Migraine – when it attacks, what are the symptoms, why is it more common in women?

Migraine is not an ordinary headache that can be relieved with a typical painkiller. Migraine is a serious, chronic and incurable neurological disease of the brain. It is a life-destroying disease that many patients hide. Up to 15% of people struggle with migraine. of all people in the world, including about 8 million Poles. What is migraine really, what are its symptoms, why is it more common in women? We remind you of the most important information.

  1. Migraine is a serious neurological disease of the brain. It is chronic and incurable – the therapy consists in combating the symptoms and alleviating the course of the disease
  2. One of the most characteristic symptoms of migraine is a stabbing or throbbing / throbbing pain, usually felt on one side of the head (it can also occur bilaterally or alternately)
  3. Migraine has a very individual course. There may be different factors that trigger an attack, the symptoms and their severity may be different – hence the therapy should be selected individually
  4. There are also home remedies that can provide relief but cannot replace treatment
  5. It is estimated that 15% of people struggle with migraine. world population. On June 21, we celebrate the Day of Solidarity with Migraine Patients
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Migraine is not only unbearable throbbing pain. What are the symptoms?

“Migraine” is a word taken from the Greek language – it means “half-headed”. This is a reference to the symptom that occurs during an attack of the disease – a stabbing or throbbing / throbbing pain that is usually felt on one side of the head, around the forehead, temple, around the eye (it can also occur bilaterally or alternately). The pain can be so severe that the patient literally has no strength to get out of bed, let alone function normally.

– Makes the patient stay in a dark, quiet room, isolate from other people, even from his family. Every slightest rustle, music playing, movement, touch make this throbbing pain in my head intensify – says Magdalena Bednar, who has been struggling with chronic migraine for about 15 years.

Unbearable pain is not the only symptom of migraine, unfortunately. As we read on the Migraine Surgery Center website, “although no two patients have identical symptoms, migraine has been classified by the International Headache Society (IHS) of the International Headache Society (IHS) to distinguish it from standard headache symptoms.

  1. “I was afraid that I would not survive and the body would not stand such pain”

At this point, it is worth mentioning the two most common forms of migraine – “normal” migraine, that is, migraine without aura (affecting most patients) and migraine with aura. In migraine without an aura, throbbing pain is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, touch and smells. Seizures can last anywhere from four to 72 hours.

About 15 percent. sick people experience migraines with aura. The neurological symptoms that may appear in this case are usually visual disturbances, a feeling of numbness or tingling, dizziness, a feeling of balance disorders. These symptoms usually develop within five to 20 minutes for a total of 30 minutes to an hour.

Often, migraines begin to be accompanied by diseases, including insomnia, anxiety disorders, depression, and arterial hypertension.

Mint is helpful in relieving the symptoms of migraines. Mint – freeze-dried organic tea is available on Medonet Market. The package contains 10 sachets of freeze-dried herbs.

When is migraine most common and why more often women?

The above-mentioned migraine problems are experienced by up to 15 percent. people all over the world. It is estimated that in Poland migraines or the so-called Probable migraine suffers as many as 8 million people (possibly more). As we read on the website of the Migraine Surgery Center, “it is the most common chronic disease in the developed world: it is more common than asthma, epilepsy and diabetes combined”.

Although migraine has been known since ancient times, the exact cause of it has not been clearly established to this day. It is known that the problem usually begins in adolescence and most often affects people between the ages of 35 and 45.

As for what triggers migraine, it is suspected that they are both genetic and environmental factors. For example, it is known that certain foods can cause migraine in some patients, including ripened cheese, blue cheese, chocolate, and coffee. There are also some in whom a change in habits is a trigger for migraine, such as sleeping longer or shorter than usual.

There is also no doubt that migraine affects women more often – according to WHO, there are two women per one man with this disease. Why is this happening? In some women, a migraine attack is related to hormonal changes. – It has been shown that they may be related to fluctuations in estrogen concentration and changes in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone levels – explains Prof. Wojciech Kozubski, member of the Main Board of the Polish Neurological Society, head of the Department and Clinic of Neurology at the Medical University of Poznań.

Migraine Attack – Home Remedies That May Provide Relief

The above-mentioned symptoms of migraine leave no doubt that an attack of the disease is a difficult experience for both the patient and his relatives. At this point the patient is unable to perform professional duties, may even have difficulties commuting to work. Experts emphasize that he should not travel by public transport alone, let alone drive a car. What can bring relief from a migraine attack? Are there any home remedies, “home first aid”?

It should not be forgotten that the course of a migraine is very individual. We mentioned above that the triggering factors of an attack can be different, as well as the methods of dealing with it. What works for one person will not work for another. However, the following are some of the methods that can provide relief from a migraine attack:

  1. being in a quiet, dark and well-aired room,
  2. drinking a sweet drink – low sugar levels can increase the feeling of pain,
  3. cool or warm compresses on the forehead (some will have a therapeutic effect of cold, others will be warm),
  4. a relaxing warm shower or bath,
  5. some patients find relief from a gentle pressure on the temporal artery on the pain side or a massage of the neck, head and shoulders.

In relieving migraine pains, you can use the CranioCradle Self-Therapy Device. It soothes muscle tension and improves mood.

Individual treatment – the key to managing migraines

In the fight against migraine, you cannot stop at home remedies. – Overexposed and unprofessional or self-treated migraine may increase the frequency of its symptoms, and significantly extend the process of returning to its normal form in the patient, and above all, the evolution of episodic migraine into its chronic form, where the headache lasts for at least 15 days a month – warns Prof. Wojciech Kozubski.

Maruna pyrethrum has an anti-migraine effect, so it is worth using it prophylactically and therapeutically.

The expert adds: – We are dealing with this phenomenon during a pandemic, when patients had limited access to specialist doctors and specialized medications. In foreign studies, it has been shown that episodic migraine has transformed into chronic migraine in as much as 10%. patients.

Let us emphasize once again – it is necessary to treat migraines properly and to adjust therapies to each patient (migraine is incurable, the treatment consists in combating the symptoms and alleviating the course of the disease). Only a doctor can do this. Therefore, if you have migraine episodes, do not hesitate and contact a doctor who will choose the most appropriate drug for you.

Finally, one more piece of advice, watch your body and write down your results (you can keep a so-called migraine diary). This way you will know what can trigger your migraine and what is working for the best results – it will help you to control the disease.

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