This is a slow declaration of love to a really beautiful city, which one of the authors has observed for more than forty years, and the other – all his life.

This is a slow declaration of love to a really beautiful city, which one of the authors has observed for more than forty years, and the other – all his life. So the book turned out to be warm, lyrical and nostalgic. The stories of the St. Petersburg prose writer Mikhail Akhmanov and the aboriginal Vlado Rishi about Prague houses, theaters and pubs are interspersed with personal memories, as well as detailed excursions into history and old Prague legends, collected at the end of the XNUMXth century by the classic Alois Irasek. Like Stendhal, this is more of a documentary novel, not devoid of, however, practical advice – for example, about the consequences of eating a pork leg (option: duck, smoked neck, sausages with a side dish of dumplings) …

AMPHORA, 382 p.

Maya Kucherskaya

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