosis of microorganisms. The main microflora of milk fungus are yeast and streptococci, which determine the specific taste, nutritional and healing properties of this product.
Milk mushroom is a matte white “body” with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters (in the initial period of development) and 50-60 millimeters (at the end of maturation, before division).
Starting from the century before last, the clinic in Zurich began to treat chronic diarrhea, anemia, stomach ulcers and intestinal inflammation with the help of milk fungus. Patients in the clinic tolerated the fungus treatment well, they readily accepted it, and after regular use of this remedy, the pain decreased, erosion and ulcers were scarred.
Currently, Japanese doctors recommend including milk mushroom kefir in the diet of cancer patients (it has been noticed that it stops the development of cancer cells), as well as in the menu of healthy people, regardless of age.
Just 100 grams of kefir made from milk mushroom contains 100 billion beneficial microorganisms that produce lactic acid, which prevents the development of oil and putrefactive enzymes in the body and protects the beneficial intestinal flora.
Milk mushroom is widely used in cooking, it is used to make drinks, sauces, salads and snacks
Milk mushroom preparations treat heart disease and periodontal disease, stop calcification of blood vessels, normalize metabolism and promote weight loss, as well as scarring of stomach and duodenal ulcers, lower blood pressure, rejuvenate the body, improve memory, increase immunity and sexual potency.
Recipe for preparation and methods of using milk mushroom drinks
To make a milk mushroom drink you will need:
– 2 teaspoons of milk mushroom; – 250 milliliters of milk.
Pour in 2 teaspoons of milk mushroom ¼ liter of milk at room temperature and leave for 24 hours. After this time, remove the mushroom from the dishes, rinse it under running water and fill it with fresh milk, always raw and fresh. If you do not do this procedure every day, then the mushroom will turn brown, lose all its healing properties and will soon die. A healthy mushroom is white.
If the milk mushroom is rinsed in time and poured with fresh milk, then after 17 days it will double and it can be divided. The milk mushroom should be kept in a clean glass container at room temperature and filled with fresh milk daily at the rate of 500 milliliters per adult mushroom or 100 milliliters per young.
The milk mushroom should be stored in a glass jar, always with the lid open, because the mushroom needs air. Do not place dishes with mushrooms in bright sunlight. The storage temperature of the mushroom should not be lower than + 17 ° C
After 19-20 hours, the poured milk will completely ferment and acquire useful and healing properties. A sign that the milk is ready for use is the appearance of a thick layer on top, in which the milk mushroom is located, the fermented milk separates from the bottom of the can. It must be filtered through a colander with a mesh diameter of 2-3 millimeters into another glass or earthenware dish.
After straining, the mushroom should be rinsed under cool running water to remove milk residues. And cooked kefir is consumed at 200-250 milliliters (1 glass) half an hour or an hour before bedtime or in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour or an hour before meals. But it is believed that taking kefir at night is preferable.
Useful properties of milk mushroom
Kefir is especially valuable immediately after fermentation. After 8-12 hours after cooking, it thickens and turns into a curd mass with a specific pungent sour taste and a peculiar smell. At this stage, kefir loses all its healing properties and becomes harmful.
The course of treatment with milk mushroom kefir is a year. At the beginning of the treatment, it is necessary to drink 1 drink, at least 2 times a day, 200-250 milliliters. After 20 days of regular use, you need to take a 30-35 day break. Then the course of taking the drink is repeated. After a year of regular use of the medicinal drink, many diseases recede. Provided that the person did not abuse alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy and fatty foods.
Milk mushroom is often used in diets. It breaks down fats well and removes them from the body, therefore it is an effective means for losing weight. But kefir made from mushroom has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to take it for patients with bronchial asthma, as well as for diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent people.
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