Migraine takes the joy out of life

When she rode up the slope and was about to start the descent, the attack began. She saw double, the image was blurry. She took off her skis and did not know how to get down. Migraine, although not a serious disease, can turn your life into a nightmare.

Karolina’s worries about a migraine attack are most likely in a court hearing. “It scares me that as an attorney I won’t be able to participate in the trial,” he says. The migraine had already given her terrible surprises. Recently, on skis, when she had already entered the slope and was about to start the descent, she was caught by the so-called pre-migraine aura. – Then I start to see everything as if through a fog. I can’t focus my eyes because my eyes are darting. I can see double or not see at all. The very thought makes me feel sick – he says. She had to go down the slope with her friend, which took her over two hours, because after the aura she started vomiting. The migraine also overwhelmed her during one of the exams she was taking during the attorney apprenticeship. – I failed the exam and I had to pass a correction. Few people believe that a headache makes it impossible to function normally. When it gets me at work, I try to survive the quality, mainly in the toilet, because my boss will not understand that migraine does not allow me to work and that it is better for me to go home because I am completely ineffective – he says. He adds that in TV commercials such problems are solved within 30 seconds. The lady on the screen says: And then I got a headache. I took the pill and I could do anything again. – But it’s not like that. Normal painkillers do not help me – says Karolina.

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Migraine attacks

TV presenter Paulina Sykut also talked about her experiences related to migraine. – When I was seven, I performed in a folk group. During one of the shows, I was supposed to dance and sing solo with my partner. And then I was hit by a migraine for the first time. After desperately performing my song, I left the stage. My mother carried me home in her arms, and I was throwing up all the time – she says. Today, migraine can also complicate her life. – Recently, when I was running a live program and I had to look beautiful, burst with optimism and energy, I got an attack. Somehow I survived to the end. But it was a nightmare, he says. Paulina Sykut complains that so far no doctor has offered her effective help. She herself tries to prevent attacks by observing her own organism. – Regular rhythm of the day, meals at the same time, I do not eat chocolate, I do not drink red wine and do a lot of sports. And the most difficult – I try to avoid stress – she lists. He also adds that the support of the environment is important. – My husband perfectly understands what migraine is and isolates me from the environment during attacks – he says.

Types of headache

The latest research shows that as many as 92% of Poles suffer from headaches. However, not everyone has a migraine problem. – There are headaches that are a symptom of diseases such as a brain tumor, meningitis, stroke or sinusitis, and so-called primary pains, i.e. pains not being a symptom of the disease. After an interview and examination of the patient, the neurologist is able to assess what he is dealing with. Then he can refer the patient for further tests. – Most of the primary pains are the so-called tension pains. The patient feels as if he is wearing a tight band or a cap on his head. These pains are not too intense and go away on their own. There are also very strong so-called cluster pains that are paroxysmal in nature, occurring around the eye and lasting from 20 to 50 minutes. Migraine, apart from headache, has other characteristic symptoms – says Dr. Jacek Rożniecki from the Department and Clinic of Neurology at the Medical University of Lodz. He also adds that there is such a thing as a migraine personality. Affected people are ambitious perfectionists. “They’re happy when they don’t have seizures, unlike people with tension pains, who are often hypochondriacic,” she explains.

However, those who suffer from migraines often feel lonely because they do not find understanding in their immediate surroundings. As a consequence, the accompanying negative emotions and a sense of alienation can lead to depression, which is three times more common in people struggling with migraine than in healthy people.

The course of migraine

Migraine attacks can last from 3 hours to even 3 days and recur at irregular intervals. They start when neurons in a given area of ​​the brain start to malfunction, causing local swelling in the meninges due to dilation of the blood vessels and inflammation of the surrounding tissue. The inflammation is spreading causing a headache. Initial symptoms may include irritability, depression, or fatigue with a stiff neck, nausea, or blurry optics. They occur several days before the pain starts. Some people develop an aura. Migraine sufferers may then notice white spots, bright or flickering lights, or colored zigzag lines in front of their eyes (usually on one side), may see double vision, have a narrow field of view, or not see at all. Sometimes there are also sensory symptoms such as tingling or numbness. Difficulty speaking or finding the right words can also be part of the aura. The aura develops gradually over 5-20 minutes and usually lasts less than 60 minutes. Then the headache begins – one sided, occurring in the front of the head or around the temples. It is pulsating of medium to high intensity, and routine physical activity can make it worse. People with migraines often feel nauseous and may vomit. They are irritated by light and sound, so they try to isolate themselves and be alone in a quiet, darkened room. The end symptoms include fatigue, irritability and depression. This stage is sometimes called a migraine hangover. It may take a day for you to return to normal well-being.

What triggers a migraine

The World Health Organization estimates that 11% of the adult population suffer from migraines, 75% of whom are women. It is the third most common disease after anemia and hearing loss.

As emphasized by Dr. Jacek Rożniecki, chairman of the Polish Headache Society, the causes of migraine are not fully known, but it is known that certain factors may provoke an attack. These are sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption, especially red wine, use of contraceptives, menstruation, noise, strong smell, flickering lights, sometimes coffee, tea, chocolate or ripening cheese. – Attacks happen when we change the rhythm of the day, for example, at the weekend, when we sleep longer or when we fast for too long – says Dr. Maria Wysocka-Bąkowska from the Polish Headache Society.

Although migraine is serious, it can increase the risk of a stroke. – People with headaches with aura, who smoke cigarettes and take contraceptives, have a much higher risk of stroke – warns Dr. Rożniecki.

Treatment of migraines

Surveys show that nearly 70% of migraine sufferers try to relieve pain by taking popular over-the-counter painkillers. However, almost half of the respondents admit that the methods used are not always effective. Then they have to spend the whole day in bed in a darkened room. – Migraine is more than just a headache and should be treated appropriately. Without effective and early treatment, it can seriously affect the private and professional lives of those who suffer from it. That is why it is important to have convenient and comprehensive solutions available, i.e. over-the-counter medications, which not only quickly eliminate headaches, but also other migraine symptoms and enable the patient to quickly return to normal functioning, argues Prof. dr hab. n. med. Adam Stępień, Head of the Neurological Clinic of the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw. Dr. Jacek Rożniecki adds that medications must be well chosen, because patients overuse painkillers that do not reduce migraine symptoms, in the hope that the increased dose will eventually ease the pain. Meanwhile, overuse of these preparations also causes a headache. A new over-the-counter drug, a combination of acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine, is currently entering the market, specifically designed for migraine headaches. Its high effectiveness has been confirmed in clinical trials. However, doctors emphasize that the pill must be taken immediately after the onset of an attack. Then it is most effective. In addition to painkillers, people with chronic migraine lasting several days and occurring several times a month are given preventive prescription drugs, the so-called triptans to prevent attacks from occurring. However, many people do not tolerate them well. Botox is effective in some patients. Botulinum toxin is injected into 39 places on the head and neck. The effect lasts for 3 months. However, the procedure is expensive. It costs over PLN 1200 and it is not sure if it will be effective.

Also check out: 10 ways to deal with a headache without medication

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