Methods of wart removal. Cryotherapy, laser therapy, home remedies

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Kurzajki is not only an aesthetic problem, but also painful when placed on the feet or under the nail plate. If left untreated, they can also spread to other areas of the body, so it’s important to have them removed as soon as possible.

How to characterize warts?

Warts are lumpy lesions on the skin and can appear singly or in colonies. Most often they are located on the hands and feet, but they can also appear anywhere else. The HPV human papillomavirus is responsible for the appearance of warts. You can catch the virus by direct contact with an infected person or by touching objects that a person infected with HPV has come into contact with.

While infection with the virus is relatively easy, the treatment of warts is sometimes long and often ineffective. With any suspicious skin changes, it is best to contact a dermatologist who will determine the type of warts and select the appropriate treatment.

Kurzajki are incalculable. Sometimes they disappear on their own, and sometimes even long-term treatment does not work. It also happens that after removing one or two warts, the rest disappears forever.

Wart removal methods – cryotherapy

Cryotherapy involves the destruction of diseased or unnecessary tissue by exposing it to low temperatures, usually from -21 to -5. Liquid nitrogen is used for freezing. Before the procedure, the wart should be softened with 17% salicylic acid.

Blisters form in the place of freezing, which, if warts are located on the feet, may be painful when walking. Therefore, this method is not used simultaneously on both feet and on large surfaces. Over time, a scab forms in the place of the bladder, which falls off after a few or several days. Sometimes the treatment has to be repeated with large warts.

The best thing about cryotherapy is that it can be done easily at home. Currently, pharmacies offer preparations with special applicators for wart removal. It should be the first method of treating small lesions that have not spread over large areas. Thanks to the precise applicator, the available preparations allow you to freeze a small area of ​​the wart.

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Methods of wart removal – electrocoagulation

It is a method of burning (cutting, coagulating the protein) with an electric arc. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts, depending on the size of the skin lesions, from several to several minutes. There may be slight swelling, redness, bruising and slight bleeding in the area subjected to electrocoagulation.

The wound takes one to three weeks to heal, sometimes leaving a slight discoloration or scar. Electrocoagulation is used for minor changes.

Wart removal methods – laser therapy

Laser therapy is one of the most modern and effective methods of wart removal. This method involves the removal of warts using a beam of focused laser light without damaging healthy tissue. An hour before the procedure, a special patch with an anesthetic is applied to the affected area or an anesthetic injection is traditionally applied. The treatment is therefore painless and lasts from a few to several minutes.

Worth knowing

After the treatment, a small scab remains, which falls off after a few days. Sometimes the treatment has to be repeated after a few weeks. Laser intervention in the lesions rarely leaves scars.

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Wart removal methods – surgical procedure

It consists in removing warts with a traditional scalpel. Although performed under local anesthesia is not painful, the site after removal of the nipple is secured with a suture that must be removed after some time. Removed wart wounds require careful care and can leave scars. This method is rarely used today. Its advantage is the possibility of examining the histopathologically excised lesion.

Wart removal methods – home remedies

Among the many home remedies to get rid of warts, celandine deserves attention. Celandine herb has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In Poland, the plant is common on forest edges and along roads. After breaking the celandine stem, the characteristic yellow-orange juice flows out of it. This juice contains, in addition to enzymes that soften the epidermis, compounds that inhibit cell growth. Lubricate the warts several times a day with a broken celandine stalk with leaking juice. After a while, they fall off by themselves.

When using the herb celandine, remember that its juice on the skin leaves dark discoloration difficult to remove. Also, be careful not to let the juice get into your eyes or mouth. Like celandine juice, you can use the juice of a broken dandelion leaf. In addition, garlic or lemon zest soaked in apple cider vinegar is also used to remove warts.

It is also worth checking the action of the Help4Skin aerosol on warts and warts, which freezes the lesions. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

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