Migratory erythema – what is it characterized by? Diagnosis and treatment of erythema migrans

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Migratory erythema appears as a result of a tick bite as a visible change on the skin. Migratory erythema is the first symptom indicating a high probability of being infected with Borrelia burgdorferi.

Migratory erythema – the first sign of Lyme disease

If a migratory erythema is not recognized early or not noticed at all, the person bitten by the tick may not know that they are infected by the spirochete. A skin lesion does not always occur in people who are bitten by a tick. Some of them, and it is even up to 50 percent. patients, did not notice a characteristic skin lesion or did not develop any erythema migrans. Thus, Lyme disease may not be detected in the body for years, which in turn leads to a too late diagnosis of this chronic disease.

See also: What to do when a tick bites?

How to recognize a migratory erythema?

Migratory erythema takes the form of a skin rash at the site of a tick bite. The bacteria that cause Lyme disease are the spirochetes. Together with a tick bite, they enter the body. The skin lesion is a red circle (redness). The erythema may increase gradually, the area of ​​reddening of the skin is usually 5 cm in diameter and has a characteristic rim. Erythema appears at the site of a tick bite, but it sometimes changes its location on the skin (a kind of metastasis), and may also differ from the typical description.

The diagnosed skin lesion is a signal for Lyme disease treatment.

Characteristic for migrating erythema are:

  1. a skin change that may be hot (a feeling of warmth at the site of redness)
  2. itching along with burning of the stung area,
  3. the appearance of skin eruptions filled with serous fluid,
  4. rims of pink or purple color surrounding the erythema,
  5. tiredness, headaches with muscle and joint pains, increased body temperature,
  6. enlarged lymph nodes,
  7. optional: erythema metastasis to other parts of the skin.

Migratory erythema does not always have the same characteristic appearance, therefore any skin lesion larger than 5 cm should be diagnosed by a primary care physician. The skin inflammation is manifested by erythema and is the result of infection in the bitten area. The erythema after a tick bite may disappear on its own after a few weeks.

Migratory erythema and allergic reaction – basic differences

The erythema that travels through a tick bite is very easy to mistake for an allergic reaction, but there are some differences that distinguish redness from one another. First of all, an allergic reaction to a tick occurs very quickly, within a few hours. In turn, the erythema may appear even a few days after the bite. In addition, erythema in the case of an allergic reaction usually does not exceed the limit of 5 cm and disappears spontaneously.

Good to know!

However, it should be remembered that 5 cm is a conventional limit, because it is possible that the allergic reaction will be much greater.

In addition, the allergic reaction may be itchy and the lesion itself may be hard. On the other hand, in the case of erythema after a tick bite, the redness resembles a shooting target with larger and larger red circles appearing. Flu symptoms are also the difference between the erythema and not the allergic reaction.

  1. See also: New Lyme Disease Test – Faster and Safe. This could be a revolution in the diagnosis of this disease

Does migratory erythema always appear after a tick bite?

It should be remembered that migratory erythema does not always appear after a tick bite. This is the most specific symptom that allows you to assess the patient’s health without performing diagnostic tests. In other cases, diagnostics are necessary. The more that A tick can sting a person in a place with a very blood supply. Then the spirochetes enter the bloodstream directly, without causing erythema.

Diagnosis and treatment of erythema migrans

Migratory erythema is the first symptom of the development of a tick-borne disease called Lyme disease. Lyme disease diagnosed too late can cause inflammation in the body, affecting the joints, heart, and brain. This disease, if left untreated, can even lead to death (neuroborreliosis). Treatment in adults is based on the administration of specific antibiotics and lasts for several weeks under the supervision of the treating physician.

Antibiotics for the treatment of Lyme disease:

  1. amoxicillin (penicillin group)
  2. doxycycline and minocycline (tetracycline group)
  3. cefuroxime (cephalosporin group)

Migratory erythema in children

As with adults, erythema in children is likely a sign of Lyme disease.


Treatment in children is also done with antibiotics, with the exception of the tetracycline group (these can be used over 8 years of age).

The sooner we start treating an infected person (this applies to children and adults), the shorter the antibiotic administration time will be. Antibiotics are administered orally. Delaying the initiation of antibiotic therapy in the patient may require the use of stronger doses of antibiotics, including intravenous administration or in the form of injections.

Find out more about Lyme disease:

  1. Lyme disease – questions to which it is good to know the answer
  2. Imaginary Lyme disease – what is it?
  3. You can protect yourself from ticks, but you should think about vaccination

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