Microwave dishes: what can be put in the chamber

BytTechService » microwave » What dishes can be put in the microwave: glass, ceramics, plastic

Special dishes for the microwave are needed so as not to break new appliances or the dish being prepared. Do not rush to put inside the first plate that comes across. In this article, we will tell you what you can upload to the camera and what not. If you still have questions after reading the instructions for the microwave oven, you are waiting for detailed answers.

What utensils can be used


The best option – fireproof glass. The thick walls of plates and pans made of refractory glass do not absorb microwaves, they almost do not heat up. Heat-resistant glass is also suitable for the oven.

You can buy a regular pot, the lid of which will be used as a dish. Glasses, salad bowls and cups with strong walls are allowed if they are not cracked. In addition, glass containers have several significant advantages:

  • Resistant to dirt and odors.
  • They are quick and easy to clean both by hand and in the dishwasher.
  • Another plus is transparency. You can leave the oven door open to check the doneness of the dish.


The use of plastic containers and glasses is allowed. But you need to know that not all plastic is suitable for a microwave oven. You can check compatibility by marking (sticker). Products must withstand temperatures up to 140 degrees, otherwise they emit harmful fumes.

To be safe, avoid cheap plastic containers and plates. You need to trust only trusted brands and well-known brands that have quality certificates. Do not use Chinese plastic cups or plates. When heated, they can release toxic fumes that settle on food.

Important! Do not reheat food in PVC or polystyrene containers.

Note two more rules:

  1. Do not use plastic if your microwave oven has a grill setting.
  2. If you want to cook food in a plastic bowl or salad bowl, forget about butter and sugar. They are able to heat up to a temperature at which the plastic simply melts.


Ceramics are also suitable for heating and cooking dishes in the oven. It is only necessary to remember that it does not tolerate a sharp temperature drop. It is not recommended to put a cold ceramic plate in the microwave with the grill or convection turned on.


A microwave oven is a whole system that has its own characteristics. The degree of readiness of the dish directly depends on the chosen dishes. If everything is clear with the materials, then the form can confuse the user.


  1. If you are reheating or cooking in deep pans, it is recommended to increase the time.
  2. To heat the dish evenly, you can use round plates.
  3. For baking, you need a deep pan, because the dough in the microwave rises higher than in a conventional oven.
  4. If you want the food to warm up and bake evenly, do not use containers with slanted sides.

Which dishes are not suitable for the microwave

  1. Crystal. The composition of real crystal contains metals: silver and lead. Because of them, crystal heats up much faster than other materials. All that awaits you is a cracked salad bowl or bowl.
  1. Glassware with a pattern. Usually this applies to pictures with gold paint. Metal particles can spark or catch fire even if the paint is almost worn off. The composition of matte paint may include metal, so it is better to buy dishes without drawings.
  1. Metal. Metal does not transmit microwaves. Copper, steel and enamel containers often cause sparks or fires.
  1. Unfinished ceramic.
  1. Disposable. Cardboard, paper and plastic can catch fire or melt.

It is also forbidden to put food wrapped in foil or closed with a lid inside the oven. If we are talking about a film, then it must have small holes in it. If the steam does not come out, an explosion inside the microwave cannot be avoided.

It is not recommended to use glass containers with defects: chips, cracks or a porous surface. To prevent the glass from cracking and turning into a pile of fragments, the walls must be thick.

Porcelain and faience should also not have chips or cracks. Do not forget that porcelain with thick walls does not transmit microwaves well.

Read more in the review “What dishes can not be heated in the microwave».


Let’s collect the most important recommendations and tips in one list:

  1. The best option for the stove is glass products without cracks.
  2. Look for a special sign on plastic containers. Products must withstand temperatures of 140 degrees.
  1. Buy pots, containers and cups only from specialty stores. Poor-quality products will cost more if the stove breaks because of them.
  2. If you want to turn on the grill or convection, choose a plastic container.
  3. Forget about fat and sugar if you use plastic.
  4. Do not forget to remove the film from the heated food.
  5. Tip for crunch lovers: Buy a glass-ceramic plate with a finished bottom.

Tips and user reviews

Alena, Tomsk

Bought a microwave Samsung, and to it a special set of glassware. The old stove burned down because of a plastic glass, so we decided not to risk it anymore. In glass, food warms up well and quickly. I recently purchased a pot with a lid for the set, you can heat and cook in it. We do not use ceramics, everything in it heats up much longer.

Olga, Liski

I have a microwave LG. I recently bought a set of special ceramic pots and a glass dish. In pots, you can cook in the oven and in the oven. On a dish, the son usually makes hot sandwiches. Sometimes we use plastic plates, but they can get very hot. When I bought the first microwave, I didn’t know what to put in, and put an iron pan inside. She ran out of the room to the smell – she sparkled, miraculously everything inside did not catch fire. Now I mostly buy ceramics.

Dmitry, Moscow

Gift for the microwave Whirlpool came with a set of plastic containers. I climbed the net, found an article about marking on plastic. The trays had a badge that indicated they could withstand temperatures up to 160 degrees. Put regular pasta without oil to bask. The result – melted sides of the container and spoiled dinner. Now I choose only ceramics.

Maria, Penza

I have a lot of containers that can be heated in the microwave. There are ceramic dishes for baking, it is deep enough and durable. There are plastic containers. I bought them in a special store, each product has the designation “for a microwave oven”. I advise you to buy only ceramic and glass microwave accessories in specialized stores.

When choosing a dish, cup or pot for a microwave oven, you can rely on the opinions of experts or users who have already evaluated dishes from different materials. Our review will definitely help you buy the right cookware. Never forget that any technique requires not only maintenance, but also compliance with the rules for its use.

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