Miechunka – what does it look like? Nutritional values ​​and health-promoting properties of Peruvian cherries

Miechunka (physalis), otherwise known as the Peruvian cherry or the Brazilian raisin. It is an exotic plant, mainly ornamental, but also widely used in the kitchen. Its properties were known to the Incas centuries ago. It contains many nutritional and health properties. What are the health properties of the mycelium?

Miechunka – what is this plant?

The physalis currently grown all over the world, its origins in South America, where the Incas have already known their health properties, calling the physalis a golden berry. Currently, it is known and cultivated all over the world, also in Poland. It is a perennial, belonging to the nightshade vegetable family, which also includes tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. The fruits of the apple moth resemble small cherry tomatoes hidden in brown casings (the so-called bellows). These casings resemble paper lanterns, hiding a fruit with orange-golden colors inside. The fruits of the bellows have an intense orange, green or yellow color. The taste of the cupcake is sour, with a hint of bitterness.

Miechunka – nutritional values

100 g of fruits provide about 70 calories. It is rich in many nutrients and vitamins. Miechunka is a source of easily digestible sugars – glucose and many vitamins. The fruits of the golden berry contain vitamin A, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin), and large amounts of vitamin C. Moreover, the apple leaf is a rich source of minerals such as: calcium, iron, phosphorus.

The nutritional value of the bellflower in 100 g:

  1. Energy value – 63 kcal
  2. Total protein – 1,9 g
  3. Fat – 0,70 g
  4. Carbohydrates – 11,20 g
  5. Vitamins
  6. Vitamin C – 11,10 mg
  7. Tiamina (wit. B1) — 0,110 mg
  8. Ryboflawina (wit. B2) — 0,040 mg
  9. Niacin (vitamin B3) – 2,800 mg
  10. Vitamin A – 720 IU
  11. Minerals
  12. Calcium – 9 mg
  13. Iron – 1 mg
  14. Fosfor – 40mg

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Mycelium – health properties

Miechunka has a wide range of health applications. Due to the high content of many vitamins and nutrients, it has a beneficial effect on our health.

Mycelium has a wide range of health applications and is used especially as a fruit:

  1. supporting the circulatory system, by sealing blood vessels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thanks to the content of vitamin C;
  2. preventing colds, supports the immune system;
  3. strengthens joints and bones;
  4. slows down the aging process of the skin due to the content of ascorbic acid, which neutralizes free radicals;
  5. supports proper vision, thanks to the content of vitamin A, which is largely responsible for our eyesight. It also participates in the process of creating a pigment present in the retinal rods of the eye, i.e. rhodopsin, thanks to which we can see in the dark and in low light;
  6. increasing resistance to stress, improving mood due to the content of B vitamins;
  7. mineralizing teeth and bones due to the content of phosphorus and calcium;

Miechunka – how to apply?

You can buy the bellows fruits in any large store, so make sure that they are ripe and have a dark orange color. Mackerel can be eaten raw immediately after peeling and washing. The fruit is also used for preserves, jams and tinctures. It can also be an addition to salads, cakes, as well as decorating traditional pastries.

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