Microbiologist is a medical and biological specialization, which in the last ten years has become popular for applicants for biological faculties of universities and medical universities.
The professional activity of a microbiologist is aimed at studying various aspects of the life of organisms that are invisible to the human eye. Deciphering the name of the scientific direction from the Greek, the word “micros” is translated as “small”, and “bios” – “life”. If we add to this the word “logos”, which literally means “teaching”, then it becomes clear what those who have devoted their professional lives to microbiology are doing.
From antiquity to modern times
Even ancient scientists suspected that a person is surrounded by creatures invisible to the eye, which can be useful and dangerous to the body, but increased interest was directed to varieties that provoke diseases.
It is rather problematic to determine the primary source that laid the foundation for the development of microbiology, so let’s take as a starting point the mention of the existence of microorganisms, put forward by Hippocrates. But humanity had to wait a very long time to get the first confirmation of these theories.
An incredible discovery was made by a Dutch optician, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. Such a joyful event happened back in the 17th century, when it occurred to him to look through a magnifying glass at a drop of water, where he saw many small organisms and suggested that they play a role in the development and spread of many diseases. But even this did not convince many skeptics that it is microorganisms that cause various ailments.
There have been many experiments confirming and refuting the role of microorganisms in the development of many diseases.
The doctrine of microorganisms developed, and vacancies in this specialty began to appear at research universities more and more often.
At first, microbiologists only described microorganisms. Various hypotheses were expressed about their effect on human health, the participation of microbes in fermentation was proved. At the end of the 19th century, it was possible to grow microorganisms on certain media.
Today, this professional movement has advanced far, greatly expanding the range of activities. To simplify the task of microbiologists of a certain country, they were united in special organizations. Thus, the All-Russian Society of Epidemiologists and Parasitologists, together with microbiologists, is a fairly well-known alliance.
Scientific seminars, congresses, boards on problems of the microworld are held annually. Each time such a forum is devoted to the latest discoveries in microbiology.
There are professional development courses. They are especially relevant for laboratory microbiologists. Their qualifications must be upgraded every few years, according to the assigned category.
Each medical school has a department of microbiology, where students and cadets study theory and conduct practical classes in this discipline.
Features and classification
Microbiologists study the features, physical and chemical properties of representatives of the microworld. These include:
- bacteria;
- the simplest;
- mushrooms;
- viruses.
In order for a microbiologist to be able to demonstrate good work results, he must also have knowledge in related biological sciences: biophysics, bioorganic chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, cytology and immunology.
Researchers often focus on one type of microorganism that they would like to study thoroughly. Thus, deepening into the study of viruses resulted in a separate scientific unit – virology. According to the same principle, specialists in genetic engineering later separated from the main nucleus, bacteriologists study bacteria separately, and parasitologists study protozoa.
Based on this, the main international classification provides for two broad areas:
- general;
- private.
Specialists in both departments are in demand. General microbiologists deal with the issues of patterns of structure and vital activity of microorganisms at different levels:
- cellular;
- population;
- molecular;
- genetic.
They also study the features of their interaction with the environment.
But a private branch focuses on individual representatives of the microworld. Considering separately their impact on the environment and humans.
The main subgroups here are:
- medical;
- agricultural;
- veterinary;
- biotechnology;
- sea;
- space.
A microbiologist specialist, depending on which research center he gets to, can work in each of the listed areas after graduation.
A huge proportion of all relatively recent discoveries falls on the medical branch of science, investigating pathogenic microorganisms for the human body. But even this subsection can be divided into several narrower subspecies, including:
- bacteriology;
- virology;
- mycology;
- protozoology.
Scientists are studying metabolism, nutritional algorithms, the mechanism of respiration, growth conditions and a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. To be able to effectively deal with them, the help of a geneticist is needed, which considers the characteristics of pathogenic representatives at the genetic level.
Researchers are working to determine the role of the studied subjects in the etiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
After identifying and confirming the role of microorganisms in the development of the disease, a study of the ecology of microbes is carried out. This is necessary to draw up a plan for diagnosing the ailments caused, treatment and prevention.
Clinical microbiologists may also specialize in the following branches:
- pharmaceutical;
- sanitary;
- clinical.
Pharmaceutical specialization is aimed at preventing infectious lesions of medicinal plants and their possible deterioration during storage of blanks. Such a specific profession also covers the practical application of aseptics and antiseptics, disinfection methods. This is necessary to support the technology for obtaining immunological and prophylactic agents based on medicinal plants at the appropriate level.
According to the identical principle, knowledge is used in veterinary medicine. Preparations for the treatment of infectious animal diseases are being developed.
Healthcare professionals with a microbiological focus examine the microflora of the environment and its interactions with a specific microorganism.
They have a great responsibility, because it is such a clinical analysis that will allow the development of high-quality preventive measures against the adverse effects of microbes on the human body.
Separately, the activities of microbiologists who are engaged in the agricultural subspecies of science are considered. The scope of their duties: includes both the determination of the fertility of a particular soil, and the study of infectious diseases of agricultural crops.
It is very rare to find those experts whose competence is microbiological experiments in the space or marine environment.
But it is much easier to meet a microbiologist technique today. The principles of biotechnology are present in the life of every inhabitant, imperceptibly for him. Biotechnologists must develop technologies that allow the use of microorganisms to develop various products, in particular:
- antibiotics;
- vaccines;
- enzymes;
- vitamins;
- proteins.
Separately, a specialized chemist with knowledge in the field of microbiology can specialize in immunology. Only if earlier immunology was engaged exclusively in the study of human immunity to infectious diseases, today it is considered under the prism of a shield from any genetically alien substances in general. It is possible to combine the directed knowledge of an immunologist and a microbiologist to assess the state of the human immune system.
Diagnostic methods
Depending on the specific purpose for which the microbiologist works, not only the set of his duties will vary, but also the diagnostic methods necessary for daily research.
The main methods are:
- microscopic;
- cultural;
- biological;
- genetic.
The first option involves microscopic evaluation for diagnosis using phase contrast microscopy. If necessary, a more detailed study of the collected material can be used:
- fluorescent;
- darkfield;
- electron microscopy.
In laboratory conditions, researchers resort to the cultural method, which is based on growing cultures of the necessary representatives of the microworld. A suitable nutrient medium is chosen as the basis for ideal living conditions. It allows you to maintain the life support of microorganisms at the level required for the experiment.
Another solution is the biological method. For it, it is necessary to specifically infect laboratory animals with a certain group of microbes. The results obtained allow us to delve into the step-by-step development of the pathogenic process.
Genetic testing remains the most modern approach. It is based on consideration of the features of protein DNA and RNA molecules.
But most experts agree that in order to obtain the optimal result in the shortest possible time, a combination of several approaches will be the most effective. Sometimes, such as during epidemics, microbiologists have to cooperate with specialists from related industries in order to achieve a common goal faster.
The coherence of the activities of medical staff has given the world many useful discoveries that today help prevent infectious diseases, as well as treat them promptly and without consequences for the victim. Even the pharmaceutical industry relies on the results of microbiological experiments to develop new drugs and therapeutic approaches to them.
Not without the help of this ubiquitous science and industry. Specialists who delve into the microbiology of the industrial flow work on the synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds. A striking example of this is the extraction of metal from natural ore.
It does not do without involving the results of the activities of microbiologists in farming, because improving the quality of the soil composition with the subsequent creation of safe fertilizers is their task. Even the protection of animals and plants from pests of any kind is also their merit.
Microbiologists work in the food field, where they have to look for ways to prevent premature spoilage of food to extend shelf life.
There are other aspects of microbiology that also need professionals in their field. The only thing that connects them is that researchers have to deal with something that exists, but it is not visible to the naked eye.