Milk-flowered peony: description, photo
Milk-flowered peony is a beautiful plant native to China. It has many different varieties, so every grower will find a suitable option for his garden.
General description of the milk-flowered peony
This plant is a winter-hardy, perennial shrub, the maximum height of which reaches 110 cm. The root system of the plant is voluminous and can protrude above the ground.
Milk-flowered peony is grown in parks and gardens
The shrub has large, pointed green leaves with a shiny surface. Their length ranges from 20 to 40 cm.
The plant blooms from May to July, depending on the variety. During this period, beautiful, voluminous flowers with a pleasant aroma bloom on it. They can be of different shapes, white, pink or red.
One flower reaches 20 cm in diameter and consists of 5-10 petals, each about 8 cm long
Several flowers can bloom on one stem. A photo of milk-flowered peonies conveys all the beauty and tenderness of this plant, it will not leave indifferent any grower.
Milk-flowered peony varieties
There are many varieties and hybrids of peony. These include:
- Blush Queen. This variety is distinguished by abundant flowering. At this time, double flowers, similar to a rose, bloom on the bush. There are red stripes on the petals;
- “Boo-Ti” is a tall shrub with a pleasant aroma. In the center of the peony are light yellow stamens;
- “Pearl scattering” blooms with large flowers with an uneven surface. They are about 16 cm in diameter;
- “Elsa Sass” gives terry, pink peonies with a pleasant aroma.
A distinctive feature of these varieties is that at the beginning of flowering, light pink flowers bloom on the shrub. But gradually they become creamy white or snow white.
In addition to them, the Dine Plate variety can be distinguished. Its shrub reaches 110 cm in height. During flowering, huge pink flowers appear on the stems. They are similar to roses and have a strong scent.
The Glory Hallelujah variety is distinguished by its unusual double flowers.
The fragrant flowers are shaped like a deep pink ball. Gradually they brighten, and a silvery edging forms at the edges. Beautiful and large, white inflorescences with rich golden stamens will give the grower a peony of the “Krinkled White” variety.
These are far from all representatives of the peony, it is distinguished by the variety of its species. Choose the right variety for your own taste. Grow the plant in the garden and admire it when it blooms abundantly.