Micro-crèche: what you need to know about this type of childcare

The waiting lists for a place in a crèche are constantly growing. To compensate for this lack, hybrid structures are constantly developing. These are the micro-nurseries. Micro-crèches, how do they work?

The functioning of a micro-crèche. What are the differences with a classic nursery?


These establishments can be managed by a community, a communal or inter-communal social action center, an association or a company.

In a micro-crèche, few children are welcomed, between three and nine toddlers under 6 years old (against 20 to 60 in collective nurseries). These structures obey the same rules as collective reception establishments. The space should be spacious and secure enough to accommodate small guests. A house, an apartment or even a room, made available by the town hall, can do the trick. Babies thus feel at home, with their bed, their toys and other landmarks.

Micro-crèche: who keeps Baby?

In each micro-crèche work two qualified early childhood professionals, having: either a minimum of 5 years of experience, as an approved nursery assistant, or 2 years of experience with young children and a minimum level V qualification (CAP early childhood). In addition to these, there is an educator of young children who has a supervision mission and must go on site 6 hours a week. On the other hand, according to the official texts, the presence, in the team, of a childcare assistant is not obligatory but it is the choice made, however, most of the micro-crèches. 

Micro-crèche: when and how to register?

Each micro-crèche adopts its own mode of operation. It is free to set its registration conditions. It is therefore necessary to inquire directly with the structure. To find out about micro-crèches near you, you can contact the General Council of your department.

Price of the micro-crèche: how much does it cost? What help from CAF?

The hourly rate is set freely by the micro-crèche. Generally, it varies according to the parents’ income. Currently two systems coexist: either parents receive help from their (Caf), as if they employed a home childcare. This is the Free choice of childcare supplement (Cmg). Either the Caf pays directly to the structure a subsidy intended to cover part of the operating costs of the micro-crèche. The manager of the micro-crèche charges you a cost that takes into account your resources and the composition of your family, as is the case in a traditional crèche.

The advantages of the micro-crèche

Between collective and individual care, micro-crèches seem to be an attractive solution, as much for baby as for his parents. This type of establishment turns out to be a good compromise between the individual nanny and the collective crèche. Placed in a cocoon, Baby socializes serenely. He gets used to being around different nannies and several children, without being lost in too large a community. For parents too, it is happiness. In principle, they can decide each week on the on-call schedule. And for those who have atypical schedules, childminders can adjust their working time according to the number of babies to be supervised.

Opening a micro-crèche: how to create it? Who can claim it?

Do you want to embark on the adventure of the micro-crèche? You will have to be rigorous and follow the regulations. First of all, you must have the required qualifications which are: three years of experience as a childminder’s assistant, or else to have a CAP early childhood or to have been for two years auxiliary pediatric nurse. During the process of opening your micro-crèche, you will be supervised by the Maternal and Child Protection (PMI). This will ensure that you respect the number and qualification of your workforce, but also the opening of a room up to standards.

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