The 65-year-old actor again decided on another plastic surgery. Apparently, in this way Mickey decided to make himself a gift for his anniversary, which was in September.
Rourke posted a photo from a hospital bed on his Instagram. The actor wakes up after the operation and is ready to share the good news with the fans. Bandages and bandages on the face indicate that the actor, dependent on plastic surgery, again conceived a complete redesign of his own appearance. Unfortunately, less and less of the old Rourke remains. Mickey, stop!
We decided to remember what a charming Hollywood handsome man and the dream of all women was and what he has become now.
Mickey Rourke: late 80s – early 90s
From a difficult teenager living in a poor area of Miami, over half a century, Mickey Rourke has become one of the most successful actors of our time, familiar to viewers from the films “Angel Heart”, “9 1/2 weeks”, “Wild Orchid”, ” Handsome Johnny ”and others. But Mickey’s life did not always go smoothly; rather, on the contrary, it resembled a boxing fight, so beloved by him. Therefore, in the early 90s, the actor left the cinema and returned to the boxing ring, his life seemed over: his beloved profession betrayed, friends fled, and the love of his life was lost …
So, Mickey Rourke, leaving the set, begins to act like a professional. “I love boxing,” the actor said a few years later. – In boxing, I feel sincere and honest. He reveals you completely, reveals weaknesses. This is a pure sport … ”For five years Rourke fought in the rings in Asia and Europe, he participated in 12 fights, and only two of them ended in a draw. Of course, the consequences of desperate battles could not but be reflected on the face of the sex symbol of the 80s: his handsome face, beloved by millions of fans around the world, was almost erased by powerful blows. The actor’s toe was broken and four joints on his arm were broken, two ribs were broken, his tongue was bitten, a cheekbone was fractured and his nose was broken several times. Countless concussions don’t count …
Mickey Rourke: opinion on plastic surgery
Unsurprisingly, Mickey underwent many plastic surgeries while he was a boxer. So, surgeons had to put in place a broken nose (the actor underwent five rhinoplasty operations) and put his lips in order. In addition, Rourke had to undergo one more complex manipulation – a reconstructive operation of a shattered cheekbone.
“I did most of the operations in order to put my face in order after boxing,” Mickey Rourke admitted in an interview. “But to restore my appearance, I turned to the wrong guy. My nose was broken twice in the ring. As a result, only on the nose I had five operations and one on a broken cheekbone. They took the cartilage from my ear to restore the nose, and then did a few more operations, since the tissue did not want to heal. It was one of the most painful operations, a real hemorrhoid. “
By the way, health finally forced the actor to leave the boxing. Mickey Rourke decided to do what he did no worse than fights – to resume acting and return to the cinema. True, directors and producers were reluctant to take him to their films, because they did not imagine who he could play.
Mickey Rourke: plastic surgery, 2008
Mickey Rourke, December 2008
Mickey Rourke, November 2008
In 2008, Mickey Rourke decided on another plastic surgery: before filming the film “The Wrestler” by Darren Aronofsky, the actor wanted to return to its former beauty. However, the results of surgery are not the most successful. The plastic did not bring the desired rejuvenation: Mickey’s face swam, turning into a lifeless mask, he left scars and scars. Nevertheless, despite the “spoiled” face, the film “The Wrestler” was a breakthrough for Mickey Rourke, the star of “9 1/2 Weeks” managed to turn from a loser into a quite successful artist. For this role, Mickey was nominated for an Academy Award, BAFTA and Golden Globe awards.
Mickey Rourke, September 2008
“I can honestly say that The Wrestler is the best movie I’ve ever done and the toughest movie I’ve ever made,” the actor said in an interview. In addition to plastic surgery during the preparation for filming, which lasted more than seven months, Rourke constantly trained under the guidance of an Israeli coach who did not give him a descent.
“He was really cool with me,” Mickey recalls. – Any figli-blinks with him did not pass. Since he served in the army, discipline was the most important thing for him. We combined cardio and strength training. True, there were days when I had to choose one thing, because my whole body ached day and night. “
The actor drank special protein shakes to gain 13,6 kilograms, and his diet consisted mainly of protein foods. However, for Rourke, such a regime was not so difficult, youth boxing classes became an excellent base.
It would seem that a person who has had so many plastic surgeries in his life is unlikely to want to go through these tests again. But not Mickey Rourke! Despite the experience, the actor once again changed the shape of his nose, corrected his cheekbones (injecting silicone) and smoothed out the nasolabial folds. Mickey’s face continued to change before our eyes …
Trying to fight the signs of aging, Rourke repeatedly experimented with hairstyles: the actor several times not only changed his hair color, becoming either blond or dark-haired again, but also changed their length. So, starting to meet with the Russian model Anastasia Makarenko, Mickey cut off his regrown strands. It was not the actor’s chic brown curls and a waterfall of whitish curls, which he acquired during the filming of “The Wrestler”, but a short hedgehog appeared to the eyes of the fans.
By the way, when the actor wore long hair, his hairstyles (all kinds of buns) could well be an example for many long-haired men!
See the all-new face of Mickey Rourke on the next page!
Perhaps Rourke would not have been Rourke if he had not ventured into another experiment. In the hope of regaining its former beauty, the actor again turned to plastic surgeons. The 60-year-old actor underwent his last surgery in October 2012. “I just ended up with a bad guy!” – Rourke will say later, explaining the next visit to the surgeon. With the help of a new operation, the actor wanted to correct the mistakes of the intervention carried out in 2008 for the filming of “The Wrestler”.
This time, Mickey underwent a facelift (circular facelift) and an endoscopic forehead lift. In addition, the actor also underwent blepharoplasty, designed to rid him of bags under his eyes. True to himself, Rourke, a few hours after the operation, surprised his fans with photographs in bandages, which he posted on social networks. In the pictures, the actor made funny faces and was openly having fun. It looks like everything went great!
Despite numerous operations and other experiments with appearance, of the variety of Hollywood actors, Mickey Rourke is one of the few who still personifies firmness of character and unbending willpower.
Stepping back a bit from his acting career, Mickey Rourke decided to return to the ring. For the fight, which took place on November 28 in Moscow, the actor lost 15 kg! After the photos that appeared on the network, the fans were shocked: the 62-year-old actor showed the owl a tanned body and cubes, from which all the fans gasped!
Even despite numerous surgeries and tanning, Rourke looks manly and menacing. Mickey talked more than once that in his youth, entering the ring, he was not serious about boxing, he could afford to drink and smoke, but now everything is different.
Elliot Seymour, a 29-year-old American, competed against Mickey in the ring, this fight was the ninth in Rourke’s boxing career.
Despite the skepticism of many fans, Rourke not only showed great physical shape, but also won the fight! 20 years of hiatus in the boxer’s career made him even stronger and more resourceful. Most likely, finally, all the jokes and doubts about Mickey’s masculinity due to plastic surgery will stop, because the victory over the boxer, who is twice as young as Rourke, greatly raised the actor’s rating.
After the fight, Rourke admitted that he had long wanted to enter the ring in Moscow. Desires come true, and now we begin to follow not only the acting, but also the boxing career of Mickey Rourke.
Meet the new face of Mickey Rourke! We won’t even hope that this is the last operation of a Hollywood actor.
Alexandra Rudnykh, Vasilisa Naumenko