Microplastic found in human blood. It can be very dangerous to your health

Dutch scientists have published the results of pioneering research on microplastic contamination penetrating deep into the human body. It turned out that the presence of particles was recorded in almost 80 percent. subjects. Scientists do not yet know the consequences for the body.

Scientists took blood samples from 22 anonymous adult donors. Plastic particles were found in 17 of them. The smallest were as small as 0,0007 mm. The most common material in the analyzed material was PET plastic, used for the production of synthetic fibers and plastic bottles. Researchers also found traces of polystyrene (used, among others, in food packaging) and polyethylene (used in the production of plastic shopping bags). Some blood samples contained two or three types of plastic at the same time.

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Microplastic in the human body What does this discovery mean in practice?

This study shows that microplastics can freely roam the human body and be deposited in internal organs. It is not known yet how it affects the human body. However, the results of the laboratory tests are disturbing. During the experiment, plastic particles were able to damage individual human cells. They can attach to the outer membranes of red blood cells and reduce the ability to transport oxygen. The particles have also been found in the placenta of pregnant women.

There is even plastic in table salt

There seems to be no escape from bits of plastic. The team led by prof. Sherri Mason of the University of New York found microscopic fragments of plastics in 90 percent. sea ​​samples table salt sold in the USA, Europe and Japan. Polish salt is safe in this respect, because it is extracted from old, underground deposits. Even crustaceans at the bottom of the Marian Trench more than 11 kilometers below the surface of the water they had plastics in their stomachs. As reported by the portal serwisoscihandlowe.pl, 3,5 million tons of plastic are used annually in Poland. One third of this is used for the production of packaging.

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