
In this exercise, participants make a list of things they would like to do in the future in order to streamline their goals. The advantage of this way of working is that it enhances the sense of direction and continuity of life.


I want to show you how, without any astrology, you can look into your future. Each of you has many hopes and desires. Some of them will be able, in all probability, to be realized, while others are destined to remain in the realm of thoughts and ideas.

Decide how far into the future you want to see. Maybe you are interested in seeing your life in a year or two, or maybe in ten years?

Now think about what you want to achieve during this time. What do you want to create? What to learn? Who to become? What would you like to give up or be free from?

Imagine that every important goal of this life segment is a milestone on the path of life that you are walking. And when you reach the next milestone, you can say to yourself: “I already did this!”. Choose only those goals that are positively colored for you and worthy of striving for them. And there should be no more than six or eight of them. Arrange them in the correct time sequence and label each milestone with a few keywords.

When you do, reread your list of goals for the future and write down what you think of it, how reasonable it seems to you. You have 20 minutes to do this…

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