Methods for dealing with odor and fumes after beer

Beer smoke is not the best accessory for a business meeting, date or communication with office colleagues. An unpleasant smell repels others. One time is enough for its bearer to be considered an irresponsible person. But do not panic, there are ways to keep the situation under control.


After 45-60 minutes, the drunk beer begins to be absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, after which it enters the bloodstream. Then, the ethyl alcohol changed under the influence of gastric acid is carried by the circulatory system throughout the body. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, 70-90% of alcohol neutralizes the liver. The remaining 10-30% is excreted by the lungs during breathing, urine and sweating through the skin. The body tries to cleanse itself with all available methods.

The fume from beer is more noticeable than from other alcoholic beverages. It consists of toxic acetaldehyde, which did not have time to be processed into acetic acid, decay products of hops and yeast. This mixture causes persistent bad breath. In a person with diseased kidneys or liver, beer fume can last up to 48 hours; in healthy people, it disappears in a day. There are ways to speed up the process.


In addition to eliminating the smell of beer, this set of measures eliminates a hangover, or at least makes it not so strong. The disadvantage is that the cleaning methods do not work immediately.

1. Drink more fluids to stimulate the kidneys. Ordinary or mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, weak tea are suitable. It is better to refrain from coffee, especially for people with a weak heart.

2. Eat, avoiding fatty and spicy foods. The ideal solution is fresh fruits and vegetables, they not only start the intestines, which begins to actively remove the remnants of toxins, but also saturate the body with vitamins needed to restore the vitamin and mineral balance.

3. Take a warm shower or bath. Water should not be very hot, so as not to increase blood pressure. Water procedures cleanse the skin well, removing unpleasant body odor.

4. Walk in the fresh air and breathing exercises. Ventilation stimulates the lungs. It is advisable to walk in a park or forest, periodically taking a deep breath in and out.

5. Change of clothes. The fabric instantly absorbs the smell of beer and sweat toxins, so fresh underwear, pants, shirt, sweater (jacket) will not be superfluous. Outerwear is less sensitive.

Odor elimination

This group of methods does not solve the problem, but only fights its consequences when the smell of beer or fumes needs to be removed quickly. Disadvantage: folk and pharmacy remedies act for a short time – up to 20 minutes, after which they are taken again.

Methods for dealing with odor and fumes after beer
Folk remedies interrupt the smell for a maximum of 20 minutes

1. Disinfection of the oral cavity. I recommend using it in combination with other methods. Add 1-2 drops of table vinegar to the juice from half a lemon, mix. Rinse your mouth with the mixture without swallowing.

2. Brushing your teeth and chewing gum. The simplest remedy. Fruit pastes and chewing gum without a strong odor help best of all.

3. Roasted sunflower seeds. For a short time they bring down the fume from beer, they need to be clicked constantly.

4. Seasonings. Due to the specific bitter taste and copious salivation, chewing parsley, bay leaf, dill, nutmeg or coffee beans is an unpleasant procedure, but relatively effective.

5. Special preparations. For example, “Anti-policeman” or “Stop smell”, which are sold in a pharmacy. They are made on the basis of eucalyptus, mint, parsley or artificial substitutes. With a weak fume, these products do a good job, they are ineffective against a strong smell.

How to get rid of fumes at home: remedies to remove odor

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