Michel Reynaud, psychotherapist: “These pictures will not work a miracle”

On all packs of cigarettes produced in Russia, in addition to the inscription about the dangers of smoking, frightening pictures also appeared. Will it work?

On all packs of cigarettes produced in Russia, in addition to the inscription about the dangers of smoking, frightening pictures* will also appear on this summer. Photographs of nicotine-damaged teeth or metastasized lungs are certainly shocking. Similar warnings have been placed on cigarette packs for several years in dozens of countries around the world. But how effective is this method of fighting smoking? The opinion of the French psychotherapist Michel Reynaud, who deals with problems of addictive behavior.

Psychologies : Can scary photos like this really turn smokers off their habit?

M.R. : They are quite capable of frightening those who have not yet started smoking, but addicted people are insensitive to the effects of visual information. Their need to smoke is stronger than their fear of harming themselves. In general, it is impossible to defeat addiction with the help of any one measure – in this struggle, a system of complementary actions is needed.

What could these other actions be?

M.R. : Increasing the price of tobacco is without a doubt the most effective step. Other necessary measures are tougher penalties (for dealers) for selling cigarettes to teenagers, active public condemnation of smoking, and instilling in smokers a sense of responsibility for passively poisoning others with nicotine.

* Based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2008 No. 268-FZ “Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products”.

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