The hardness of water is an indicator of the content of alkali metal salts in it. To display water quality indicators, the total hardness of water (Hо) measured in mg/l or degrees of hardness (оG) – mg-eq / l accepted in Russia as the main unit of measurement. To quickly convert mg/l to mg-eq/l, use the unit converter.
The total hardness is composed of two types of hardness: temporary Zhv (carbonate) and permanent Zhp (non-carbonate).
Jo = Jv + Jp
The difference between temporary and permanent hardness is in the salts they contain. Do temporary it bicarbonate – Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2, for the constant chloride and sulfate: CaCl2, Case4, MgCl2, MgSO4. The total hardness is not a constant value, its value varies depending on the season. For this reason, the GOST 01.01.2014-31865 standard has been adopted as a system unit in Russia since 2012/XNUMX/XNUMX.
According to the new interstate standard, water quality is characterized in degrees of hardness – ° F. Where 1°F соответствует 1 mg-eq/l or 1 mol/m3 and is a constant.
°Ж = [Са2+] + [Mg2+]
1 оЖ contains per liter of water 20,04 mg – Ca2+ и 12,16 mg – Mg2+. The values are derived from the element’s atomic mass divided by the valency. Such a content of salts is due to their necessity for humans and the normal operation of equipment.