Milk for colds
In the season of a runny nose and cough, many are looking for remedies that will help them recover faster. Together with an expert, we find out whether it is worth drinking milk for a cold

A person gets used to milk from childhood. But over time, our enzymatic activity decreases: both milk and dairy products are absorbed worse.

Milk is rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals, has an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Will it help to cope with viral diseases faster? We tell you how milk can be useful for a cold.

Can I drink milk with a cold

The causative agents of the common cold are viruses: they trigger an inflammatory process in the body. This is how the immune system reacts to an invasion. With colds, the production of antibodies is necessary to resist viruses. There are substances obtained from food that help antibodies to be synthesized faster.

Is drinking milk good for a cold? There is no consensus in the medical community. Research is being done on this. Sometimes milk in combination with honey is recommended for patients with dry coughs. It helps to envelop the mucosa and protects it from the effects of other viruses. (one)

Scientists from England conducted a study in which it turned out that drinking too hot milk with the flu contributes to the worsening of symptoms. People heat, practically boil milk, and then drink it with honey or butter. Experts noted: too hot milk can provoke the release of mucus. At the same time, we are talking about cow’s milk – for example, soy milk does not give such an effect.(2)

In addition to milk, products such as butter, honey, soda and other substances often go.

– Milk for colds should not be drunk by people with lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance. Lactase is an enzyme produced in the intestines that breaks down the milk sugar lactose. Undigested lactose is no longer absorbed by the body, which leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gas, bloating, loose stools. You can determine lactase deficiency and determine the cause of lactose intolerance using a special genetic analysis, says gastroenterologist Anna Denisova.

-Such a “medicine” is also strictly prohibited for people allergic to cow’s milk. In this case, the consequences will be even more severe than with lactase deficiency – up to anaphylactic shock. Honey can also cause a serious allergic reaction.

What can you drink milk with a cold

Combining milk with certain foods can still improve well-being.

Milk with butter for colds

Milk with butter is good for coughs and sore throats (3). Dissolve 40 g of butter in 200 ml of warm, but not hot (!) milk. This mixture will soothe the throat – after all, milk in combination with butter envelops the mucous membrane even better.

The only point: not everyone will like the taste of the drink, it is quite specific.

Take milk with butter is not longer than 3 days.

Milk with soda for colds

Add a pinch of soda to a glass of milk and heat slightly until dissolved. No need to boil! The liquid should be at a moderately warm temperature so that the soda can dissolve in it.

It is better to drink a drink 3-4 times a day between main meals. And be sure to do it before bed. It must be remembered that prolonged intake of milk with soda can cause the opposite effect – the mucous membrane begins to become irritated even more.

Milk with honey for colds

– Warm milk with honey for colds is not forbidden to drink if you do not have allergies or intolerance to these products. In particular, the drink helps relieve the symptoms of dry cough. The main thing to remember is that when heated above 40 ° C, honey loses its beneficial properties. It should not be added to boiling milk. Such a drink is not only useless, but also dangerous: a person can get burned. In addition, milk with honey should not be consumed at high temperatures. Such a “cocktail” will only increase the fever,” explains gastroenterologist Anna Denisova.

2-3 teaspoons of honey are dissolved in a glass of warm milk: it can be buckwheat, acacia, heather and other types. It is worth abandoning too rich honey, for example, chestnut.

Drink 2 times a day in small sips. If you add not only honey, but also soda to milk, the effect will become more pronounced. There will be not only protection, but also disinfection and alkalization.

Milk with propolis for colds

Both whole propolis and its tincture can be added to milk. The liquid must not be too hot.

For 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture is enough. It is better to choose a tincture with a concentration of 10%. Drink 2 times a day in small sips.

Milk with turmeric for colds

A mixture of milk, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom and other spices is called “golden milk”. The drink has a pronounced positive effect on the human body. (four)

But curcumin is also a rather strong substance: doctors highlight its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties, it improves memory and helps fight the development of cancer.

Heat 200 ml of milk on the stove and add 1 teaspoon of turmeric. It is enough to wait until the turmeric dissolves – and remove the drink from the fire. Do not boil! Drink milk with turmeric no more than 2 times a day. The maximum duration of admission is 4 days.

How to take milk for a cold

We repeat once again: do not boil milk, so it loses all the beneficial properties. Proteins are denatured, vitamins and minerals in its composition are destroyed. Hot milk irritates not only the mucous membrane of the throat, but also the stomach. Instead of treatment, there will only be a worsening of the condition.

Which milk is better to drink for a cold: cow’s or goat’s? Still goat. It is better absorbed and less likely to give unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.

Baked milk is suitable for people suffering from a lack of lactase. It contains a minimum of lactose, but at the same time all useful properties are preserved.

If there is intolerance, you should look at plant-based milk options. By the way, unlike cow’s, it can be boiled.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions are answered by a gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Anna Denisova.

Is it possible to drink milk with a cold with a temperature?

By itself, milk is not a complete medicine. You can’t cure a cold with milk alone. Moreover, it cannot be used as an antipyretic. At high temperatures, milk is poorly digested, which can lead to indigestion. Nevertheless, in reasonable doses and in combination with other drugs, this product can be consumed.

Milk has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood microcirculation and has a positive effect on immunity. It has a diuretic property, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body and alleviates the general condition. Warm milk is recommended for sore throat and dry cough. But with a wet cough, it is better to refuse this drink. Milk is a mucus product, which interferes with mucus expulsion and makes it difficult to treat a cough. Finally, milk is considered a source of tryptophan, the amino acid responsible for releasing the sleep hormone melatonin. It has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. And sleep helps the body to quickly restore energy during a cold.

Is it possible to drink milk during a cold during pregnancy?

Of course, you can drink milk for a cold during pregnancy. The main thing is that the expectant mother does not have individual lactose intolerance. Otherwise, milk can become one of the alternatives to drugs, a significant part of which is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Can children drink milk for a cold?

Milk for colds is not contraindicated for children. But again, in reasonable amounts, and if the child does not suffer from allergies or intolerance to cow’s milk. And if he doesn’t have a high temperature.

Sources of

  1. C B Pinnock, N M Graham, A Mylvaganam, R M Douglas. Relationship between milk intake and mucus production in adult volunteers challenged with rhinovirus-2/ 2014. URL:
  2. Carina Cruz MRes,David Wellsted PhD,Joanna Stephens FRCS. Effect of a dairy diet on nasopharyngeal mucus secretion/ 2018. URL:
  3. Jesica A Jones , Janet R Ninnis , Andrew O Hopper. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations and metabolism in breast milk, infant formula, and parenteral nutrition/ 2013. URL:
  4. Soheil Zorofchian Moghadamtousi, Habsah Abdul Kadir Pouya Hassandarvish. A review on antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity of curcumin/2014. URL:

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