When choosing a microwave oven, buyers pay attention to design, functionality, dimensions, the possibility of embedding, price. But do not lose sight of another important feature – the coating of the microwave. Especially if you are going to spend a large amount on equipment. Let’s talk about which options are better to choose in order to protect yourself and ensure the smooth operation of the microwave oven for many years.
Why you need spraying
Electromagnetic waves that are generated by the mechanisms of a microwave oven should not leave the chamber – this will not only lead to an overrun of electricity, but also harm a person. These are the most important factors to consider when choosing. But no less important are the following details: how resistant the coating is to abrasion, scratches and mechanical stress, how easily it gets dirty and cleaned, etc.
What types are
When choosing an interior coating, a potential buyer is faced with four different options:
- enamel (food);
- ceramics and BIO-ceramics;
- made of stainless steel;
- acrylic.
Heat resistant enamel
The most profitable in terms of cost. It is easy to wash fat from it, and temperature fluctuations are not terrible for her. The only exception is too high a temperature that remains in the chamber for a long time. If the goal is to buy a multifunctional model with grill and convection options, and not solo microwave, do not dwell on this type.
- practicality;
- resistance to temperature fluctuations;
- low price;
- simple surface care without special tools and skills.
- does not last long;
- not ready to keep high temperatures for a long time;
- not resistant to mechanical damage.
On a note! Samsung has launched a line of new microwave ovens with Easy Clean. This is the same enamel, just, according to the manufacturer, it is 10 times easier to clean.
Stainless steel
The stainless steel chamber will easily endure any modes at the highest temperatures. But achieving the ideal frequency on a daily basis will not be easy. The fat remaining on the wall after cooking is washed off only using specialized products. To get rid of stains, streaks or smudges, you will need to make an effort.
- impressive service life;
- resistance to damage;
- to temperature changes;
- to prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
- requires care;
- fatty hard-to-remove plaque sticks;
- after years of use, the color fades, changes.
Ceramics and bioceramics
In principle, this is the same thing with a slight correction: bioceramic enamel appeared relatively later than ceramics.
The ceramic chamber is recognized as one of the best – grease practically does not stick to it due to the perfect smoothness of the deposition. Cleaning takes no effort. The strength of the material is at a height, but it is better to avoid mechanical impact so that chips and cracks do not appear.
A number of experts argue that it is in a chamber with a bioceramic coating that the nutritional value, vitamins and other useful substances of products are best preserved.
- resistance to mechanical stress;
- no greasy coating is formed;
- retains the heat of the air when cooking;
- prevents burning of products;
- differs in antibacterial properties;
- durable;
- easy to care for and clean;
- preserves the benefits of the products.
- relatively high price compared to microwave ovens with similar functionality and a different type of coating;
- brittleness – chips or cracks may appear, requires careful handling.
This is a recently invented technology that has not received proper distribution. Acrylic chambers are used only in inexpensive versions of microwave ovens, the power of which does not exceed 1400 watts. They will be able to warm up lunch, defrost a semi-finished product, please you with a hot sandwich – but no more.
The material is bad because it only works at low power.
How to paint a microwave
If the years of using the microwave oven are already behind, and the enamel layer is slowly fading into oblivion, you can try to restore it yourself using quite affordable materials.
Choice of means
Most often, when irreparable defects in the internal coating appear, users “say goodbye” to the old assistant and go for a new one. But there are people in whose hands any technique is restored. For such craftsmen, we have useful tips for painting the inside of a microwave oven.
You need to start by choosing a paint that must meet certain criteria:
- Do not emit toxins when heated.
- Be resistant to humidity and temperature fluctuations.
- Coincide with the “native” color scheme of the electrical appliance for harmony (but not necessary).
What colors are suitable
Before you cover the inside of the chamber, examine the range of paints suitable for this undertaking.
Special paints for organic food
An ideal choice, but the price “bites”. The composition is resistant to any influences: temperature fluctuations, alcohol vapors, acids, humidity. For the human body, they are absolutely harmless, because the composition is designed specifically for use in the food industry. Flawlessly lie evenly on metal, aluminum.
Enamel compositions for the food industry are usually used to paint containers for drinking water, so you don’t have to worry about their environmental friendliness. The paints in question consist of zinc powder and an alcohol solution that has undergone a special treatment.
Fact! Enamel prevents corrosion processes in the microwave oven due to “cold galvanizing”, able to withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees, resistant to moisture.
In the composition you can find zinc, aluminum, silver or shungite. Drying, the layer acquires resistance to the environment, is able to endure t ° up to 200 degrees. It is rarely used in coating furnaces due to the high cost.
Based on shungite
Shungite is a rock with excellent energy-saving properties. 1000 kg of this material contains 300 kg of shungite carbon, the active properties of which are higher than those of coke. It is dense, durable, electrically conductive, so the bases, both anti-static and heat-resistant, come out of it what is needed. Feel free to take such paints for the microwave oven.
Automotive Acrylic
Cheap and cheerful. Requires sanding rust, degreasing the surface. Available in balloons: one is enough for one stove.
Painting process
Here you are unlikely to learn something new, but just in case, study the stages of painting:
- Prepare the surface by sanding the chamber with a piece of sandpaper. Level the bubbling surface.
- Degrease the chamber with alcohol or its solution.
- Apply paint.
- Leave the chamber open until completely dry.
Now you know everything about microwave oven covers: what they are, what are their features, how to restore them with your own hands. Good luck with your choice or repair!