Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

To prepare delicious meat delicacies, you can get by with a minimum set of kitchen appliances. The recipe for boiled pork in the microwave does not require high culinary skills from the hostess. A tasty and juicy dish is in no way inferior to an analogue cooked in the oven.

How to cook ham in the microwave

The most important component of the dish is quality meat. You can use both pork and beef. It is worth giving preference to tenderloin and ham – these parts of the meat are the softest. To make the finished product more juicy, you can take a pork neck.

Important! Fresh or chilled meat is best for microwavable boiled pork. Frozen tenderloin will be too dry.

To cook boiled pork in the microwave at home, use the same set of spices and seasonings as for the traditional recipe in the oven. Garlic, carrots, bay leaves, salt and ground pepper are added to the meat. Rare ingredients can be used as an addition, which are used based on their culinary preferences.

Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

Cooking delicious meat delicacy in the microwave is as easy as shelling pears

There are several ways to prepare this delicacy. It is possible to use a bag for baking, a container with water. Microwave ham can be made in 15, 25, or 30 minutes, depending on the recipe chosen.

The main appliance for cooking is a microwave oven. A wide variety of models does not guarantee the same power on all devices. To follow the time indicated in the recipe, you need to focus on the maximum voltage of 800-1000 watts. It is best to periodically inspect the dish during cooking in order to make the necessary adjustments.

Important! The microwave oven should not be set to other modes than the standard one. The grill function cannot be used.

To prepare a delicious delicacy, you need to take care of the right dishes. Its main characteristic for boiled pork in the microwave is the coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is better to use thick-walled transparent glass containers. A prerequisite is the presence of a lid – this will help ensure the correct distribution of heat energy inside the dish.

How to bake boiled pork with carrots and garlic in the microwave

The most important advantage of this cooking method is the practical impossibility of overdrying the meat. It turns out very juicy and tasty. Microwave boiled pork is most often served hot with a side dish of potatoes or baked vegetables. To prepare the most delicious delicacy, use:

  • 1 kg of pork ham or shoulder;
  • ½ tbsp. bay leaf;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 tsp. salts;
  • 400 ml water.

Vegetables are peeled and cut into small pieces. Pork is washed in running water, then dried with a paper towel. Shallow incisions are made over the entire surface of the meat, which are stuffed with vegetable slices. The piece is rubbed with salt and left to marinate for about an hour.

Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

Ham – the best pork cut for this dish

Lay leaf is poured into a glass container for baking in the microwave. Pork is placed on it and poured with water. The container is covered with a lid and placed in the device. On the microwave, set the maximum power for 25-30 minutes. To accurately determine the degree of readiness of boiled pork, after 20 minutes they take it out and cut off a small piece – if the dish is ready, turn off the microwave oven.

Juicy ham in 25 minutes in the microwave

To get a brighter and juicier dish, experienced housewives recommend pre-frying a piece of tenderloin. In total, for such a recipe for boiled pork in the microwave, it will take no more than 25 minutes of time. The dish is served both hot and cold – as a component for sandwiches. For 1 kg of pork tenderloin you will need:

  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 10 bay leaves;
  • 50 g of sunflower oil;
  • 1 Art. water;
  • 10 g salt.

First of all, the meat is stuffed with chopped garlic. It is best to make more cuts, even if the pieces are very small – this will make the taste of the finished product brighter. Then the meat is rubbed with salt and immediately sent to a preheated pan. The fire must be as high as possible to form a crust.

Important! The oil should be enough to cover 1.5-2cm of pork.
Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

To keep the meat juicy, it is quickly fried on each side.

After a short frying, the future boiled pork is laid out in a baking dish, on the bottom of which a bay leaf was laid and a glass of water was poured. The dishes are tightly closed with a lid and sent to the microwave for 20 minutes at maximum power. After turning off, it is recommended to hold the dish for another 5-10 minutes inside the oven.

Baked pork in the microwave in the sleeve

Many housewives refuse the traditional cooking method, arguing that with a large amount of fresh water, which allegedly reduces the brightness of the taste. To avoid overmoistening, microwave ham can be cooked in a baking sleeve. For the recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of pork ham;
  • 2 Art. l salts;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 1 tsp pepper mixtures.

The meat is abundantly stuffed with chopped vegetables, periodically changing the depth of the cuts for uniform filling. Then it is rubbed with salt and seasonings to taste. The prepared piece is left to marinate for a couple of hours so that it is saturated with vegetable flavors.

Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

Roasting sleeve – a guarantee of juicy meat

The prepared pork is placed in a baking bag and hermetically pinched its edges. For ease of further extraction, the sleeve should be in a small glass pan. Microwave power is set to 600 watts. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes. After that, the dish is immediately served to the table, supplemented with a vegetable side dish or rice.

Baked pork with soy sauce in the microwave

To get a brighter taste without a long pickling, you can use traditional Asian recipes. The use of soy sauce will not only significantly speed up cooking, but also make the finished product more juicy. It is important not to oversalt the ham. Given the taste of soy sauce, you can practically not add salt.

The recipe will require:

  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 3 Art. l soy sauce;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • ground black pepper.
Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

Soy sauce makes the crust more ruddy and appetizing

The pork is washed and dried with paper towels. Then, shallow cuts are made over the entire area of ​​u600bu25bthe piece, where garlic is inserted. The finished piece is coated with soy sauce and laid out in a baking sleeve. Bay leaves and sauce drained from meat are also sent there. The dish is baked at a power of XNUMX W for XNUMX minutes, then immediately served.

How to make ham with mustard in the microwave

There is another recipe for giving meat an incredible taste. Soy sauce mixed with mustard. The resulting paste is coated with pork or beef. During cooking, you will get a delicious crust. For such a culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • 1 kg of beef or pork tenderloin;
  • 1 st. l. mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. l Dijon mustard;
  • 2 Art. l soy sauce;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • seasoning to taste;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
Microwave boiled pork: recipes with photos step by step

The use of two types of mustard turns the dish into a culinary masterpiece.

The meat is stuffed with chopped garlic cloves. In a separate saucepan, mix 2 types of mustard, salt, ground pepper and soy sauce. The resulting mass is rubbed on the future boiled pork. Then it is placed in a baking sleeve and hermetically sealed. Cooking lasts 20-25 minutes at a power of 600 watts. After turning off the microwave, it is recommended to keep the dish in it for another 5-10 minutes.


The recipe for pork in the microwave allows you to get a great meat delicacy without a lot of time. Depending on taste preferences, you can add garlic, carrots, mustard and soy sauce to the dish. The dish is served both hot and as an addition to sandwiches.

BUZHENINA in 25 minutes WITHOUT an oven! I have never cooked so fast! The recipe is just a FIND!

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