Methods for determining pregnancy, folk and medical
You can find out about pregnancy from the first day of the delay in menstruation. But if you are impatient, you can resort to various methods of determining pregnancy, which make it possible to find out about an interesting situation earlier.
The most reliable methods for determining pregnancy
Before the delay, women may notice breast swelling, pain in the lower abdomen, a change in the nature of vaginal discharge and a decrease in sexual desire. All these signs often indicate a developing pregnancy. But these signs may not be present during fertilization of the egg.
Modern methods of determining pregnancy make it possible to determine conception even before the delay of menstruation.
Today there are 3 reliable ways to determine the presence of pregnancy:
- Measure basal temperature. It rises to 37 ° C on the day of ovulation and decreases the week before your period begins. If, however, a week before menstruation, this temperature is still elevated, pregnancy is very likely.
- Conduct a urine test for hCG at home using a pharmacy test. To find out about pregnancy before your period is late, you need to buy a hypersensitive test that can show the result 10 days after conception. It is important to test your morning urine as it contains a high concentration of this hormone.
- Donate blood for analysis to determine the level of hCG. This should be done in the morning and on an empty stomach. Typically, an increase in the amount of this hormone indicates pregnancy.
The third option is more accurate, showing an increase in the level of hCG in the blood. But for greater reliability, it is better to do a second test every other day from a delay in menstruation and consult a gynecologist.
Traditional methods of determining pregnancy
Very interesting folk methods are used to determine pregnancy:
- Drop iodine into a container of urine. If a drop of iodine floats on the surface of urine, there is pregnancy, if it dissolves, it is not. Iodine is also dripped onto a cloth soaked in urine. If the urine turns purple, the woman is likely pregnant.
- Boil urine in a metal container, then pour into a glass container. If white flakes appear in the urine, there is a high chance of pregnancy.
- Lie on your back, relax and find the pulse on your stomach, stepping back 7-8 cm from the navel. If there is pulsation, pregnancy is possible.
Sometimes women trust precursor dreams. If you dreamed about fish and clean water, it is believed that pregnancy has either already occurred or will soon come.
Various methods can be used to determine pregnancy. Most often, women purchase tests from pharmacies, which give a reliable result from the first day of missed periods. And to confirm the onset of pregnancy, it is better to contact a gynecologist, do an ultrasound scan and take a blood test.