Milgamma – supplement for vitamin B1 and B6 deficiencies. How does it work on the body?

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Do you feel constantly tired, you suffer from unjustified mood changes, or maybe your feet swell and hurt and you lack appetite? This could mean you lack vitamins B1 and B6. Supplementation with Milgamma is effective for deficiencies. What do you need to know about it?

Milgamma – supplement for vitamin B1 and B6 deficiencies

The preparation is in the form of dragees. One of its active ingredients is benfotiamina – a form of vitamin which, when absorbed by the body, transforms into vitamin B1 called thiamine. The second active ingredient is vitamin B6, called pyrodixine.

The other ingredients include: silicon dioxide, cellulose, talc, gum arabic, corn starch.

Thiamin and pyrodixine are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

What role does vitamin B1 (thiamin) play?

Thiamin influences the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The functioning of the immune system probably depends on it (partly). It has oxidative properties.

What are the effects of vitamin B1 deficiency?

With long-term deficiencies, nerve paralysis and muscle atrophy as well as disorders of the peripheral nervous system may occur.

Other symptoms of thiamine deficiency include:

  1. emotional imbalances (mood swings, irritability, susceptibility to stress, outbursts of anger),
  2. constant fatigue,
  3. problems with memory and concentration,
  4. circulatory failure (swelling of the legs, increased heart rate, enlargement of the heart),
  5. digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite),
  6. sensory disturbances,
  7. menstrual disorders (in women),
  8. utrata libido.

It also determines the proper functioning of the nervous system, blood pressure, muscle contractions, heart function, and the functioning of the immune system.

What are the effects of vitamin B6 deficiency?

The most important effects of vitamin B6 deficiency are:

  1. mood disorders leading to depression
  2. anemia,
  3. skin changes.

Who is at risk of vitamin B1 and B6 deficiencies?

Both vitamins are abundant in food. Thus, healthy people with a varied diet supply the body with these ingredients. However, deficiencies can occur in people:

  1. actively practicing sports or working hard physically,
  2. with impaired absorption of these vitamins,
  3. abusing alcohol.

People who are on restrictive, especially one-component diets, as well as people who are malnourished, e.g. due to illness or anorexia, can also expect deficiencies.

As soon as the first symptoms of deficiencies appear, they need to be supplemented by taking, for example, Milgamma.

Milgamma – properties

Milgamma is a drug recommended for diseases of the nervous system caused by a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6. By supplementing their deficiencies in the body, the cause of the disorders is eliminated. After 4 weeks at the latest, the symptoms of deficiency disappear, the patient’s well-being improves, the body functions properly.

Can you take Milgamma without medical indications? The leaflet contains information on the dosage, so patients can decide for themselves whether to take this medicine. However, the indicated dose must not be exceeded (1 tablet 1-3 times a day), and if in doubt, consult a doctor. On the other hand, pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult a doctor.

An overdose of vitamin B1 has no effect, while an excess of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) can cause limb weakness and numbness. As the preparation contains both components, the indicated doses of Milgamma should not be exceeded. Opinions of people taking this drug indicate that there are no complications in the case of adherence to the recommendations. Rarely there are allergic reactions to any of the ingredients of the preparation.

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