Milk for premature babies: how to choose it?

The digestive system of a baby born prematurely is not mature enough to be fed conventional infant formula. These infants are also more susceptible to possible infections, which requires the use of infant milk enriched with vitamins and minerals. 

How to feed a premature baby?

Your baby’s nutrition depends on his degree of prematurity and his state of health. At first, some very premature babies (born between 25 and 32 weeks) will sometimes be unable to feed themselves and will receive special feeding intravenously. 

As it develops, a gastric tube will be used to start getting milk directly into the stomach. The baby can then gradually start to drink from a bottle or from the breast.

In video: Interview with Carole Hervé, lactation consultant: “Is my baby getting enough milk?”

What is the best premature baby milk?

According to the recommendations of theWorld Health Organization (WHO), «the breastmilk is the best food for premature babies. […] Most premature babies who are unable to coordinate sucking and swallowing reflexes can be fed their mother’s milk, either by cup, spoon or nasogastric tube. “

If you have chosen or cannot breastfeed, your pediatrician may recommend a preparation for infants adapted to the specific needs of your premature baby.

Milk for very premature babies

Very premature babies, i.e. babies born before 28 weeks of gestation, are often fed intravenously with a preparation rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, lipids and carbohydrates in order to meet their specific nutritional needs.

Milk for medium to very premature babies

Feeding babies born between 28 and 34 amenorrhea weeks will then be performed most often using a gastric tube. We can then gradually start to bottle or breast feed the baby, in small amounts, because of the small size of his stomach, and so as not to tire him.

You will have the choice between several types of infant formula for your baby: 

  • Breast milk with the addition of a fortifier to provide an additional supply of vitamins, minerals and proteins to the infant;
  • Breast milk;
  • An infant formula enriched with proteins, vitamins, minerals, lipids, lactose, dextrin-maltose or even taurine. This infant milk is adapted to the immaturity of the body of the newborn in order to guarantee a good digestion to the child.

How Much Milk for a Premature Baby?

A preterm baby has a smaller stomach. It will therefore be necessary to feed it in small quantities milk and offer him a drink very often to gain weight. To feed him, adapt to his demand rather than to the feeding times. 

Premature babies are also more susceptible to possible digestive disorders, hence the need to feed it slowly in order to prevent regurgitation. 

When should you stop premature milk?

A special premature milk partially reimbursed by Social Security will be prescribed by doctors until the age of About 3 months, upon discharge from hospital. Once the 3 kilogram mark is exceeded and depending on the state of health of the baby, the pediatrician will prescribe a milk 1st age classic. In all cases, follow the prescriptions and advice of your doctor. 

1 Comment

  1. Ma babu premature 1.7 kgs now birth wait 1.95 grams ,present 1.7 kgs please guide to weight

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