
More and more women are thinking about cosmetic facial procedures, but many of them are hesitant to go for invasive methods. Doctor Evgenia Ikonnikova talks about the innovative Mezolux cosmetics and explains what makes them effective in the fight against age-related skin changes.

Modern trends in the field of cosmetology include the prevention of skin aging processes and the timely correction of their initial manifestations with the help of minimally invasive procedures and cosmetic products. The vast majority of my patients are successful socially active women aged 35+ who do not want to fall out of the usual rhythm of life for a long time and experience the limitations that are inevitable during the recovery period after invasive skin correction methods.

More recently, it was believed that cosmetics cannot have a significant anti-aging effect on the skin, since they can only work within the stratum corneum.

Indeed, only a few substances are able to overcome the epidermis and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. On the one hand, this is wonderful, since a full-fledged barrier protects the skin from moisture loss, the penetration of foreign agents — microorganisms, various allergens — chemicals and ultraviolet radiation. But, on the other hand, this creates difficulties for the effective treatment of age-related changes with the help of external agents.

Questions inevitably arise before us: how to reach the dermis without destroying the epidermis and basement membrane? Or act only on the superficial layers of the skin, while maintaining the integrity of the barrier? Thanks to a new generation of phospholipids — powerful conductors of active ingredients — an innovative solution to this dilemma has appeared.

In all products of the Mezolux cosmetic line, phospholipids Heliofeel and Lecigel are used as conductors.

Heliofeel is added to the composition of Mezolux cream products — in a bio-reinforcing anti-aging day and night face cream. Its particles easily overcome the skin barrier, even with a large molecular weight. Due to its film-forming properties, Heliofeel forms a protective barrier that reduces water loss, helping to maintain and restore the skin’s moisture balance. Compatible with all kinds of cosmetic ingredients. Does not cause allergies and is comfortably tolerated even by sensitive skin.

Lecigel is a multifunctional component of the Mezolux line of gel products (serum concentrates — anti-aging, lymphatic drainage, detox, muscle relaxant, anti-stress, brightening). It is highly tolerable, enhances the effectiveness of products by increasing the bioavailability of active ingredients, intensively moisturizes the skin throughout the day, even with a single application.

It is able to quickly lower the surface temperature of the skin, providing a cooling and intense soothing effect, which is especially important in the post-procedure period after laser resurfacing, as well as in patients with rosacea suffering from fever and hot flashes.

The advantage of Mezolux line products lies in the unique composition (ARMATRIX anti-age bioreinforcing complex, Heliofeel and Lecigel phospholipid conductors), the highest quality and effectiveness of active ingredients, which is confirmed by studies of leading European laboratories.

The active bio-reinforcing complex ARMATRIX is obtained from the microalgae of the Iroise Sea in France. This component is able to «work from the inside», stimulating the production of substances responsible for the elastic and taut oval of the face — collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. That is why its effectiveness is comparable to injection methods of exposure to the skin.

Thanks to a wide and thoughtful line of products, it became possible to shape skin care: avoid standard prescriptions and offer only those products that patients need right now. After all, it is known that the skin is constantly updated and adapt to changes in external and internal factors. With the help of the Mezolux line, care is most fully adapted to the needs of the skin.

I prescribe Mezolux bio-reinforcing anti-aging cream and serum between biorevitalization courses as a powerful maintenance therapy, before and after laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and as an alternative to injectable treatments for those who, for various reasons, are not ready for invasive procedures.

After botulinum therapy of the mimic muscles of the face, to prolong the effect, it is optimal to use the Mezolux muscle relaxant concentrate as an addition to the basic care.

More than 60% of patients, crossing the age limit of 35+, note the appearance of swelling of the face. To correct this problem, I recommend including Mezolux Lymphatic Drainage Concentrate in your daily care.

For patients leading a stressful lifestyle associated with increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, irregular sleep, frequent flights and bad habits, it is advisable to use Mezolux detox concentrate, which allows achieving not only the correction of age-related changes, but also a healthy complexion.


Mezolux brightening concentrate occupies a special place in external therapy. I recommend using it regularly for the treatment of age spots, as well as for the prevention of post-traumatic pigmentation during laser resurfacing and chemical peels. When planning invasive procedures, I always prescribe a brightening concentrate a month before treatment, as well as after restoring the integrity of the skin, which allows the treatment to be carried out as safely and effectively as possible.

The hypoallergenicity of the compositions is another advantage of the line, which allows me to choose effective care even for patients with reactive and sensitive skin. The vast majority of patients note the ease of distribution and absorption, the absence of oily sheen and the comfort of using these products.

The use of the Mezolux line is especially effective in preventing premature aging, and this is one of the key tasks in face and body skin care.

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