Methods for determining the most developed hemisphere of the brain

Hello! If you are interested in how to determine which hemisphere of the brain is more developed, then you have come to the right place. Today I want to bring to your attention the most popular and accurate methods.


The purpose of the complex of the following methods is to identify the dominant side of the body. The fact is that the right hemisphere controls our left side, and the left, on the contrary, controls the right. Accordingly, after each exercise, you need to write down the result so that you can sum up the results and determine which part of the brain is leading.

So, are you ready to get started? You will need a sheet and a pen. After completing each task, put either the letter L or P, depending on the result. If it was equivalent, then put the letter O. Just remember, if the leading one, for example, is the left side of the body, you write the letter P, not L.


  • Rosenbach test. Extend your hands in front of you, after taking a felt-tip pen, a pencil, in general, whatever is at hand. Find a point on the wall and use the selected tool to aim first with one eye, then with the other. Have you noticed exactly when your scope shifts the most? Or does it not move at all?
  • Quickly, without thinking, interlace your fingers. Which hand thumb is on top?
  • Now just as quickly, without too much thought, cross your arms over your chest. Fix the one that was on top.
  • It’s the turn of the legs. Put one on top of the other and also write down the result.
  • Imagine that you are in the theater, the performance is over. It is necessary to applaud the actors, just keep your hands horizontal to find out which one dominates.
  • Wink. With what eye did you do it?
  • Now turn around. In which direction did they turn? If to the left — write the letter L, respectively, if to the right, then — P.
  • Now draw a circle on the sheet. This job is processed in exactly the same way as the previous one.
  • Divide a blank sheet of paper with one line. Which side is bigger?

Processing Results

Now you need to count the number of letters. And subtract P from L, after which the resulting amount is divided by 9, since you completed 9 tasks. The number that you got, it remains to translate into percentages.

More than 30 — your left hemisphere dominates

10 — 30 — slightly dominated by the left

– 10 – +10 – slightly dominated by the right

More than -10 — dominates the right hemisphere

Methods for determining the most developed hemisphere of the brain


So, who are you, an artist or a thinker?


Thinkers include «left-brained» people. These are purposeful and well-organized individuals. They are punctual, attentive and love order and structure. That is, they plan their activities in advance so that they do not have to navigate according to the situation. It’s much safer for them when everything is clear and under control.

Given the logical mindset, they like the exact sciences more. They like to work alone, when it is calm and there is no hurry. Because it is very important for them to be able to concentrate.

Seriously approach life issues. Until they think through all the pros and cons, the decision will not be made. And they rely not on their own feelings, but on life experience. Because they care about accuracy. They trust not words, but the received data, results, figures.

Thinkers have sharp thinking, so they are generally considered erudite, intelligent individuals. They don’t find a common language with everyone, because they are not very flexible, they don’t know how to adapt to the situation.

This is especially not possible with creative people, it is quite difficult for logic to withstand the impulsiveness and lack of structure in «right-brained» personalities.

They make excellent leaders. The ability to predict probable events and organize the process, keep it under control, lead the company to success and stability.


They do not have such excellent logic as thinkers, but they love to philosophize. The complete opposite of the previous type. They are completely unpredictable, unstable and disorganized.

And it’s not because they can’t. No, it’s just the clarity and orderliness that bores them, and sometimes terrifies them. Living in the present moment, enjoying it and not thinking about the future — this is the essence of a thinker.

Sometimes they are not punctual, I can even disrupt the deadlines for the delivery of the project, and so on. They are usually guided by feelings and when making decisions they rely on intuition. Which, by the way, often leads them to success.

And all because they easily “read” the non-verbal manifestations of the emotions of the interlocutors, which is why, sometimes, without understanding where, they know how they treat them and what to expect from them.

Able to work both alone and in a large team. They easily get along with other people and love to joke, as they have a great sense of humor.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! If you want to pay attention to that part of the brain that is not dominant, then you can find the necessary information on how to develop the right hemisphere here, and the left one here.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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