Migraine: Treatment of throbbing pain in the head. Video

Migraine is a common condition that is more common in women than in men. To be successful in migraine treatment, there are a number of aspects to consider, both psychological and medical.

Migraine: treating throbbing head pain

Usually, with a migraine, one side of the head hurts. During the next attack, the side of the pain may change.

Unilateral pain is a congenital state of the pain system in peripheral tissues, it is there that the excitation of the brain system is realized:

  • in fascia
  • in the perivascular plexus
  • in the bone
  • in the tissues of the nose or eye
  • in muscles

Migraine can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and dizziness is often observed. This indicates not only the excitatory state of the painful system of the brain, but also the vestibular. This disease during an attack literally forces a person to avoid noise and hide from the light. Even smells or touch seem to intensify the throbbing painful sensations.

Now it is clear that during a migraine attack, the following types of arousal are present:

  • auditory
  • tactile
  • visual
  • olfactory

Sometimes migraine is accompanied by vegetative crises, when numbness of the extremities, lack of air, chills, increased heart rate, frequent urination and fluctuations in blood pressure join

A large number of patients are convinced that there are no effective treatments for migraines. This belief is formed in people due to the ineffectiveness of previous treatments. The reason is the wrong approach.

In the treatment of this disease, three main tasks should be distinguished:

  • prevention of seizures
  • treatment of migraine attacks
  • prevention of migraine

The doctor should teach the patient to recognize triggers and avoid situations that trigger migraines. To do this, it is advisable to keep a special diary of pulsating pain, which will help you to recognize in the future the factors that provoke the development of migraines. Headache appears in patients at the end of a stressful situation: after receiving a promotion or after a responsible performance.

Certain foods can also cause headaches:

  • sausages and sausages
  • meat
  • animal offal
  • Red caviar
  • herring
  • smoked fish
  • pickled and salted foods
  • vinegar
  • yeast-containing foods
  • citrus
  • caffeine
  • alcohol

Strong smells and physical activity can also trigger migraines. Pulsating headache attacks in 10% of cases occur during intercourse

To relieve an approaching attack, the patient should always have with him the drugs selected by the doctor:

  • paracetamol
  • aspirin
  • triptans
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Keep in mind that migraine medications that contain codeine or caffeine are good but addictive. The brain remembers the stimulating effect of the pills, begins to create another attack in order to force the patient to take such potent drugs again. You should also not get carried away with painkillers. Migraine treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. It will be quite lengthy and will be carried out in courses. Such a system does not inhibit the patient’s performance, it helps to balance the work of the brain.

Also interesting: antidepressants.

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