“The weather is changing, so the head will crack!” – a statement familiar to many, if not from personal experience, then from the conversations of parents. In the spring, the weather is especially unstable, so now more than ever it is important to figure out how to help yourself with weather dependence.
There is no “gold standard” in mainstream medicine for the treatment of this condition. Physiotherapy, rest, in pain – drugs that relieve symptoms associated with meteosensitivity. It remains only to wait for the weather changes to pass and the atmospheric front will allow you to feel good again.
But why do we generally react to weather changes with headaches, weakness, pressure drops? And can this be avoided?
How our well-being depends on the weather
When the weather changes:
- Atmospheric pressure changes, that is, the air begins to press on us with less or more force.
- Our blood pressure, accordingly, must “adjust” to these new conditions.
- To do this, the vessels must either narrow slightly or expand – then the pressure inside will correspond to external requirements, and all organs and tissues will continue to be effectively supplied with blood.
With meteorological dependence, the body fails at the second stage. The pressure outside has already changed, but not yet inside. As a result, various unpleasant symptoms may appear, the most obvious and common of which is headache. With certain weather changes, the brain receives insufficient oxygen, and the head signals this with pain. Blood pressure rises, and the head at the same time does not stop reminding of itself.
What to do with headaches due to weather sensitivity
When the head has already begun to hurt, there is nothing new to advise: rest, silence, painkillers and drugs that regulate pressure, if they are prescribed by your doctor.
Is it possible to teach the body to adapt – so that it adapts to weather changes without “special effects”? This is a very real task – provided that a person does not have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Step 1.Posture normalization
Due to curvature in the spine, and in particular, with violations in the neck, the outflow of blood from the head worsens. Therefore, when the pressure changes, the body cannot quickly regulate the blood supply in all “compartments”, for example, to ensure a rapid outflow of blood from the head.
By keeping the neck in the correct position, you help the body respond most quickly to changing external conditions and adapt to them.
Step 2.Relaxing gymnastics affecting the thoracic region
It relaxes habitual tensions in this area. With the help of exercises, we normalize posture: they indirectly affect the health of the neck. And we also provide the space necessary for the proper functioning of the heart.
We have quite a bit of space inside us (even if it seems that this is not the case): all organs are located very close to each other. And if, due to the same stoop, the volume of the chest is reduced, this reduces the quality of the heart’s nutrition. And the heart is, as we know, the main regulator of blood flow through the body.
Step 3.Relaxation of the diaphragms – in particular in the abdominal and pelvic regions
These areas are subject to emotional stress and sometimes do not relax even in a dream. Normally, when the diaphragms are relaxed, they move up and down on exhalation and inhalation, respectively – and thus work as pumps, drawing blood from the legs to the heart.
If they are frozen in tension, they cease to perform this function. The flow of blood becomes difficult, congestion forms. This means that the body’s ability to adapt to changes in atmospheric pressure is reduced.
Gymnastics to relax and adapt
As you have noticed, all three methods described above to overcome weather dependence are associated with relaxation: the neck, chest, and diaphragms. That is, in fact, we need to relax all the usual muscle tension.
Relaxing the tense areas of the body, we “liberate” the vessels in the tissues, restore their elasticity. And it speeds up the response of the vascular system to adverse weather conditions.
In order for “correctly” relaxed muscles and high-quality posture to become habitual for our body, we need to regularly perform relaxing practices. It’s not that hard.
For example, Qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang – relaxation exercises that work through all segments of the spine – you need to do just 15 minutes a day to help the body adapt to weather changes. You daily teach the body a new quality of relaxation, tone up the vascular system. So the body learns to quickly and easily respond to any weather (and not only) conditions and successfully adapt to changes.