Mikhail Gorbachev in the hospital. What does the former president of the USSR suffer from?

Mikhail Gorbachev turned 91 in March. According to unofficial reports, the health of the former USSR leader has deteriorated significantly in recent months. Recently, he was once again hospitalized. What does Mikhail Gorbachev suffer from? We explain.

  1. Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the USSR, retired from political life some time ago and lives in seclusion
  2. Recently, it requires more and more medical care. From time to time, he ends up in and German hospitals
  3. He has been suffering from diabetes and kidney disease for years, although this has never been officially confirmed
  4. He had pneumonia a few years ago
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Mikhail Gorbachev in the hospital

A few days ago, media reported that 91-year-old Mikhail Gorbachev was hospitalized. The politician is to have problems with diabetes and kidneys.

A photo of Gorbachev in a hospital bed with a drip connected on Thursday was published on Facebook by scientist Nikolai Podosokorski.

The photo also shows the economist Ruslan Grinberg, who was then told to one of the TV stations that Gorbachev had diabetes and kidney problems, and his condition was getting worse.

The representative of the Gorbachev Foundation, Vladimir Polakov, quoted on Friday by the agency RIA Novosti, denied reports of a serious deterioration in the health of the former and only president of the USSR.

– We never comment on the health of Mikhail Sergeyevich. In this case, however, I can say that what appears in these channels (on Telegram) is not true – summed up the Pole.

Mikhail Gorbachev – president with the mark

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931. In 1985-1991 he was the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which made him the leader of this country. In 1990-91 he was the president of the USSR. On December 25, 1991, he resigned, and a day later the USSR was dissolved.

For years, a large nevus on Gorbachev’s forehead has attracted attention. It is congenital, it appears in the first two months of pregnancy. In the case of Gorbachev we are dealing with an atypical (dysplastic) birthmark – it has an asymmetrical shape, an irregular edge and an above-standard size.. In extreme cases, pigmented lesions can become malignant and turn into melanoma.

The politician never tried to hide these changes under his makeup, making it his hallmark.

Gorbachev also became famous as the creator of perestroika, a process of profound social, economic and political changes in the USSR that began in the mid-80s. One of its assumptions was the fight against alcoholism (which was then a huge problem in the country) and limiting the production of drinks with interest. Gorbachev himself, unlike many of the most important politicians, drank alcohol in moderation. Perhaps it was due to the fact that his brother was an alcoholic.

Michał Gorbaczow and diabetes

Mikhail Gorbachev has been struggling with type 2 diabetes for years. This requires him to have a proper diet, physical activity and pharmacological support. According to unofficial information, the uses the so-called the Kremlin diet, the basis of which are cold meals, consisting mainly of salads and raw vegetables. The menu also includes simple dishes such as oatmeal soup and risotto.

The disease sometimes becomes severe, so Gorbachev is sometimes treated, not only in but also in German hospitals. One of such stays took place in 2014. The reasons for this were not officially stated, only a “relapse” was said.

– My condition has been more or less OK for the last week, but today I’m in the hospital. It got worse. I’m lying connected to the monitor, all covered with cables – said the former leader of the USSR, quoted by the Interfax agency. The stay did not last long, the patient left the hospital on the same day.

Mikhail Gorbachev and kidney problems

Along with diabetes, the former Soviet leader also struggles with kidney disease, although this has never been officially confirmed. From time to time, he has to undergo a dialysis treatment that cleans his blood through a machine.

According to the news site Mash, such an operation took place again a few days ago.

He celebrated his 90th birthday in the hospital

Mikhail Gorbachev celebrated his 2th birthday on March 90 last year. Congratulations from Our Country and the whole world were received by the politician in the hospital. However, it was not the result of a sudden deterioration in health. The stay in the facility was an element of prevention related to the coronavirus pandemic.

There was no official information that Gorbachev would get COVID-19, so it follows that the countermeasures taken have been effective. Or such a propaganda message was supposed to flow out into the world, because it should be remembered that most reports from Our Country are subject to censorship.

Mikhail Gorbachev and pneumonia

One of the few cases where Mikhail Gorbachev or his entourage officially reported the causes of health problems occurred in 2019. Then the former president confirmed media reports that he was being treated for pneumonia.

– It’s true, but I’m getting better. The treatment is basically over, now they keep me for a few days and that’s it – he said in an interview with the RIA Novosti news agency.

Interfax, another news agency, recalled then that Gorbachev had been hospitalized a few years earlier for cardiovascular and joint diseases.

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