Michael J. Fox revealed what the first symptom of Parkinson’s was. He was then 30 years old

Michael J. Fox was one of the most popular actors in the 90s. However, an insidious disease like parkinson’s forced him to withdraw from the industry. The actor began to have problems with memory and speech. However, these were not the first signs of developing Parkinson’s disease. Michael J. Fox revealed what we should pay attention to. Hardly anyone would associate it with parkinson’s.

  1. The initial symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are inconspicuous and therefore often underestimated by patients
  2. Michael J. Fox noticed twitching in his little finger. After a series of tests, it turned out that he suffers from Parkinson’s
  3. The actor was only 30 years old when he heard the diagnosis. The disease started to progress very quickly. He had problems with speech and memory. Therefore, he had to withdraw from the film industry
  4. Each patient’s Parkinson’s disease progresses at a different rate. It is accompanied by both physical and mental symptoms
  5. As of now, there is no cure for this condition. Treatment is only about relieving symptoms and increasing the quality of life for as long as possible
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Michael J. Fox has parkinson’s. The first symptoms of the disease

Parkinson’s disease develops gradually and symptoms only get worse over time. These are primarily unintentional and uncontrolled movements of the whole body, problems with walking or speech. However, these aren’t the only parkinson’s symptoms. Some of them are completely ignored at the initial stage of the disease. Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed 31 years ago, decided to talk about the first parkinson’s symptoms that appeared with him.

In 1991, the actor worked on the set of “Doctor Hollywood”. It was then that he felt a “twitch in his left little finger”. Initially, Michael J. Fox downplayed these symptoms. However, just in case, he went to his doctor, who referred him for a series of tests. The actor recalls that their results were beyond his comprehension. Michael J. Fox, who was only 30 at the time, heard a diagnosis that sounded like a sentence: Parkinson’s disease.

The actor does not hide that it turned his life upside down. Especially since the disease started to progress very quickly. Shortly after hearing the diagnosis, Michael J. Fox noticed numbness on the left side of his body and the first uncontrolled movements. “They were really big shocks,” recalls the actor. “They were so strong that I could mix the margarita in five seconds,” adds the star with a smile.

«It is a very insidious disease. When you are first diagnosed, symptoms are relatively minor. For me it was a twitching little finger and a sore shoulder », reveals Michael J. Fox, who so far has been reluctant to talk about his disease. «I heard: ‘You won’t be able to work in a few years’. I thought, ‘Really because of these symptoms?’ Recalls the star of Back to the Future.

The actor quickly found out that the doctors were right. In addition to trembling his entire body, Michael J. Fox also began to have problems with short-term memory. Especially for an actor, this is something that is hard to come to terms with. It was then that the star decided that he had to withdraw from show business. «It has always been extremely easy for me to remember new lines. However, during the making of my last films, I had some extreme situations in which I had to fight with myself »recalls the actor.

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Other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the degeneration and depletion of cells in the substantia nigra. Some studies have shown that this can happen, for example, from taking psychotropic drugs. Parkinson’s development may also be affected by too high levels of homocysteine.

In addition to slow movement and muscle stiffness, a person with Parkinson’s can also experience many physical and mental symptoms. Here are some of them:

  1. depression and anxiety
  2. balance problems,
  3. loss of smell
  4. insomnia.

Unfortunately, there is currently no effective cure for Parkinson’s disease. Treatment is only aimed at reducing symptoms and maintaining a good quality of life for as long as possible.

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