Microsoft Excel interface

Microsoft Excel interface consists of many elements: fields, rows, columns, command bars, etc. There are elements that perform many different tasks, such as the multifunctional Ribbon, which takes up most of the interface. There are elements less functional, but no less useful, for example, Formula bar or field Name. In this lesson, we will study the Microsoft Office Excel interface and analyze each of the elements in detail.

Excel 2013 is a Microsoft Office spreadsheet application that allows you to store, organize, and analyze information. If you have the impression that only specialists use Excel to perform complex tasks, then you are mistaken! In fact, anyone can take advantage of all the features of Excel and apply all their power to solve their problems.

Excel interface

The interface of the Excel 2013 application is very similar to the interface of Excel 2010. If you have previously worked with Excel 2010, then mastering Excel 2013 will not be difficult. If you are new to Excel or have worked primarily with earlier versions, it will take some time to get used to the Excel 2013 interface.

When you open Excel for the first time, you will see Home Screen. Here you can create a new workbook, choose a template, or open one of the latest workbooks.

  • Find and open Blank book on the home screen to see the MS Excel interface.
  • The Microsoft Excel 2013 interface will open in front of you.


The ribbon is the main working element of the MS Excel interface and contains all the commands necessary to perform the most common tasks. The ribbon consists of tabs, each containing several groups of commands.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar allows you to access basic commands regardless of which Ribbon tab is currently selected. By default, it includes commands like Save, cancel и Return. You can always add any other commands of your choice.

Microsoft account

Here you can access your Microsoft account, view your profile, or change your account.

Command Group

Each group contains a block of different commands. To apply the command, click on the required tab. Some groups contain an arrow in the lower right corner, by clicking on which you can see even more commands.

Field Name

The Name field displays the address or name of the selected cell. If you look closely at the image below, you will notice that cell B4 is the intersection of column B and row 4.

Formula Bar

In the formula bar, you can enter data, formulas, and functions that will also appear in the selected cell. For example, if you select cell C1 and enter the number 1984 in the formula bar, the exact same value will appear in the cell itself.


A column is a group of cells that is arranged vertically. In Excel, columns are usually denoted by Latin letters. Column H is highlighted in the figure below.


Each rectangle in an Excel workbook is called a cell. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. To select a cell, simply click on it. The dark outline around the current active cell is called table cursor. In the figure below, cell B3 is selected.


A row is a group of cells that is laid out horizontally. Rows in Excel are usually denoted by numbers. Line 10 is highlighted in the figure below.


The Excel files are called Workbooks. Each book consists of one or more sheets (tabs at the bottom of the screen). They are also called spreadsheets. By default, an Excel workbook contains only one sheet. Sheets can be added, deleted and renamed. You can move from one sheet to another by simply clicking on its name.

Sheet View Modes

There are three basic sheet views. To select the desired mode, simply click the appropriate tab.

  • Normal mode selected by default and shows you unlimited cells and columns.
  • Page layout – divides the sheet into pages. Allows you to view the document as it will be printed. Also in this mode, it is possible to configure headers and footers.
  • Page mode – allows you to view and adjust page breaks before printing a document. In this mode, only the sheet area filled with data is displayed.


Click, hold and move the slider to adjust the zoom. The numbers to the right of the slider display the scale value as a percentage.

Vertical and horizontal scrollbars

An Excel sheet has many more cells than you can see on the screen. To view the rest of the sheet, pinch and drag the vertical or horizontal scroll bar, depending on which part of the page you want to see.

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